"So, what now we have to hunt monsters to survive here." Kim Namwoon Spoke While playing with his Dagger.

" I don't know, I have never hunted a Monster." Lee Hyunsung Spoke While walking in the back.

" We have to do everything, we can to Survive, Even if we have to hunt Monsters, to survive." Yu Jung-Hyeok Spoke, While walking in front of the group leading them through the tunnel.

[ A new sub-scenario has arrived!]


[Sub Scenario – Food Acquisition]

Category: Sub

Difficulty: E

Clear Conditions: Directly hunt the monsters that can be used as food and cook them.

Time Limit: None

Compensation: 500©

Failure: ???


As soon as Yu Jung-Hyeok's group Stepped into the tunnel, this Sub Scenario out of nowhere appeared in front of them.

[ 'Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' is excited for a hunt.]

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' wants to Eat meat.]

[ A few Constellations are expecting an Excellent performance from you.]

" Why do they keep nagging in my ears, it's irritating." Kim Namwoon spoke while looking at the blue interface appearing in front of him.

[ Some Constellations are Saying, you're the one, who keeps nagging us.]

"Huh, What the fuck, you want a fight with me." Kim Namwoon spoke while Showing his middle finger toward the Ceiling.

[ Some Constellations are not happy with behavior.]

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' says, he is irritating sometimes.]

" Hey, now you're also taking their Sides, that not fair."

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' doesn't take anyone's Side.]

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' says everyone takes his side.]

" Fu..." Kim Namwoon tried to curse his Sponsor but Suddenly a distant noise took his Attention.


A Roar took Everyone's attention towards it as Everyone looked towards the Darker area of the tunnel.

[You have entered a dangerous area.]

" Get ready Something is approaching us." Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke while he took the Dagger in his Right hand and The Iron rod in his left.

" Well, it's going to be fun!!" Kim Namwoon spoke while grabbing his Dagger in his hand.

" I don't know about that..." Lee Hyunsung grabbed a Big Rock in his hand.

" Grab it.." Yu Jung-Hyeok Spoke as he threw his Iron Rod toward Lee Hyunsung, who grabbed it with his Right hand.

" Get Ready!!" He spoke with a Serious look on his face.

[The sub scenario – Food Acquisition has begun!]


[ 'Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' is excited.]


Suddenly a whole group of Ground Rats attacked the group, while the group held an Attacking position.

" Is it late, to say that I don't like rats?" Lee Hyunsung Spoke with a worried look.


Kim Namwoon was the first to Run towards the Rat group as he swung his blade towards them.

" Hahahaha!!! It's so much fun..." Kim Namwoon had a very excited expression on his face, while he cut the Rats with his blade.

But it seems that It's not necessary to always win a battle while being the first one to attack.

" Damnit, there are so many..." Kim Namwoon was surrounded by these Rats, who were attacking him from every direction.

"What should we do, Yu Jung-Hyeok." Lee Hyunsung asked in a nervous tone as he looked towards the swamp of Rats attacking Kim Namwoon.

"We kill them." Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke and then rushed toward the Swamp with his Dagger.


In one smooth motion of his blade, Yu Jung-Hyeok cuts three Rats without any problem.


Lee Hyunsung with his monstrous strength used his Iron Rod to crush, these Rats' Skulls.

" Damnit these Duty Rats.." Kim Namwoon Screamed as a Dark Purple Aura started to come out of his body.

[ The Incarnation 'Kim Namwoon' has activated the 'BLACKENING Lv. 2' skill.]

[ Due To The Affect Of 'Blackening Lv. 2', Everyone will start to Fear Incarnation 'Kim Namwoon']

" Fuck you Damn Rats.." He screamed and started to use his Dagger while Cutting them off.

Yu Jung-Hyeok didn't have much experience using a Dagger, whatever he had learned was due to his experience while using it on those Coyotes.

While fighting with those monsters, Yu Jung-Hyeok turned around and Saw Kim Namwoon using his Dagger Skills, which were much better than him.


The group fought well against these Rats they were able to Kill them off in Just 5 minutes.

[ Congratulations, you have Defeated A Swamp of Grade 9 'Underground Rat'.]

[ 'Many Constellations are Thrilled by your way of handling the situation.]

[ You have been Sponsored 500©.]

" So what now, do we eat them...Hey Military man, how many did you kill." Kim Namwoon spoke while looking towards Lee Hyunsung.

"Aaa..I didn't kill much, Just three.." He spoke white a small nervous Smile.

" Well that's a Shame, I killed Five. Hahahahaha!!" He spoke while laughing like a Maniac " And what about you black Coat.."


Yu Jung-Hyeok was Silently looking at Kim Namwoon with a strange look and seeing that Kim Namwoon narrowed his eyes.

" What..why are looking at me like that.." He spoke in an annoyed tone.

"Your Dagger Skills...can you teach me them..." He spoke and hearing him, both of them had a surprised look on their faces.

" You want to learn, my skill 'Knife Fighting'..." Kim Namwoon asked with a little surprised look.

"Yes..." Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke with a Calm look, right now in this world, he has to become stronger to survive only relying on his Strength won't help him for much longer, he has to gain Skills.

"Heck No, why would I teach, my skills to you and besides, I don't want to be your babysitter..." Kim Namwoon rejected Yu Jung-Hyeok's offer but Yu Jung-Hyeok still had a Calm look as he had knew that this would happen.

"Then you don't have to teach me...just let me observe you while fighting..." He spoke with a Calm look on his face.

" And what will I get by this..you don't expect to learn my skills for free do you.." He spoke with a Smug smile on his face.

" If you teach me, then I'll give you Coins.." Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke and hearing him a big smile grew on his face.

"Very well, then give me 1000 Coins and I'll let you Observe me..." Kim Namwoon spoke and Yu Jung-Hyeok just looked at him with a weird look.

" What, you didn't expect me to teach you the Skill on 100 or 300 coins, Even Constellations Sponsor more Coins than that." He spoke and hearing him Yu Jung-Hyeok's mouth twitched a little bit but still, he accepted his offer.

" Good then transfer your Coins, to me now..." He spoke while Showing his Index finger to him.

"Kim Namwoon Don't you think it's too much.." Lee Hyunsung Spoke with a worried look as Everyone knows, how Important these Coins are, and at this time when they have to give 300 Coins for Survival cost asking for 1000 Coins is too much.

" What, he wants to learn my Skill, so he has to give me a proper payment for that, after all, nothing is free in this world."

"Very well take it..." Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke right now, he had enough coins to Survive in this place but without having a proper fighting Skill, he wouldn't be able to survive for much longer.

[Coins transferred 1000© successfully.]

" Well let's go, we have more hunting to do, Hahahahaha!!!" Kim Namwoon spoke with a bright face as he walked forward with a torch in his hand.

" Is it ok, Yu Jung-Hyeok.." Lee Hyunsung asked with a worried look on his face as he looked towards Yu Jung-Hyeok.

" Let's move.." Yu Jung-Hyeok Spoke While following Kim Namwoon from behind.

" What is going to happen, I don't know anything..." Lee Hyunsung said with a tired look on his face.
