[ There are 30 minutes before the third scenario is activated.]

"Give me a place to Stay!!"

"Get Out Of here!!"

Many Voices Could be heard Coming from everywhere, Everyone was doing their best to Secure a Zone for them to Stay Alive.

"What are you doing??" Suddenly Yu Jung-Hyeok heard a Familiar Voice and Opened his Eyes to see Yi Ji-Hye Standing in front of him looking at him with a curious look.

"Shouldn't you be in your Zone?" Yu Jung-Hyeok Asked with a narrowed look.

" Nobody touches my room. I will send everyone who touches it to hell. I'm stronger than most here after all.." She Spoke While flexing her Biceps.

" How can you Concentrate in between these Screams.." Yi Ji-Hye asked with Curiosity.

' She's Annoying!' Yu Jung-Hyeok thought to himself but apparently for no reason still Answered her question.

" I wasn't Concentrating, I was Sleeping..." He spoke with a Calm look and hearing him Yi Ji-Hye Dumbfoldedly looked at his face.

"Aren't you a Confident one, Even in this situation, You can Sleep So peacefully..." Yi Ji-Hye Spoke with a lame Expression.

"Do you think they dare to do anything to me?" Yu Jung-Hyeok pointed towards Some people, Who were inside their Zone and were looking at him like he was some kind of Monster.

"Even So, What if they had attacked you when you were Sleeping?? Humans are unpredictable creatures they can do anything to survive." Yi Ji-Hye asked with a Curious Tone.

"I would have killed them..." Yu Jung-Hyeok's answer was very Simple and straight.

'Is he Dumb...' Yi Ji-Hye thought to herself while looking at him with a Deadpan expression.

"Now go back to your Room!!" This time Yu Jung-Hyeok Spoke with an Authoritative tone and hearing him Yi Ji-Hye's body just shuddered without any reason.

' Even if he's Dumb... He's Very Strong...' Her thoughts were very Simple and because of that She wanted to follow this man, She wanted to see his Growth with her own eyes, She wanted to learn from this Man.

"Yes!!" Yi Ji-Hye nodded her head with a Calm look and walked back to her Zone.

[ There are 20 minutes before the third scenario is activated.]

Yu Jung-Hyeok Calmly looked towards his Screen and then Stood up and walked out of the Zone.

[ Green Zone: 0/1]

Yu Jung-Hyeok Saw many people looking at his Zone with Hungry Eyes and most of them didn't get any room, This place was filled with nearly 300+ people and Rooms were only for 260 people, So many of them didn't find any Room.

"No one takes my room...if you did...I kill you myself..." Yu Jung-Hyeok Spoke with a Calm and Authoritative tone and hearing him others Shudder in fear.

"Ohh!!" Seeing that Yi Ji-Hye was more Impressed by the Scene.

"Hey get the fuck away, if you Don't want to Die!!" Yu Jung-Hyeok heard Kim Namwoon's voice and Saw him taking Control of a Zone that had the Capacity of Three people.

"Please let us in!!"

[ The Incarnation 'Kim Namwoon' has activated the 'BLACKENING Lv. 2' skill.]

Suddenly a purple Aura Started to Come out of Kim Namwoon's body and under this Aura, Everyone Standing there Started to tremble in fear.

"Fuck Off!!" Kim Namwoon Showed his middle finger to them.

Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at the Scene Silently and Just walked away, he wasn't going to involve himself in any matters which are not important to him.

Yu Jung-Hyeok Walked through the Stairs to the Upper Floors and Saw the Same Thing Happening there.

[ Green Zone 59/70]

"Please let us in!!"

"YES please!!"

Many people Could be Seen Standing near a Green Zone. The Zone had a big Space for 70 people to easily fit inside but still, no one dared to go inside because it was Gong Pildu's Territory.

"Pay us and You can Stay here, For one person it's 1000 Coins...." Hongmen were Asking for an absurd amount of Coins from Everyone.

"Please Don't Do this...let us in." The people were begging them but they didn't let them in.

Yu Jung-Hyeok Didn't Say anything and Moved towards the first underground Floor.

"Tsk..." Gong Pildu, who noticed Yu Jung-Hyeok clicked his Toung in annoyance.

Yu Jung-Hyeok walked down to the first underground Floor and Saw the Whole place Empty.

Yu Jung-Hyeok narrowed his Eyes and walked further but got Stopped by a Message.

[ There are 10 minutes before the third scenario is activated.]

Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at the message with a Calm look and then looked further towards the Floor, which was very Silent.

'I'll come back again here...' Yu Jung-Hyeok thought to himself and walked back to his Room.

[ Green Zone: 1/1]

[ There are 3 minutes before the third scenario is activated.]

"You came back faster than I thought!!" Yi Ji-Hye Screamed while looking towards Yu Jung-Hyeok due to the Scream of People Crying all over the place.

Yu Jung-Hyeok looked toward her and Saw her hands were trembling but somehow she was able to make a Straight face.

Yu Jung-Hyeok looked towards Another Room which had Five People standing there in between those Five there were two people, who were kicked out by Yi Ji-Hye.

'See Show that she doesn't care but still is very Soft from inside...' Yu Jung-Hyeok instantly Knew what had happened when he was gone and not only that the other three were the people kicked out by Kim Namwoon.

"What happened??" Yi Ji-Hye looked towards Yu Jung-Hyeok with narrowed eyes.

Yu Jung-Hyeok just Ignored her and Looked at the new message that popped in front of him.

[ The third main scenario is enabled.]

"Tsk..." Seeing that he was not answering his questions Yi Ji-Hye just Clicked her Toung and looked forward just Like Yu Jung-Hyeok.


Suddenly the red Barrier at the end of the Station started to crumble and then fall apart and vanished in thin air.


Suddenly different types of endless monsters started to appear out of the red room beyond the Barrier.

"Uwuuhhhhhhh!!!!!" People who didn't find any room got eaten by these Monsters.

Yu Jung-Hyeok turned his head towards Yi Ji-Hye and got a little Surprised after seeing her looking at the Scene with a Serious look.

At first, the monsters were only Grade 9 weak monsters like Underground Rats but then Suddenly new types of Monsters started to appear. This time they were of Middle Grade and much Stronger than the Grade 9 Monsters.

Yu Jung-Hyeok Even Saw Some Bear Monsters Same as he had Fought above but the difference was these were much weaker Compared to that and much Smaller.

Yu Jung-Hyeok could tell these monsters were easy to kill but the Problem was that there were many not only the place they were coming from is infinitely Spawning these monsters out from there.

"Uwuuhhhh!!" People who didn't find any place got Devoured by these Monsters.

Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at the Scene with a Calm look and suddenly a Thought Came inside his head but he just shook his head.

'This is Not the time...' Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at his Dagger and then Thought again ' And not with this...'
