[Enjoy, My Dear Earth trashes....Hahaha!!!]


"...." An unsettling Silence has taken over the whole Station as no one said anything.


"Well...It seems we don't have to fight anymore..." Suddenly the silence was broken by Kim Namwoon, who looked very Relaxed as if, he didn't care about, what just happened.

'Huh!! That Damn flying ball took Everything..' I thought to myself as I looked at my surroundings, nothing was left to eat or even Drink in the place.

'But now, I don't have to Deal with their nagging anymore...' I looked towards the Crowd, who were still in Shock, by whatever was happening right now.

"Uwuuhhhh!! Nooooo.."

"Give back or food!!!..."

The desperate Cry Started to take over the place as reality hit Everone very hard, Desperate looks could be seen on their faces, some were broken, some were crying and Some had lost their will to Live.

"Everyone!! We have to stay strong in this Situation, crying won't help us at all...We have to gain more supplies..." Cheon started to Explain them but it's not very easy to explain to someone, who had lost the last hope of their life.

"How will we live now without food.."

"Yes you promised us, you will help us..."

"You're a liar..."

"Please Everyone try to understand our situation.." Cheon Desperately trying his best to control the crowd, turned around and our eyes met for a second and I could see the hatred filling his eyes.

"Everyone Gather together, we are going to hold an emergency meeting, to deal with this problem..." Cheon spoke trying his best to control everyone.

"Soo..What should we do.." I heard Lee Hyunsung's worried tone as he looked toward us.

"Well...I'm no brain guy, so it's on you to think.." he spoke as he turned around me and gave a thumbs up.

'And when did I join their team..' I thought to myself as I looked towards both of them with a weird look.

" Everyone Gather here, I have an important Announcement for you all.."

We heard Cheon's Voice which was calling everyone about some news.

"As you all know, we are currently facing a very dangerous situation, we are short on supplies and we can't Survive for long like this, so I have decided something, I know it may sound very harsh to you all but it is the only way we have.." He spoke with a serious look on his face, he turned around and looked towards everyone and while doing so his eyes met our group but he hurriedly turned his eyes away to others.

"From now on Everyone has to work as a Scout and have to go out to find Supplies for the group and from now on, We won't supply food to those, who won't participate as 'Scouts' ".


"So what have you thought..." Kim Namwoon asked while looking at me.

"We can't stay here..." I spoke as I looked at the Chaotic Scene in front of me.

"So... Should we also participate as Scouts.." Lee Hyunsung asked with a low tone.

"Heck, No..I'm not going out to that place again, the place is filled with monsters and Don't Even forget about the mist, it burns our skin..." Kim Namwoon said while playing with his Dagger.

Hearing him, I recalled my time in the outer area as I touched my neck, which still had Some burn marks left on it.

"We won't go out.." I said as both of them looked at me while narrowing their eyes.

"Staying out will make us good baits and those Gas masks don't do anything..." I spoke while pointing out the gas Masks that were distributed to the people by Cheon's gang members.

"And how do you know that..." Kim Namwoon asked with a curious look.

" Because I was out there hunting those Damn monsters in that mist..." I said and stood up while both of them had a surprised look on their faces.

"You were there out alone in that Damn place filled with monsters and that Poisonous gas.." Kim Namwoon spoke with a little surprised tone.

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' Say yes he was and he even killed them.]

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' said it was very cool seeing him fight.]

I ignored those messages and walked towards the Railway lines.

The tunnel was very Dark as not much light was out there.

"Get whatever you have to take..." I spoke as I turned around towards them "..we are leaving this place.."

[ 'Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' is impressed by your Decision.]

[ 'Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' has Sponsored you 300©.]


" Ahh taking the rail road, I see.." Cheon Inho spoke as he looked at our group, who just rejected their offer of being Scouts.

"Hey!! Bastard get the fuck away..Shu..Shu.." Kim Namwoon still being a Jerk, showed his middle finger to the guy and because of that, his face twitched in anger.

"Well you should stay safe out there, after all, we will need more people to complete the upcoming Scenarios..." He spoke while his face was twitching in anger as anyone could tell that he didn't want Kim Namwoon to stay alive.

"I think, you got some confusion..." I Said while I looked at him "..we are not coming back and joining your group from now on your and ours path is different..."

I spoke as I didn't want to see his face or I might lose control and plunge this Dagger inside his mouth.

And hearing me his face had a Dark expression on it as he looked towards us with an unreadable expression.

"Ohh...it seems you broke his Little heart.. dude.." Kim Namwoon spoke from my side and I ignored his words.

"So you're not going to come back..." He spoke, while he was thinking about something.

"...Very well, you can leave..." After a little while, he spoke, and heard him Both me and Kim Namwoon had a surprised look on our faces but I hid them and Calmly started to walk away.

[ 'Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' is Disappointed on Incarnation ' Cheon Inho'.]

[ 'Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' was expecting a battle between both groups.]

'I can't say, I'm not surprised as I also thought something would happen...' I thought as I lost grip on my Dagger, which was hidden in my pocket.

"Sir Cheon are you letting them go.." Suddenly one of the members of the Cheon group came forward and asked.

"..They will come back to us...and when they do... We'll make them our.." He spoke with an unreadable expression on his face.

'..I will be waiting for you...'THE HERO OF THIS WORLD'....'
