Chapter Four - Simon

Hopefully, murder and mutilation will take my mind off her for a while. Maybe I'll get a blow to the head and knock every thought of her from my memory. This next mission can't come soon enough.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I storm out into the rain heading towards my room, the rain absolutely soaking me as I march angrily. God help some poor fucker that crosses my path tonight, maybe that cunt Collins will unsuspectingly fall into my path. Punching that fucker in the nose should lift my spirits. It has to be at least five o'clock and it's almost pitch black. I stalk through the grounds undetected reaching my room and almost ripping the door of the hinges as I storm inside slamming it shut and locking it behind me.

I rip my balaclava off throwing it across the room. It hits the wall and slides down before settling on the floor. I strip my hoodie off along with all my other clothes and storm towards the shower. My cock is so painfully hard as I step into the hot steam. I slam my hands on the tiles, dropping my head down and letting the water run over me. I throw my head back letting the stream of hot water run down my face. Black paint runs down my neck and chest and I see it drip down my body. My cock twitches, reminding me of its presence as if I could forget. As if I didn't want to sink myself deep inside Samantha and have her scream my name as she came all over my cock. I take my stiff cock in my hand as I remember her soft moans she made as I claimed her lips. The way her body fit perfectly against me, the way her hands ran softly across the nape of my neck. I have no fucking idea how I pulled myself away from her. I can smell her sweet shampoo and still taste her on my tongue, my cock jerks in my hand as I stroke my cock harder and faster. She's made for me, she will be mine. I jerk my cock harder and harder at the vision of her wrapped around my body as I fuck her, as she comes undone beneath me, as she begs me to claim her over and over...

Stepping out of the shower I hear my phone vibrating in the pocket of my trousers that I angrily threw in a heap in the corner. I lean down checking the notification.

Price: The boys and I are heading to the welcome dinner.

Ghost: Have fun

Price: You need to live a little. Join us for dinner mate you can sulk tomorrow

Ghost: I'm not sulking

Price: Sure mate.

Ghost: Save me a seat

I could really do with staying in and staying the fuck away from Samantha for her own good but a sick part of me needs to see her. I know she'll be hurt I just walked away, she'll probably ignore me, I know I was a dick. I take out a black hoodie and black trousers from the wardrobe and chuck them on. Moving to the bathroom I lazily smudge black paint across my eyes before pulling down one of my many balaclavas over my face. 

Deep breath, mask on.

Lacing up a pair of black combat boots I hear laughing from across the barracks. The sound fills my veins, every other thought in my head disappears. I open the door, pocketing my cigarettes and phone before shutting the door behind me. Turning towards the source of the noise I see Samantha standing in the doorway of the girls dorm. She waves at the girls inside as Lucy introduces them all to her. Lucy motions for them to hurry up and ushers them all out of the door. As if sensing danger Sam slowly turns towards me, the smile dropping from her face as she sees me looming in the shadows. The girls head towards the chow hall and call for Sam who had frozen in fear - or maybe anger. She takes a few quick steps to catch up with them and the group walk toward the hall.

I take a deep breath and pull out a cigarette. I roll my mask up under my nose and take a drag. I need this. Slowly walking towards the hall I finish my cigarette flicking the butt onto the wet ground below me.

I reach the door and push it open. Everyone turns to me, the fun sucked right out of the room as I, the Grim Reaper enter the room. No one's eyes linger too long and quietly everyone turns getting back to their own conversations.

Walking towards the table to the right of the door way, the guys call out to me.

"Ah here he is, your darkness," Köing leers and bends stupidly into a curtsey, the others chuckle as Price reaches out shaking my hand. In front of him is a plate piled high with sausages, mashed potato and baked beans. My stomach growls. I haven't eaten today because I've been too preoccupied.

"Shut up fuck face" I notion to the plate in front of Köing, "You leave some for the rest of us you greedy prick?" I turn towards the buffet station and see that luckily there is enough left over for me to grab a plate. I walk towards the buffet and see that Sam and the girls are in front of me in the line. Sam stands towards the back so invested in their conversation she doesn't realise I'm right behind her. Without thinking she takes two trays off the line, passing one to the person behind her, me, on autopilot. My hand reaches out and I take the tray, my fingers lightly stroking hers. I feel that same spark again, every time I touch her it's like my heart takes an extra beat. Her eyes snap to mine and her smile drops.

"Oh, sorry," she mutters quickly drawing back her hand from my touch. She turns back towards Lucy and the other girls quickly engaging with their conversation in a cute attempt to ignore me. They move through the line and take a seat together at the back of the hall. When I get back to the table I shove myself in between Köing and Price not because I fancy the conversation but because it offers me direct viewing of Sam as she sits and laughs. The way her eyes crease as she laughs or the way she bites the inside of her cheek as she listens - it's addictive. 

"So Your Darkness, where did you sulk off to today?" Price ribs me as he takes a sip of his drink.

"I'm not fucking sulking" I growl back as I carefully roll my mask under my nose. 

"Well, what is it then? We missed you at this afternoon's meeting, you know the important one about the mission in less than a weeks time?" Price glares at the side of my head as I refuse to look up.

"Well," I retort sarcastically, "I was going through the files for the recruits that came in today to size up who is most suitable to join us".

Colins pipes up directly across from me but not daring to make eye contact, "Ah yeah so that's why you ran out of the nurses barracks this afternoon right?" This smug Australian twat. I kick him under the table and he hunches over in pain.

"Actually cunt, I had to get their medical records and have Sam set them up with a pre-mission med check. Alright? Anyone else wanna question me today or can I just fucking eat in peace?" I take another mouthful as Sam laughs in unison with the other girls. I look up in their direction as they all clutch their sides, tears streaming as they laugh together. I knew the girls would like her. Not only is Sam the most beautiful person I've ever spoken to, those girls are some of the best soldiers I've ever worked with. Strong, smart and fucking loyal. Fuck, they stand up to me easily without trembling. They could give some of these new guys a lesson in how to grow a pair.

I look to Sam as she slowly stops laughing, wiping tears from her cheeks with the back of her sleeve and her eyes fall to mine. Without thinking I wink at her and she immediately looks down. I watch as her cheeks flush pink and she struggles to join the conversation again, she's flustered.

I finish my meal quickly entertaining the guys small talk for as long as I can before I stand and excuse myself. As I take my empty plate in to the kitchen, I see Sam stand and head towards the door, waving goodbye to her new friends. She opens the door, shivering against the cold night air and I waste no time slipping out through the back kitchen door, rounding the corner of the building and heading towards where Sam will be. I'm going to chase her down and apologise but fuck I can't touch her. If I touch her, I'll fuck her. 

I round the corner and come face to face with Sam who is standing angrily on the footpath, her arms crossed across her chest and her nose scrunched in annoyance. She's smart, she knew I'd follow her. 

"First you scare me so badly I almost fall and break an ankle, then you kiss me and walk out on me, now stalking me out of the chow hall? All on the same day. Shit Ghost you know how to make a girl feel special" Oh she's angry and I fucking love it. Sam almost spits the words at my feet as she stands shivering in the cold night. Her thin jumper hugs her curves and God damn those leggings cling to her long legs like a second skin, even in the dim light I can see the outline of her underwear through the material and I think I'm going to lose my mind. Her nose is bright red in the cold and her eyes water against the chill. I won't even try to hide my hard dick, hearing her call me Ghost as she looks at me with such venom has me rock hard and desperate to sink inside her, wrap my hands around her throat and fuck her till she screams my name.

I take a deep breath rolling my neck and take off my hoodie handing it to her with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, expecting an argument but she takes it and throws it over her head. It looks hilarious, it absolutely swamps her tiny frame. There's something so fucking primal about seeing a woman in your clothes. Knowing she'll smell like me, knowing she'll probably wear that to bed tonight. I move to lean against the wall, shoulder to shoulder with her. I pull my cigarettes from my pocket, opening it and offering one to her. Sam takes the cigarette between her slender fingers holding out her other palm for a lighter. I place the lighter in her hand and roll my mask up placing a cigarette between my own lips before lighting it and taking a drag.

Sam takes a drag of the cigarette and I can't help but watch her as the smoke plumes from her nose as she exhales. She closes her eyes taking a deep breath like she's considering whether she should punch me in the face or walk away. I wouldn't blame her if she did both. Either way my dick can't get any harder. 

"I logged into the system, saw who has been assigned to your next mission and sent them out time slots to come for a pre-mission med check tomorrow by the way. First soldier is coming in at nice am but I should be done just after midday. It's a small troop this time huh?"

"Yeah, just a quick in and out, we don't need many this time" I take a drag blowing smoke out into the icy night sky. "Thanks for that, do you need me there to help you?"

"Ha!" She laughs taking another drag of her cigarette, "Wanna play nurse do you? No, Simon I should be fine not all the soldiers on this base are as terrifying as you," She almost whispers.

I flick my cigarette into the ground and turn to Sam taking hers and flicking it into a puddle nearby. I cage her against the wall my chest just breaths from hers.

Slowly I lean down to whisper in her ear, "Are you scared of me Sam?" I pull away from her ear, my hand cupping her chin and rubbing the pad of my thumb over her bottom lip.

Sam looks up at me, her eyes harden and she curls a lip into a smirk.

"Not even close Ghost, you're just like every other arse hole on this planet. You approached me, you cornered me, you played with me and then you just stormed off. All in one day may I add. So no, I wouldn't say I'm scared of you," She speaks so calmly but I can see by the tear that threatens to spill over the lids of her beautiful eyes, she's so angry.

"You're allowed to be angry at me Sam, I'm a dick. I didn't walk away to be a jerk, I walked away because I knew I couldn't control myself. I haven't known you more than a day but you've managed to capture my attention in a way that no one ever has and that scares me Sam. I will hurt your feelings, I will break your heart, you will hate me. You will be scared of me." I run my thumb across her bottom lip, desperate to kiss her again but willing myself not to.

"I'm a big girl Ghost," she whispers as her hands move up to lay flat against my chest.


I run my hands down my face, rolling my mask back down and tucking it into the neck of my hoodie.

"Sam, this is dangerous. Go to your room and get some rest," I sigh, moving away from her and walk off into the darkness.