[ Lee Hyunsung POV ]

" Hey, beat his ass properly!" I heard a loud noise coming from my side and saw Kim Namwoon cutting a man's hand off his shoulder.

"Kill... Kill... Kill..." Many people were jumping on me like they had lost all their reasoning, while I was trying my best not to injure them too much.

"Please stop it, it won't get you anywhere..." I spoke, pleading with them to stop this meaningless killing.


I grabbed one person from his face and threw him at the other two, knocking them down in the process.

"Hahahaha!! It's so much fun, give me more!!!" While Kim Namwoon was being Kim Namwoon, slashing everyone down like they were vegetables.


"With..." Suddenly, a strong blow hit me on my jaw, sending me flying back against the wall.

"You're strong..." I heard a very deep voice and saw a guy with a very big body and a big beard on his face. "But not strong enough to beat me..."

Tuff... Tuff...

He looked like a freaking mountain standing tall at an incredible height of 6 feet 8 inches.


"With..." He grabbed me by my neck and lifted me in the air with only one hand.

"You have a good face..." He spoke as he looked towards me. "Too bad, I'm going to make a mess out of it."

He said and threw me back against a big pillar, making my whole body feel like it was going to break.

"Kids like you will never understand how to be a man..." He spoke as he walked towards me.

"Soldier, are you tired?" Suddenly, a distant memory flashed through my mind.

"No, sir..." I stood in a big dirt field wearing big gear and lifting a very heavy bag.

"So why did you stop?" I heard an authoritative voice, which was our general's voice as he came there to check our progress.

"Sir, I stopped because one of my comrades had sustained injuries, I stopped to help him..." I spoke in a loud voice, and hearing me, he came near me and stood in front of me.

"What happened to him?" He spoke in a loud voice.

"He got a fractured bone near his knees, sir," I answered back in an equally loud tone, though I was very calm and not the least bit arrogant as we were taught to always be loud in the military and intimidate our enemies with our voice, though it's still very hard for me.

"And what did you do?" He asked with a calm voice.

"I carried him back to the camp on my shoulders..." I spoke again, this time my tone was a little low as I didn't know what he would say, I was a little scared.

"So you abandoned your mission to save your comrade?" He spoke in a slightly higher pitch.

"No, sir!" I spoke again, and this time, hearing me, he narrowed his eyes.

"Then what did you do?" He asked again, but this time there was hidden curiosity in his tone.

"I carried him on my shoulder and grabbed his bag and attached it to my chest while my bag was on my back and ran back to the camp," I spoke, hearing me, he had a dumbfounded face, but as a professional, he calmed himself down very quickly.

"Don't lie to me, soldier..." He spoke this time in an unsure tone.

"I'm not lying, General..." I spoke again with a determined face and hearing me, he just looked towards me for a bit and shook his head.

"Very well, as you have come late, you have to run 6 rounds of this ground, and it's my order!" He spoke in a loud voice, and I just nodded my head, as I knew if I tried to say something, he would only make my punishment harder.

"Yes, sir!" I started to run while the general just looked at my back with a different look.

"What happened, General? It's not like you to be so soft-hearted on someone. I recall in my training days if I had been late in a march, you would have sent me to run 20 to 30 rounds, but for him only 6..." Suddenly, one more person came beside the general and spoke with a small smile as if remembering some old, distant memory.

"Do you know how much these bags weigh?" He spoke with a calm look, and hearing him, the other guy just narrowed his eyes.

"They are training regiment bags, weighing nearly 50lbs or nearly 30 kg." The guy spoke with a calm tone.

"And what about the man he rescued?"

"Hmm... What do you mean, General?"

"Sergeant, I'm asking how much that man weighs." He spoke this time with a higher tone.

"The guy he saved was 89 kg, sir, but why are you asking me that..." The sergeant asked with a narrowed look.

"Nothing..." He said with an unreadable expression, and hearing him, the sergeant narrowed his eyes but didn't ask many questions.

'This guy was able to run 15km with an injured soldier and two 30 kg bags... That's 149 kg and with that heavy body of his...' The general just silently stared at Tired Lee Hyunsung, who was running 6 rounds of a 600-meter-long ground right after his training.

'This guy has an unthinkable potential... he just has to know how to awaken it, his durability is like an unbreakable shield...' The general looked at Lee Hyunsung with a calm look.


[Lee Hyunsung has activated his attribute 'Great Mountain Push'.]

[User strength will be double for one push.]

"Uhuh!" Lee Hyunsung opened his eyes and felt his hands getting stronger, he saw the guy, who was much bigger than him walking towards him.

Lee Hyunsung forced his body, and in one jump, he traveled towards the guy. Seeing his abnormal strength and durability, the guy was surprised for a second there.

"Uwuuhhhh!" With a strong roar, Lee Hyunsung punched the guy's face with all his strength, sending him flying to the end of the station.

The force was so strong that the guy destroyed many walls in the process and never got up again.

"That was great, Gorilla..." Lee Hyunsung heard Kim Namwoon complimenting him.

"Now get the hell out of my way; the others are mine..." Kim Namwoon jumped on the other guys, who got knocked out by Lee Hyunsung's force.

"You all did a great job, but it will be me who will erase this broken hero and give birth to a new hero," Cheon spoke as he walked closer to him with a spear in his hand.

Suddenly, Lee Hyunsung heard Cheon's voice and turned around towards his right and saw Yu Jung-Hyeok on his knees while Cheon Inho holding a sphere in his hand.

"Yu Jung-Hyeok!" Lee Hyunsung screamed and ran towards him to protect him.

"I will grant you salvation, my hero," Cheon spoke as he tried to plunge his spear through Yu Jung-Hyeok's head, but his spear was stopped by something hard.

"I won't let you do that," Lee Hyunsung spoke as the spear stuck in his stomach and a pool of blood started to come out from it.

"Lee Hyunsung..." Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke as he saw him standing in front of him.

He felt his hand get wet by some kind of liquid; he lifted his hand and widened his eyes after seeing it stained with a crimson red color.

"Lee Hyunsung!!!" Yu Jung-Hyeok screamed as Cheon took out his spear from his stomach.

[ Afterall Even the strongest shield made up of the most durable metal breaks when attacked in a weak spot.]

[ Cheon had used his coins to gain much strength to defeat his hero, and to save that hero, his companion sacrificed himself.]

"Lee Hyunsung, why did you do that?" Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke as he held Lee Hyunsung's face, which was losing its color.

"Yu... Jung... Hung..." Lee Hyunsung tried to say something, but Yu Jung-Hyeok stopped him.

"Don't say anything, Lee Hyunsung. Just hold your wound and let me do something," Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke in a panicked tone.

"Yu... Jung-Hyeok, I'm an... ex-military man... I know... that... I won't survive... The attack has... punched... my kidney..." Lee Hyunsung spoke with a pained expression; anyone could tell he was in a very bad state and wouldn't survive without medical treatment fast.

"Here... take it, Yu Jung-Hyeok!!" Lee Hyunsung spoke as he took out an empty bullet shell from his pocket and put it in Yu Jung-Hyeok's hand.

"It's... very... important to me..." he spoke with a small smile on his face and slowly closed his eyes.

"Lee Hyunsung, don't die on me... Lee Hyunsung!!!" Yu Jung-Hyeok screamed as he tried to wake him up.

But no matter what he did, Lee Hyunsung didn't wake up.

"Hahahaha!!! Yu Jung-Hyeok, why are you being so sad? After all, he was just a pawn, a foot soldier to be sacrificed..." Cheon spoke with a big smile. "But you're different, you're more than that. Don't you see? Your strength makes you truly special..."

Cheon screamed at Yu Jung-Hyeok, but Yu Jung-Hyeok didn't do anything and just sat there with a blank face.

"Hey, you bastard, fight me, you fucking bitch..." Kim Namwoon spoke as he ran towards Cheon.


"Hey, bastard, get out of my way..."

"You can't go there!!" But he was stopped by the same guy who got his ass kicked by Lee Hyunsung. The difference was that his head was bleeding, but somehow he was still standing.

"Yu Jung-Hyeok!!! Are you still going to sit there like that and do nothing!!!" Kim Namwoon screamed as he looked towards Yu Jung-Hyeok, who had an unreadable expression on his face.


"Yu Jung-Hyeok, it seems I gave much value to you more than you disturbed..."

['Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' is looking at the scene with teary eyes.]

['Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' is grabbing his weapon to destroy everything.]

['Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is roaring in anger.]


Yu Jung-Hyeok felt something crack inside his heart.


Author's Note: Guys, I know many would be angry as Lee Hyunsung was a very famous and favorite character of many, and I just literally killed him. Well, it was necessary to awaken Yu Jung-Hyeok's potential and make him the real Yu Jung-Hyeok. He was, and after all, he became like that after losing many loved ones.

So if you're thinking that this book has happy moments and a happy ending, then you're gravely mistaken. There are going to be many death scenes of many of your favorite characters. So be ready for that and stay tuned for the next chapter because shit is about to get real.
