[The Survival Settlement will begin Soon.]

[Prepare the survival fee.]

"Coin, coins please!"

"I don't have enough coins! Please, a few coins…"

[The Whole Gumho Station was in Chaos, Everyone was running, begging to save them.]

"Please, Give me COINS, Save my Daughter, I beg you all..."

[ Desperate Cries of Help were echoing inside the Station.]

"Please, you said you would give me Coins to save us."

Everyone flocked towards the gang with the highest number of Coins.

"Hmm, is that so? I don't remember."


"Think about it, you won't Survive Even after, I gave you the coins, what about the next fee?.."

"It's better to just Die, right now..."

The group with the most Coins were Cheon Inho and Cheolsoo gang.

"Please don't do that, I'm begging you.."

Cries of people took over the whole Station.

[There are 10 minutes left until the paid settlement.]

"Noooo... Please Don't do that, I beg you all..."

"Please help us..."

"My Daughterrrrr...."


[After a while, the survival settlement will begin.]

"Save meeee!!!!"


[The First Survival Settlement has been Deposited.]

[You have Successfully Deposited the Survival Settlement.]

[Coins: 5700©]

"Well, that's Done..." Kim Namwoon spoke while Stretching his Arms and legs.

"So we can leave now??" Lee Hyunsung Spoke While turning around towards Yu Jung-Hyeok, who was lost in thought.

"Yes, let's move.." He Spoke as he stood up and walked towards the closed area.

[The constellation Prisoner of the Golden Headband is watching your choice.]

[The constellation Demon-like Judge of Fire is watching your choice.]

[The second main scenario is enabled.]

[Main Scenario #2 – Meeting]

Category: Main

Difficulty: E

Clear Conditions: Cross the tunnel and meet the survivors in the first main base.

Time Limit: None

Compensation: 500©

Failure: ???

The moment Yu Jung-Hyeok's group stepped forward, a message appeared in front of them.

"So this is the Second Scenario, well, it looks much easier, don't you think..." Kim Namwoon glanced at the blue interface in front of him.

"There is no time limit, so does that mean we can stay here if we won't.." Lee Hyunsung pondered aloud.

"And what will you do staying here? This place is just a wasteland. There is nothing other than some Rats Crawling here and there." Kim Namwoon remarked as he examined the message.

[The Underground Rats are seeing you with Hostility.]

[The Underground Rats have declared Incarnation 'Kim Namwoon' as their Sworn Enemy.]

"No matter where I go, these damn rats just follow me everywhere to kill me. It's very irritating.." Kim Namwoon grumbled.

"Let's move, we can talk later.." Yu Jung-Hyeok suggested as he moved ahead of the group.

"And when did you become the leader..hey Stop!!!" Kim Namwoon and Lee Hyunsung trailed after him.


"More Rats incoming!!!" Lee Hyunsung's voice pierced the air, and everyone assumed their positions.

"Damnit, Why won't they leave us alone..." Kim Namwoon cursed as he cut through two rats simultaneously.

"It seems they are getting attracted towards us.." Lee Hyunsung observed as he crushed a rat's skull with his iron rod.

"Why are they Following us??" Kim Namwoon Screamed in frustration and hearing him both Lee Hyunsung and Yu Jung-Hyeok looked towards him with an annoyed look.

"What??" He yelled back at them, brandishing his dagger.

[The Incarnation 'Kim Namwoon' has activated the 'BLACKENING Lv. 2' skill.]

[The Hatred of the target towards you is very high. 'Blackening' has been Cancelled.]

"Damnit these fucking Rats, Why won't they leave us Alone!!!"


[You have Entered Yaksu Station.]

"Hey, look, there are people in here.." Lee Hyunsung pointed out.

"So what should we do? Besides, there are more corpses than the living..." Kim Namwoon observed.

Yu Jung-Hyeok Silently watched Everyone, who was looking at them with a weird look.

"I don't feel good here.." Lee Hyunsung voiced his discomfort.

['Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' doesn't like the atmosphere of this place.]

'Those marks...' Yu Jung-Hyeok's gaze fell upon the dead bodies. 'They are not killed by any monsters or due to scenarios... They are killed by humans...'

"You all... Stay away!!" A voice suddenly rang out from behind as they turned to see people brandishing sticks, rocks, and whatever they could find, pointing them at their group.

"Give us your coins..." One of them demanded, pointing a stick towards Yu Jung-Hyeok's group.

"Hahaha!!! These bastards think they can intimidate us with their toys..." Kim Namwoon laughed.

"We will kill you, give us your coins..."

"Yes, give us your coins..."

"Well, it seems these bastards have a death wish.." Kim Namwoon licked his dagger.

"I think we should leave this place..." Lee Hyunsung suggested.

"Everyone, back off, there is nothing you will gain by doing this..." Yu Jung-Hyeok warned, pointing his dagger at the group.

"Give us your coins..."

"Yes, give us!!!"

"They are like zombies!!!" Lee Hyunsung exclaimed.

"Yu Jung-Hyeok!!!" Another voice interrupted.

"And what the hell is he doing here!!!" Kim Namwoon exclaimed, noticing Cheon Inho, who was there with 20 people.

"Yu Jung-Hyeok, we followed you here!!" Cheon announced, and now Yu Jung-Hyeok's group was surrounded on both sides.

"What should we do now??" Lee Hyunsung asked nervously.

"We'll kill them!!" Kim Namwoon declared, attempting to run towards them but getting stopped by Yu Jung-Hyeok.

"We don't. There are too many. Fighting them right now would be problematic.." Yu Jung-Hyeok reasoned, gripping Kim Namwoon's shoulder.

"Get off!!!" Kim Namwoon pushed Yu Jung-Hyeok's hand away from his shoulder.

"What do you take me for? You're not the leader here, remember, it's me! I'm the leader, so just shut your mouth and get back to work.." Kim Namwoon yelled at Yu Jung-Hyeok.

"Don't move, Kim Namwoon.." Yu Jung-Hyeok's voice was heavy with authority.


Kim Namwoon took a step back, intimidated, but then stopped himself and looked at Yu Jung-Hyeok with pure hatred.

"You can't control me, bastard.." He spat out with venom.

"Guys, I don't think it's a good idea to fight among us; we are surrounded by people..." Lee Hyunsung spoke as his voice had some concern about the situation as they were currently surrounded by 35 people.

"I don't care, first I deal with this bastard, and then, I cut every one of them," declared Kim Namwoon, his voice dripping with determination.

"You're making a very big mistake here, Kim Namwoon," warned Yu Jung-Hyeok, his tone laced with authority.

"Hahahaha!! You're fighting amongst yourselves, that's interesting. Hey, you over there..." Cheon's saintly expression from Gumho Station had twisted into an evil smile.

[The Incarnation 'Cheon Inho' has activated the 'Incite Lv. 2' skill.]

"Join us, and we can take as many coins as we want from them," he proposed, and as his words sank in, everyone began contemplating his offer.

"What if you betrayed us..." The guy wielding a sharp stick, resembling a spear, voiced his concern.

['Incite Lv.02' is activated. Everyone will believe whatever Incarnation 'Cheon Inho' speaks.]

[The skill won't work on those who know about Cheon Inho or are suspicious of him.]

"I would never betray any one of you, after all... I'm the most trusted person in this whole place," Cheon assured them, and his words seemed to cast a spell, winning everyone's agreement.

"So let's work together and punish these sinners.." Cheon Inho proposed.


"Yeah, Kill them!!"

"So what now, huh!!" Kim Namwoon challenged.

"We'll fight them and try to escape, but if it comes to that... then kill them..." Yu Jung-Hyeok's words cut through the tension, delivered with a chilling resolve.

[ He gave them many Chances, But now it was time for him to Show, whose the real Main Character of this Story.]
