Chapter Eight - Simon

"Out of trouble?" She smirks at me shifting nervously on her feet. 

"Yes Sam, trouble" I say shifting myself on my chair underneath my desk to hide my growing erection. My dick strains painfully against the zipper of my trousers - an uncomfortable reminder of how desperate I am to claim her. 

"Have you got a pen and paper Simon?" Sam purrs pulling me from my daydream. Pulling me from thoughts of bending her over this desk, of pinning her down and taking a fistful of her hair in my fist. I'd pull her wet panties to the side and fuck her hard against my desk not giving a fuck who heard her scream my name as she came crashing down around me. I'd fuck her again and again till she begs me to stop, that she can't take anymore. I'd fuck her and let her know that there won't ever be anyone else that touches her. She's mine. 

"Si?" Sam says again raising a brow at me. 

"Sorry, yes, here" I say sliding her a notebook and pen across the desk, "take a seat, please," I notion to the chair on the other side of my desk. Hopefully the heavy wooden table will keep the beast in me restrained. My mask feels tight. 

"What do you need me to do?" She says taking the end of the pen and biting it between her perfect white teeth - what a loaded question. She leans forward over the desk and I know exactly what she's doing. There's absolutely no doubt that there's a spark between us. I know she wanted me to kiss her yesterday, I know she wanted me to lay beside her and I know she wants me to fuck her. 

"All these med kits need to be restocked, I don't know what state any of them are in so it might be easier to empty them and start again. We just need the usual mission gear. I've asked a few of the guys to come and help move them across to your office but the meeting must be running late." I say leaning my elbows on the table and rubbing a hand across my masked jaw. 

"When are you leaving?" Sam asks quietly looking up at me with her soft eyes. 

"Soon baby," Fuck. 

Sam takes a breath quickly covering her mouth with her hands and I lean back in my chair rubbing my hands down my face, what a Freudian slip. When I sit back up Sam is holding back a laugh and a smile is crawling across her lips. She bites her bottom lip but she can't hold in her laugh any longer. 

"Baby?" she giggles and it's the most angelic sound I've ever heard. It's soft, it's feminine and its intoxicating. The way her nose crinkles as she giggles, the glint in her eye as she smiles so hard little tears well in the corner of her eyes. The way her breasts heave under her shirt with each breath as she laughs and laughs at me. 

"I'm sorry Sam, that was stupid of me," I say standing and moving to sit on the edge of the desk in front of her. That was stupid, I'm too close. From our height difference, I stand tall above her, my arms crossed across my chest, her eyes raking over my body as she bites her lip hard. From this angle I can picture her taking my hard cock from my trousers and sucking me inbetween her perfect pink plump lips. Her moaning around me as I take a fistful of her hair forcing her to take all of me. Sam shifts on her seat moving closer to the edge of the chair and her lips part. 

"Ghost," she moans looking up at me with doe eyes, "call me baby again, please" and every single thread of self control I have snaps. Grabbing her by the arms I pull her to stand in between my thighs wrapping a hand around the back of her neck. Sam is so fragile, so tiny in my hands. I could break her. She gasps as she places her hands on my thighs to keep herself steady, my cock twitching angrily and I know she can feel it. Our chests are pressed together and her perfume penetrates my senses, I need her. Sam's breathing slows as she looks up at me and her fingers dig into my thighs. A low growl rumbles from me and Sam's eyes flutter shut. 

A loud knock on the door startles us both and I carefully sit Sam back down in the chair behind us. Sam takes a deep breath and straightens brushing down her t-shirt, her hard nipples so obvious through the flimsy cotton of her short. My cock strains against my trousers, I can't answer the door like this. Moving back behind my desk I take a seat opposite Sam, her cheeks flushed bright red and her breathing still unsteady as she tries to calm herself. I grin under my mask shooting her a quick wink "Come in" I shout towards the door. 

The door opens and two of the younger soldiers move through the door, saluting me as they enter. 

"Ghost, we are here to collect some packages for you," Samuels says lending a polite nod to Sam who sits blushing and trying to avoid eye contact. 

"In the corner lads, can you take them all over to the infirmary for Nurse Samantha and unpack them where ever she wants them. She'll need you to collect them and bring them back over here once she's done ok?" I spread my thighs wider under the desk, pushing my dick down away from the zipper of my trousers. I'm going to need a cold shower before I can continue with my day. 

 "Sure thing Boss" the boys say in unison as they begin taking the boxes and stacking them on a trolley in the hallway. 

Sam looks at me her breathing somewhat returned to normal and I can sense her mind working overtime. Her lips curl into a smile as the boys take the last of the boxes and leave quietly - they probably know they just stumbled into something, they can sense the tension I'm sure. 

"Well, thank you Ghost," she purrs, "I'll get all of this sorted for you as soon as I can although there's something personal and quite pressing I need to tend to first otherwise I just don't think I'll be able to concentrate on my job," she winks taking a stand from the chair. 

God damn. 

"Have a good day Ghost," she says reaching out a hand to shake. A smirk crosses her lips, my girl thinks she's so clever. Taking her hand gently I quickly yank her closer across the desk catching her off guard and she gasps. Her palms smack down onto the desk as she lays splayed out on my desk her ass now sticking out towards the open door of my office. She turns her face as best she can looking up at me with a devilish grin. I run a hand down her spine slowly feeling her melt under my touch, before smacking her ass cheek, hard. She yelps.

I take her hands from my desk and help her stand walking her gently towards my office door. 

"I'll come find you" I say tapping her on the ass as she exits my office. Shutting the door behind her I ball my fists and rest my head on the door. What the fuck is happening. Fuck a cold shower I can't wait, I lock my office door.