"Yu Jung-Hyeok, child, it's bad to fight like that."

"But mother, it was them. They disrespected my sister. I lost my control in anger...so..."

"I know. Even then it's not a good thing to fight. It's okay to be angry, but don't use force until it's necessary. And in your situation, you could have taken any other option and it would have been fine."

Little Yu Jung-Hyeok, hearing his mother scolding him, just bowed his head down and listened to everything silently.

"I'm sorry, mother..." He spoke in a low tone, while his eyes were on the ground.

"Don't be. I know what you did was for your little sister. But you should know that actions carry consequences, so you must always be ready for all good and bad consequences your actions will create." A woman in her mid-thirties, with her face half-visible just like a distant memory, spoke to Yu Jung-Hyeok with a small smile.

"Now go and say sorry to them," she spoke in a very soft tone, "and make them your friends so that you won't have to fight them again."

"But mother..." Yu Jung-Hyeok tried to intervene but was stopped by his mother's voice.

"Remember Yu Jung, if you're strong and you face your enemy head-on, then you might win a war. But if you #*:!#?!";!#!!";#;;##;"

"Ok ;#;:";#!!*;" The words started to break apart as the memory started to fade away just like a mist.

"I believe in you, my boy..." Her last words were very hazy to understand for Yu Jung-Hyeok, but still he could feel the emotion behind them.


[ In The Present.]


Metal clashing could be heard everywhere.

"Hahahaha!! It's so much fun!!!" Kim Namwoon.

"I don't like this..." Lee Hyunsung.

[Some constellations are having fun after seeing the chaos.]

['Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' excitedly pulls his hair.]

[You have been sponsored 1000©]


Yu Jung-Hyeok, who was still holding back, was trying his best to not kill anyone as he easily broke their hands and legs, making them unable to fight.

[ Well, that's equal to Death in this world.]

"Haaa!!!" A spear came flying towards him, but he easily dodged it and grabbed the flying spear.

"We will kill you all..." Many people were jumping on him from all sides as he knocked them out using his fists and kicks.

"Yu Jung-Hyeok, remember me, you motherfucker!!!" Suddenly a very familiar and an annoying voice came towards Yu Jung-Hyeok as Cheolsoo jumped towards him.

"Uwuuhhhh!!!" But easily got knocked out by a flying kick to his face.

['Monarch Of Small Fries' looks at his incarnation with a satisfied smile.]

['Monarch Of Small Fries' has sponsored you 100©.]

"Yu Jung-Hyeok, my hero!!!" Suddenly one more annoyed voice turned Yu Jung-Hyeok's attention towards him.

Cheon Inho looked at Yu Jung-Hyeok with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Yu Jung-Hyeok, become the hero the world wants you to be. My hero, you have to be it, you have to be a hero!!!" He started to scream like he was possessed by some kind of demon.

"I refuse..." Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke coldly as he kicked a person in the stomach.

"Refuse? How interesting. I never thought about that." Cheon spoke with an evil smile on his face.

[The constellation 'Lies Are Good' is watching his incarnation 'Cheon Inho'.]

[The character 'Cheon Inho' has activated the 'Incite Lv. 2' skill.]

"Everyone, Yu Jung-Hyeok has lots of coins! How much? You are probably the richest one among us, right?" Cheon Inho smiled as he looked at Yu Jung-Hyeok.



Everyone looked towards him with faces filled with desire as if Yu Jung-Hyeok was the most delicious dish in this world and they wanted to devour this dish for themselves.

"Give us coins!!!" People started to run towards him with a crazy expression.

"Hahaha!! Yu Jung-Hyeok, save them, give your coins, and help them to survive, be the hero you are, hahaha!!!"

[The constellations of the Absolute Good system have defined Cheon Inho as 'wicked'.]


A cracking sound could be heard as the stick Yu Jung-Hyeok was holding broke in his hand and fell to the ground.

'I had enough of putting up with him.' Yu Jung-Hyeok thought to himself as he punched a guy so hard that he was sent flying into the wall.


He started to walk towards Cheon with a cold expression to end this wicked person, who was even declared evil by the constellations of Absolute Good.

'It's necessary to use force here.' Yu Jung-Hyeok walked towards him with his dagger in his hand.

"You can't go!!!" But got stopped by his men, who were standing there with many different weapons, protecting Cheon Inho.

"Get....out....of....my...way..." Yu Jung-Hyeok slowly but coldly spoke to them as a dangerous aura started to take over him.

[Your understanding of the skill 'BLACKENING' has increased.]

[Skill 'Blackening' is evolving into skill 'Fear Control Lv.02'.]

A black aura started to spread over everyone as Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at them with a murderous gaze.

Everyone started to step back as a dangerous aura started to make them suffocate.

[The character 'Cheon Inho' has activated the 'Incite Lv. 2' skill.]

"Everyone, you don't have to fear him. He is alone and we are many," Cheon spoke with a serious look.

"Yes, you're right, we don't have to fear him."

"Yes, let's beat him..."

[Your targets are resisting 'Fear Control'.]

"Yeah, kill him!!!" Everyone attacked Yu Jung-Hyeok at once.

He took his stance and ran towards them. He kicked one person in the guts and punched another in the face.

"Uwuuhhhh" But suddenly someone hit him on the head from behind.

"Bastard, you're going to pay for what you did in Gumho Station," Cheolsoo screamed while holding an iron rod in his right hand.

Yu Jung-Hyeok held his head, which was stained with blood.

['Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' is worried about your mental condition.]

[A large number of constellations are watching this dispute with an interested look.]

"Kill that bastard!!!"


Yu Jung-Hyeok fell to his knees as the throbbing pain on the back of his head made him unbalanced.


" You all did a great job, but it will be me who will erase this broken hero and give birth to a new hero," Cheon spoke as he walked closer to him with a spear in his hand.

"I will grant you salvation, my hero," he spoke as he picked up his spear and aimed at Yu Jung-Hyeok's head.

[Constellation 'Lies are Good' is watching the scene with a big smile on his face.]

['Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' watching the scene with a nervous look.]

['Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' wants to know, what will happen now.]

"Goodbye, my hero..." He spoke and then thrust his spear towards Yu Jung-Hyeok.


A pool of blood fell on the ground as everything turned silent.


[ Character Summary]

[Name: Yu Jung-Hyeok

AGE: 28



EXCLUSIVE SKILLS: Reasoning (LV: 01), Gamer Intuition (LV: 03), Knife Tranning (Lv:01), Fear Control ( Lv:02)

OVERALL STATS: Stamina (Lv: 15) (+) Strength (Lv: 15) (+) Agility (Lv: 15 ) (+) Magic Power (Lv: 06) (+)]
