"Aaahhh... please no more..." A painful cry could be heard from a guy, whose face had been badly injured, while blood was coming out of it, his face was very difficult to recognize.

[ 'Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' looks towards the Scene with delight.]

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' is happy that Justice is served properly.]

[ 'Monarch Of Small Fries' is looking at his incarnation with a slight smile on his face.]


I looked at my hands which were covered with blood, my fists which I used to break their bones were red with the color of their dirty blood.

"Don't Ever cross my path again," I spoke with a Cold look on my face.

"Gurrr..Glaaaaa!!!" The guy tried to say something but due to the blood Choking his Throat, the words which were said to him were not clear.

I looked around and saw everyone was on the ground growling in pain. These Scums are the rotten Dirts of this Society, no one will remember them, Even if they Die here but I...I am different than them.

[You have met the conditions to clear the sub-scenario.]

[You have earned 300©.]

[The constellation 'Monarch of the Small Fries' is satisfied and has sponsored you 100©.]

"What a mess, have you created Yu Jung-Hyeok." Suddenly I heard a Calm voice as I looked towards the owner of the voice coming towards me.


"They were the ones, who tried to Cross my path..." I spoke with a cold look on my face as I saw the person coming from Dark to the light.

"I know...I know after all you are the brave Hero, we have.." The guy walked slowly towards me.

"I don't see that when you bring so many people to protect you from me...' CHEON INHO'.." I spoke as I looked towards the guy standing in front of me with a cold look, who had a small smile on his face.

"They are not here to protect me, Yu Jung-Hyeok, they are here because they want to.." He spoke with an evil smile on his face "..After all, it's not like, I can stop them..we live in a Democratic Country, Yu Jung-Hyeok, they have their Rights."

"If you think, you can get my food like this then you are greatly mistaken..." I spoke as I walked towards him and walked past him "... Don't put your noise in my matter...or I'll cut it down..."

I started to walk but then I heard his voice again.

" I'm not here for that Yu Jung-Hyeok...I just want to tell you that there are some new survivors here..." He spoke with a big smile on his face "..Try not to cause much trouble, will you.."

He spoke and I just walked away while ignoring him.

"Let's see, how much longer will you resist Yu Jung-Hyeok.." An evil smile came on his face as he looked towards Yu Jung-Hyeok, who walked away.


I came to the Subway and sat in a corner while eating some biscuits, I had in my pockets.

"Look, he has food..."

"Yes!! What should we do.."

"I don't know..."

I could see many people Staring at me with hungry eyes, but I didn't care about them as it was my food, I earned it while fighting those Damn things outside.

"Aaa...Sir can you give me Something to eat." Suddenly I heard a little girl's voice calling out to me.

As I looked up, I saw a girl, probably 8 years old standing in front of me, looking towards me with a cute expression.

I looked at the girl, who was looking at my biscuit packet with a hungry look, anyone could say that she hadn't had food for long as her body was very thin and a very tired look was on her face.

"Where is your Guardian girl?" I spoke in a Calm tone so, as to not scare her.

"My mother is there..." She pointed towards the Crowd, which was looking at us with a scared look.

There stood a lady in her Mid-thirties looking at us with a nervous look.

'Using your child to get food...' I looked towards the crowd with a Cold look, after they heard what, I had done with their group, no one was brave enough to confront me head-on.

[ Many Constellation wants to know your course of Action.]

"Here..." I gave a small packet of biscuits to the girl.

"Wait.." She tried to go back but I stopped her as she looked towards me with a nervous look.

"Eat it here, don't take it back..." I spoke while I looked towards the hungry Gaze of the Crowd looking at the girl as if they wanted to devour her.

"But..I want to share it with my mother..." She spoke with a Sad look on her face.

"No, then you can't take it with you..." I spoke, her mother was no different than the others as she had the same look on her face just like the rest of them.

'I remember that look...' That was the same look, I saw in my past life on the train, when everyone was influenced by Choi Han-Gyu.

After seeing his Character information, Yu Jung-Hyeok knows that he can come back to life, after his death as a pro gamer, he knows what this power Regression means.

"Then, I don't need this..." She spoke as she gave back the packet to me and walked away with a Sad look.

'That's for the best..' I thought to myself as I looked towards the girl walking away with a Calm look.

"Yu Jung-Hyeok are you going to be so heartless, that you even reject, a small girl's cry for help..." I heard Cheon's Voice as he walked towards me with a Sad look.

"Why don't you want to share, your food with others, why is it that you still resist..." He spoke while taking Everyone's attention towards him.

" Are these poor Souls doesn't have the right to live, are these people so low in your eyes that you can't even share your meals with them.." He spoke while making the crowd motivated against me.

[The Incarnation 'Cheon Inho' has activated the 'Incite Lv. 2' skill.]

"Why Yu Jung-Hyeok, why do you do this, why can't you be the Hero, you are and Save us all, Save us and be the Hero that Gods have Chosen you to be..." He spoke and hearing Everyone Started to Surround me with Eyes filled with Hungry.

"Say that you will be that Hero, Say that you will Save us Yu Jung-Hyeok!!!.."

I looked towards the Crowd walking towards me like a hoard of Zombies, trying to eat my Brain, his words were Somehow able to Influence others as if they had some kind of power hidden behind them.

"See Everyone wants you Yu Jung-Hyeok, Everyone nee..."

"FUCK OFF!!!" But suddenly a loud Voice took Everyone's attention towards him.

" Kim Namwoon, I think we shouldn't get into this matter.." Suddenly I heard a Deep tone, which somehow sounded very Soft to me.

"Hey! Why are you so scared, Shouldn't you be a Military Man, Fucker...Why Build, So much Muscle, when you can't even use it..."

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' Says Did You All Miss Me.]

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' Doesn't like this Situation.]

