3 Months Later...
Waking up this morning something feels different. Maybe I've finally gone crazy with the lack of human interaction or the ache that sits in my stomach every day as I worry about the team.
I lay in bed staring at the ceiling for an hour before willing myself into the shower. There's absolutely no point getting out of bed in a hurry, there's no one around, there's no work to be done, it's almost maddening. I've scrubbed every inch of my office, I've organised and reorganised my supplies, I've organised every single cupboard and storage locker in the main building. I've grown accustomed to the silence around the base. The bare skeleton staff and few soldiers all keep their distance. The weather has perked up which is a bit nicer - I just wish the girls were back so we could enjoy it together. I wish Simon was here with me too. I'm starting to forget what his touch feels like. The welt on my ass cheek faded too quickly, I wanted desperately to keep the painful reminder that he was real.
I must be driving Price crazy with my daily question in the chow hall over breakfast; when are they coming back? He always responds the same way, 'when I hear something, I'll let you know' which is usually then followed by a friendly pat on the shoulder. After breakfast most mornings I head to Simon's office. I like to curl up in his chair and read a book, I can smell his aftershave that lingers in the fabric of the chair or his jacket on the back of the door. I've banned myself from reading anything romance because it's torture. So I've been stuck reading historical non-fiction and medical encyclopedias. This mission has lasted longer than I think anyone anticipated so making sure I have all the skills and resources available to deal with any injuries that may come back seems wise. Although I really don't like thinking about that. Is no news good news?
Slinging my feet up onto Simon's desk I take a cigarette from the packet in his desk drawer, I light one and taking a long drag as I lean back in the chair. Thank god this base is old and there isn't a single fire alarm.
A loud frantic knock at Simon's office door startles me from my thoughts as the door comes crashing open.
"Sam!" Price shouts towards me the door crashing against the wall as it swings open.
"Fuck, what?" I shout back completely taken off guard as I stand flicking my cigarette through the open window.
"They are on their way back, now! We don't know how many casualties but it doesn't sound good. Go back to the infirmary, take as many supplies as you can carry I think you'll need them!" Price orders, holding the door open for me and ushering me out of the door.
"Shit, yeah ok" I panic, "I'll grab the trolley and head back over, what's the ETA?"
Price looks down to his watch, "About three hours give or take, they are coming in waves, emergencies first and then everyone else."
Price helps to pile boxes on the trolley from the supply closet in the hall but he stops suddenly to grab my hand forcing me to look at him, "Sam, it's not going to be easy but we believe in you ok? I can send Private Samuels over to help you, he's got basic field medic training."
I take a deep breath and nod. What are we going to witness tonight? Who is going to come back?
I head back towards the infirmary with a sense of dread building in my stomach but I need to remain calm - this is my job, these men and women need me to keep calm. I can't let emotion get in the way.