What a long day.
"Thanks guys, can you take them back to the main building and Price wants them just stacked in Meeting Room 3 if thats ok? I can help too if you want?" I say through a yawn, passing Samuels one of the last boxes from the pile.
"Oh no Samantha, that's fine we got it from here," he says with a smile taking the last box and handing it to the other young soldier who hasn't said a word this whole time.
"Ok, well thanks so much guys" I call after them as they haul the trolley away from my office.
Shutting the door and locking it I walk over to my desk and take a seat in my chair. Pulling my phone from the charger I take a look at the time, eight pm. Restocking and organizing those medical kits took far longer than I thought and I open up my messages with Ghost.
My message sits unread. My fingers tap the back of the phone as I contemplate if I should text him again. He said he'd come find me later today but it's so late and he still hasn't come over. I don't want to be that nagging annoying girl pining over him but I'm still so flustered from earlier in his office. I'm so desperate for him, every thought today has been plagued with him, every time I take a seat his hand print on my ass cheek stings and I want more. We were so close, I want to know what he wanted to do with me. The room starts to shake rattling me from my thoughts as a helicopter flies in low above me. It sounds like it just landed on the field in front of the infirmary.
Walking to the door I swing it open and am met with a chaotic scene. Four helicopters have landed on the field, their propellers slowing as soldiers run to and from filling them with supplies. Rain begins to drizzle down and a chill runs through my bones. I stand in the doorway, frozen in more ways that one, as soldiers load themselves into the choppers, as the ground team gets ready to signal them for take off. Its chaos.
"SAM!" I hear my name shouted across from one of the choppers. Walking through the darkness I see him and a cold shiver runs down my spine. Simon looks, Ghost looks, terrifying, absolutely frightening as he jogs over to me. He has full tactical gear on and it's all black from his helmet to his boots. His entire body is covered, his masked fingers ball into a fist as he makes his way closer.
Ghost wears his full tactical vest and belt with a gun strapped across his chest. His hips sway with the added weight as he makes his way through the rain to me. He never once falters, never once blinks or looks away and my stomach tightens. I hear the crackle of static from his communications system as he nears. Pushing the microphone from his helmet up, Simon pushes the ear muffs off his ears and rolls his neck, I see the tension radiating off him.
Getting to the front step of the infirmary his eyes are dark, darker than I've ever seen them - he's ready for battle. The paint around his eyes is so dark I wouldn't be surprised if he's used vantablack paint. I haven't seen him in this mask before, the black balaclava has a hard skull sewn across the entire face. I have seen so many bones in my career that I can say for absolute certain that it's absolutely real human bone. I shiver.
"What's happening? I didn't think you were leaving this soon?" I stumble over my words as Simon gets to me, guiding me back into my room and shutting the door behind him. His masked fingers wrap tightly around my upper arm as he holds me steady in front of him.
"Sam, we have to leave now, I didn't have time to come to you," Simons dark eyes narrow focusing on me as I look up at him my lip trembling with emotion. The black paint around his eyes has sucked the colour from his irises. He looks like a predator, a shark, completely devoid of any humanity, ready to kill. My hands reach up sliding my hands under his vest and I feel his heart beating rapidly. Simon glances to the watch on his wrist and looks back to me, cupping my face and tilting my chin up towards him. His gloved thumb runs over my bottom lip and my eyes flutter shut.
"It's going to be ok, I won't be long ok?" He speaks softly moving closer to me.
I look into his eyes, pleading with him to stay here with me a moment longer. Simon leans down and through his mask he places a kiss on my lips. A small kiss, a soft kiss, a kiss interfered with by his mask but I don't care. It's validation that he feels the same way. Pulling away Simon strokes my cheek and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. Dropping my hands from his warm chest Simon takes a step back towards the door, opening it swiftly he takes a step outside.
"I'll be back soon ok, baby," Simon says taking one last look at me before pulling the door closed.