Chapter Five - Samantha

Shutting the door behind me I head to my bedroom. I need sleep. Today has been exhausting. Ghost has been exhausting. I strip down into an oversized t-shirt and just my underwear but I bring Simon's hoodie into bed with me. I fall into bed but my core is aching with need as I hold the material in my hands, I smell like him now. Simons touch, his stare, the smell of his aftershave when it mixes with cigarette, it's all swirling in my mind as I lay back desperate to feel his hands and lips all over my body. My breathing hitches as I run my hand down my body, my skin feels so sensitive. My fingers run across my nipples and I sharply inhale as the pleasure ripples down to my core. I squeeze one breast imagining it was Simon's as my other hand lowers towards my underwear. I run a finger down the lace of my panties feeling the wetness that has pooled against the fabric. I circle my clit letting out a breathy moan as the friction of the wet lace and my fingers build a orgasm closer and closer. My core tightens as I dip my fingers underneath the lace and I feel just how wet I am. Thoughts of Simon's lips on mine, of our bodies colliding flash across my eyes as my fingers rub my clit. I rub faster and faster the orgasm building and building until I finally find release, my legs shaking and back arching. I roll onto my stomach with my face in a pillow and scream.

I must have fallen asleep like that because when I wake to the sound of my alarm clock my panties are still to the side and my t-shirt is bunched up above my breasts. I look at the clock and its five am. Plenty of time to shower, get ready, eat and get myself ready before the first soldier comes in for their med check.

I stand stretching my back and head towards the bathroom. Turning on the shower I barely add any cold water - I need the heat to scorch my skin and wash away the thoughts of Simon. I get myself ready and head to the chow hall in search of some breakfast.

The rain has eased and the base seems eerily quiet this morning. I step out of my office door and lock it behind me. Looking at the clock it's six am so I've got time to grab something to eat and grab a few more supplies before the soldiers file in for their assessments.

I enter the chow hall and its completely empty other than the lone cafeteria lady standing at the kitchen bench. She smiles sweetly, her wrinkles creasing as she waves me over.

"Hi Love, what's your name? I didn't catch it last night?" She takes a plate from underneath the warmer, "What would you like? Bit of everything?" she asks loading my plate with some toast.

"Hi, Im Sam, the new nurse, it's nice to meet you. What's your name?"

She smiles but ignores my question, "Beans? Sausage? Do you like tomato?" She asks.

"Oh yes, thanks I'll take it all, I'm starving" I politely reply.

"They are all out in the gymnasium, Ghost has a fairly strict training schedule for the team. They should be here soon, they'll be starving too. I'd eat and get out of here before they arrive they're like animals!" She laughs as I take my tray.

"Thanks" I call over my shoulder as I turn to take a seat at the table. I eat quickly before getting ready to start my day. As I make my way to the exit and head through the double doors I hear Simons voice echoing across the field in the middle of the buildings. I see the soldiers running through the middle of muddy field towards me as Simon jogs closely behind them calling for them to pick up their pace. His voice carries so loud and rumbles through my chest as I stand stuck in place watching. His all black compression shirt shows off every rippling muscle as he runs and my mouth opens in lustful awe. The troops push past me and through the doors of the chow hall. The kitchen lady was right - they are like a pack of animals.

The doors swing closed behind me as Simon makes his way over coming to a stop right in front of me.

His breath seems so steady for having run all that way. He has barely broken a sweat as I look him up and down. I can't help but lick my lips as he shoves a hand into his pocket pulling his trousers taut against his crotch. I dart my eyes to his as he raises a brow looking at me with a devilish intent.

"Morning Sam, How'd you sleep?" He asks taking a step closer pushing me subtly up against the wall behind us.

"Well, thank you Simon. My bed was so comfy," I reply quietly unable to pull myself away from his gaze.

"Thought I'd run these guys over the other side of the base for training this morning, give you a little peace and quiet." He takes another small step closer his arms raising to lock me in place against the wall. My mouth opens as I take a deep breath, craving more from him, his lips, his touch, anything.

"Thank you," I manage to stutter.

"I have you first on the list for the med checks this morning, so once you've finished up here, come right over," I whisper to him as he closes in on me.

"I don't need a check Sam," He says lowering his voice as he whispers into my ear, "I am already cleared for active duty".

"What do you mean? That's not the protocol?" I ask turning my head slightly silently begging him to kiss my bare skin of my neck.

"Its protocol not to kiss the base nurse but I don't like following the rules Sam. Tick whatever boxes you need to and send my report to Price. He won't question it" He growls against my neck. The material of his balaclava hovering over my neck, the smell of him washing over me. I need to walk away and quickly.

"Fine," I roll my eyes, ducking under his arm and walking over to the infirmary without a second glance.

"Sam," He calls out after me but I don't turn. I quicken my pace rounding the corner and making my way into my office.

Soldier after soldier pour into my office for their med clearance checks. Köing, the Austrian giant on base I'd seen loitering around the chow hall, is actually hilarious. I still don't quite understand his mask, I feel like the hanging fabric would just get in the way but he said its to hide his beauty from everyone because he, and I quote 'is so beautiful the world would cease to exist as we know it'. He told me all the base secrets and I was surprised at the amount he takes the piss out of Simon.

"You know," he says, "I've seen him watching you, you'd be best to ignore him, he'll consume you and spit you back out broken".

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that Köing, there's no interest there, I don't think I'm his type" I reply handing him the paperwork to take with him.

A loud knocking at the door disrupts Köing from what he was about to say, "Come in" I shout to the door.

The door opens with force as a handsome sandy haired soldier walks in confidently. I look to Köing who rolls his eyes before standing and taking his leave.

"Köing, see you at training soon yeah? Can't wait to hit the ring and show you a little one two" The Australian accent oozes from the man as he pretends to spar on the spot walking straight in to the room. He seems cocky - I know his type. 

Köing grunts walking to the door without any acknowledgement of the soldier. "Thank's Sam," he calls over his shoulder as he shuts the door behind him. The mysterious soldier turns to me and winks. God I hope this is quick, I can feel the arrogance pouring off him and someone needs to tell him to cool it on the aftershave. It's absolutely pungent. 

"Miserable fucking bastard," he says extending his hand to me as he closes the distance across the room, "Collins, Matthew Collins, here for my check with the beautiful base nurse, you're Sam right?" He asks.

"Hi," I reply shaking his hand politely but feeling immediately alarmed as Collin's hand takes mine a bit too firm and holds it a bit too long. Maybe I'm overthinking things.

I manage to pull my hand from his grasp and motion for him to take a seat on the gurney behind me. Collins brushes past me making his way to the bench before hoping up onto it with ease.

"So, this shouldn't take long," I say turning to grab a pair of rubber gloves and my stethoscope from the bed beside us. I turn back around and notice Collins cheesy grin before anything else. 

"What are you doing?" My eyes widen as Collins sits, his shirt discarded on the floor beside him.

"You don't need to strip down for this, I just need to take your blood pressure and ask you some questions, it's not that...invasive," I say as I can't help but look at him. His sandy blonde hair sits in a neat crew cut and his face is freshly shaven. He doesn't strike me as a soldier, there isn't a single scar traced across his skin, no wounds or old battle markings. His hands look soft as he tries to subtly flex his muscles and tense his abs. Don't get me wrong, he's handsome, really handsome, his soft blue eyes and tanned complexion gives him an almost statuesque appearance - but he's not a typical soldier. He should be on an Australian beach surfing and drinking beers, not here. I take a look at his file on my clipboard. He's been part of this troop for eight years but there isn't a single injury listed, well not one that's more than some superficial scratches and a stitch or two.

"So, how did such a gorgeous nurse end up in this shit hole? Did you piss someone off? Or not give a good enough blow job?" He laughs.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" I reply angrily.

"Oh come on, you're here in the middle of fucking nowhere, the only nurse on this base and you're telling me this isn't a punishment? Look," he says, spreading his legs and moving closer to the edge of the bench taking his crotch in his hands, "if you need help practicing, all you had to do was ask," he laughs throwing his head back.

I almost vomit, the fucking audacity of this prick.

"Get out," I yell. I lean down and reach for his shirt but Collins dismounts the bed too quickly. Standing over me his boot rests on my fingers as they reach for the shirt. I look up to him and a disgusting grin spreads across his face.

"You look good down there Samantha, sure you don't want to suck my cock?" He grins at me and winks down to me.

I take a breath, as calm a breath as I can muster, before taking my right hand into a fist and forcing it up into this crotch. He yelps in pain as my fist gets a clean shot but as I do he presses his foot down on my fingers. I yelp in pain as my fingers crunch under the concrete floor and his muddy boots. 

He pins my fingers down with his boot snarling down at me like a rabid wolf with their prey. He reaches down taking my pony tail in his hand wrapping it around his fist. Yanking me up to my feet his pushes me against the gurney and takes a step behind me. His other hand pushes my back down forcing my face to hit the cold metal of the bed base. His hand tightens around my hair and anger and pain lodge in my throat. I try to take a shaky breath thinking of any way I can force him away from me. In the front pocket of my trousers is a pen, if I get the opportunity I could lodge it in his neck, or his eye, anywhere that would give me enough time to get to the door.

"Let me go," I spit.

Collin's grip tightens and I feel him move closer behind me kicking my legs out wider. I take a deep breath prepared for whats about to happen when a knock at the door distracts him for long enough that I yank my hair from his hand and take a step away from him around the metal bed frame.

"Come in!!" I scream at the door so praying it isn't locked.

Collins yanks my head back to face him glaring at me with such hatred before his face slips effortlessly back into a greasy smile as Lucy walks in through the door. He shoves me forward and I quickly move my injured hand behind my back and smile to her.

"Hi Luce, everything ok?" I ask trying to remain calm. 

"Yeah just wondering where this arse hole had snuck off to," she says pointing to Collins who slides his shirt back over his head.

"I was just on my way out actually, just had my med check done by Sam here, she's very thorough, aren't you?" He says turning to me and pinning me with a wicked grin.

"Yep," is all I can choke out as tears threaten to spill over my lashes.

Lucy looks me over and gives me a concerned look as a lone tear spills down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away with my right hand and shoot her back a look that hopefully conveys 'get him out of here'.

"Alrighty Collins, Ghost is in the ring warming up and I think you should run along and take your beating," She shoots Collins a glance as he walks confidently through the office and out the front door. 

Without turning to me he speaks over his shoulder, "I will see you later Sam," and with that Lucy closes the door on him. She locks it and pulls the blind closed.

Running to me she hugs me tightly without saying a word. I feel my body sag against her as the weight of what just happened sinks in. She holds me in front of her surveying me for injuries.

"What the fuck happened Sam?" She asks softly brushing a tear away and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"It's ok, nothing happened," I choke out.

"That wasn't fucking nothing Sam,"

"It's ok, I'm ok," I whisper.

"If it's nothing, then show me your hand right now," Lucy holds out her hand softly.

I pull my arm from behind my back and place my hand in hers. She sighs sadly as she looks at my bloodied split knuckles. She runs her fingertips over them softly as I work to curl them and extend them checking that there isn't a fracture.

"He's a dead man," Lucy says as she pulls me in for another hug. Stroking my hair once more she takes me by my shoulders, "Stay here, lock the door behind me and I'll be right back ok?" She turns walking for the door and motioning for me to follow her.

She opens the door and steps out shooting me a sympathetic glance before turning and sprinting towards the gymnasium. I shut the door and lock it before slumping down against it onto the floor. Hot tears stream down my cheeks as my lungs release a cry. My throat constricts as I sob against the cold concrete floor.