
"Kim Namwoon, you shouldn't say those w-Words..."

"What? Now you going to teach me, what should I say and what I shouldn't..."

The Guy with white hair and a School uniform Spoke to the other guy, who had a bulky Bulid.

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' looks at his Incarnation with a big smile.]

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' Doesn't like 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' incarnation.]

"Yeah, do whatever, HEY YOU!!"

The guy named Kim Namwoon screamed while looking towards Yu Jung-Hyeok.

"WANT TO JOIN US!!!" He screamed back at him, while Yu Jung-Hyeok just narrowed his eyes. While The other guy just looked at the Scene with a nervous look.

[Two Characters, Who are going to Influence Yu Jung-Hyeok's life Greatly Finally Appear in the Story. ]

"Hey get the hell out of here.." The guy named Kim Namwoon walked towards me with a Calm look.

"Aa.. New Survivors please try to understand, we must."

"Bla..Bla..bla..bla..Fuck off, Clown, I don't like Political people like you, who know only one thing and that is lies..." He spoke while Showing his middle finger to Cheon.

"Before, I kick your Ass, get the hell out of here freak..." He spoke and then turned around towards Yu Jung-Hyeok.

"He's with me, so no one will fuck here..." The guy Spoke as he grabbed his Shoulder.

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' NODDED his head.]

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' Doesn't like the smug look on 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon'.]

" I never said, I'm joining you," Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke while looking at his eyes with a cold look.

"Yeah, I don't care, my Constellations is nagging on my ears to just work with you, so I'm going to make you Join my party that's all, you don't get to choose..." He spoke while Ignoreing his words.

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' looks towards 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon'.]

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' says he doesn't know anything.]

"Aaa Kim Namwoon, you shouldn't force someone..."

"Ohh fucking Shut-up dude, Are you a small girl or something..." He looks towards the other guy and said "..How the fuck did you even survive that shit... really, What the hell is wrong with your luck..."

" Guys, I think we should talk, while..." Cheon tried to intervene after seeing that he was losing control of the situation but...

" Didn't, I said Fuck off to you. Shu..shu...I don't want to see your crappy face..." Kim Namwoon spoke while gesturing for him to go away like he was Shuing a Dog.

And seeing that Cheon's mouth Started to twitch in anger but he tried to control himself and Smiled again.

"Very well...then I should leave, If you would change your mind Yu Jung-Hyeok then please visit us again..." He spoke and walked away with an unreadable expression on his face.

Yu Jung-Hyeok narrowly watched Cheon's back as he left their small group alone.


"Aaa..Yu Jung-Hyeok..." As Yu Jung-Hyeok was thinking about something, He heard a familiar voice coming from my side.

"Aa.. hello, My name is Lee Hyunsung.." The guy named Lee Hyunsung approaches his hand to Yu Jung-Hyeok for a handshake but Yu Jung-Hyeok doesn't look towards him as if he doesn't exist for him.

"App....." Seeing that Yu Jung-Hyeok doesn't intend to shake hands with him, Lee Hyunsung backs off his hand with an embarrassed look.

"Yu Jung-Hyeok, I don't know about you much but I know that you're a good person.." Suddenly Lee Hyunsung said while looking towards Yu Jung-Hyeok.

Yu Jung-Hyeok didn't understand why this guy was getting so close to him out of nowhere and just looked away not wanting to talk.

"You tried to give that girl food...I know you didn't let her take it to them because it could have caused problems for her.." He spoke again with a slight smile, while Yu Jung-Hyeok just sat there without looking at him.

"I know you're listening to me and I know that you care about just try to be more open to others..." Lee Hyunsung spoke and then Sat there Silently while watching others.

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' has tears coming out of her eyes after seeing this new Development in this Story. ]

'Just open to others...' Yu Jung-Hyeok could be seen thinking about something very Deeply.

"Hey!! Give us something to Eat..." Suddenly Yu Jung-Hyeok's thoughts were Disrupted by a Commotion.

"Yes, you can't have everything with you...You must bring us Food..."

"Yes!! Our Kids are hungry, give us something to Eat..."

Suddenly a hoard of People started to Surround us with eyes filled with greed.

[ 'Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' watches the turn of events with an interested look.]

Seeing the Crowd closing in, Lee Hyunsung had a nervous look on his face.

"GET BACK, FUCKERS!!!!" Suddenly a loud noise came out from a particular Direction.

"Uuuwwwhhh!!!" Someone Screamed in pain and Suddenly people started to fall to the ground.


"Kim Namwoon!!!" Suddenly Kim Namwoon Jumped out of the Crowd with a knife in his hand.

"This Supply is ours, so no one will come near it..." He spoke as a Deadly Dark Purple aura started to come out of him.

[ The Incarnation 'Kim Namwoon' has activated the 'BLACKENING Lv. 2' skill.]

[ Due To The Affect Of 'Blackening Lv. 2', Everyone will start to Fear Incarnation 'Kim Namwoon']

"Please try to understand, By using Force you won't be able to control anyone here Kim Namwoon." Cheon walked out of the crowd with a serious look on his face.

"You Came Back, Politician..." He spoke as he looked towards Cheon.

" Please Don't force me to use Force on you all..." He spoke with a slight smile on his face.

[The Incarnation 'Cheon Inho' has activated the 'Incite Lv. 2' skill.]

"Yes!! If it's needed, we will resist!!!"

"Yeah, we will resist against your bad deeds..."

"You can't force us to not ask for what we deserve..."

And as if they had been Mind-controlled, The whole Crowd started to March towards us as if they were going to war with us.

"Then it seems, I have to kill you all..." Kim Namwoon spoke as he licked his blade "...Hey Military man...we are going in a war.."

"Huh!!" Lee Hyunsung didn't know, how he got into this situation.

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is excited and is Roaring to March for victory.]

"You don't give me any choice, I see.." Cheon spoke as everyone started to Surround us.

Yu Jung-Hyeok knew he couldn't get out of this fight, so he took out his Knife and got ready.

[Well..Well, Something interesting is going on here, I see..]

But suddenly a very familiar voice came out of nowhere as hearing it everyone looked at the air, where a white ball-type creature was floating with golden light shining on his back.

[ Well, I would have liked to see, your battle here but you see, right now we have many important things to Discuss...]

It spoke as it looked down at us with an Evil Smile on its face.

[ You Earthlings think that you're so great and intelligent but see, you're fighting over something so trivial as this...Oh yeah!!!!... I forget that your creatures are so weak that you can't even survive without them for a Month.]

[ Well Don't worry, as your lovely Host of this Channel, I wouldn't like to see you all dying like this so..]


He snapped and all the Food items, Even water started to fly in the air and vanished.

[ Let's destroy the main Cause of this Fight..]

It spoke with an Evil Smile on its face.

[ Everyone let's have some fun, shall we..]

Then suddenly a mechanical message sound was heard and a System interface opened in front of us.

[scenario penalty has been added.]

[The 'survival cost' clause has been added.]

[From now on, 300© will be deducted every night for the 'survival cost'. If you can't pay the 'survival cost', you will die.]

[The 'survival cost' penalty will be maintained until the second main scenario is cleared.]

[ Enjoy, My Dear Earth trashes....Hahaha!!!]

After Saying that Bihyung disappeared.

An unsettling Silence fell over the station as Everyone had Different Emotions coming out of them after seeing the System message in front of them.
