[ Congratulations, You have Survived the first Night.]

After the Incident, an Unsettling Silence fell Upon everyone. The people of Chungmuro Station have Witnessed Something that they Won't Forget Ever

"Hey!! Where are you going?" Yi Ji-Hye Called out to Yu Jung-Hyeok, Who left his Zone and was Going to somewhere.

" I have a business to take Care of..." He simply answered her Query and Walk away.

"He's a Real Jerk!!" Yi Ji-Hye Spoke in an annoyed tone as She looked at Yu Jung-Hyeok Back.

"Aaa... Yi Ji-Hye!!" Suddenly Yi Ji-Hye heard a different voice and Saw the Same boy from before.

"What??" Yi Ji-Hye Spoke in an Annoyed Tone.

"Should we go Hunting again??" The boy Spoke and she just narrowed her eyes.

"No, Not with you.." She Spoke and Walked Away.

"Aaa... Then Who??" He Spoke with a Curious and a Disappointed Tone.

"Someone who can Fight!!" Yi Ji-Hye Spoke While looking towards a Particular Individual with white Hair and a School Uniform.

'Even though I hate it, it's the only way, This boy is just a hindrance for me.." Yi Ji-Hye Thought and with a Annoyed look Walked towards Kim Namwoon.


[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' is interested in Your Thinking.]

[ 'Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' is Closely looking at You.]

Yu Jung-Hyeok Ignored all the messages and Walked toward the underground Floors.

"Somehow, I feel that Something Interesting would be here.." Yu Jung-Hyeok Spoke as he looked towards the Empty Floor.

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' is Curious about Your Interesting Thing.]

[ You have been Sponsored 300©]

[ You are approaching the outside region. Be careful not to leave the scenario area.]

Suddenly a message appeared in front of Yu Jung-Hyeok, he looked at the message for a little bit and walked forward.

'I have lived out in the outer region Once, I can Live Again!!' His Thoughts were very Simple, If he gets Something good with this then he can take Some risk for that.

As Yu Jung-Hyeok walked further a Turn appeared in front of him, He turned around and Saw Exit 1. Yu Jung-Hyeok felt an Ominous Aura Coming from that Exit.

He walked Closer to the Exit and Suddenly a Message Appeard which Suprised him.

[ You have found a hidden dungeon!]

[ Congratulations!! You are the First One to find a Hidden Dungeon.]

[ Congratulations!! You got the Achievement Explorer.]

[ You Earned 500©]

[ A new hidden scenario has arrived!]


[Hidden Scenario – Theatre Dungeon]

[Category: Hidden

Difficulty: A-

Clear Conditions: Defeat the master of Theatre Dungeon.

Time Limit: None

Compensation: 4,000 coins

Failure: ???]


Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at the Screen in front of him with a little surprised look.

[Many Constellations are impressed by your Awareness.]

[ Many Constellations are Impressed by Your Ability to find Danger.]

[ You have been Sponsored 1500©]

Yu Jung-Hyeok Totally Ignored their Comments and Walked inside, he was Alert for Everything as the Difficulty of this Dungeon was rated A-.

[ You have entered Theatre Dungeon.]

Yu Jung-Hyeok was a little Tense as he entered the bleak Dungeon. It was a multiplex consisting of nine floors, from B1 to the 8th floor.

Yu Jung-Hyeok Walked towards the inner Section of the theatre and Saw many Posters of Some Famous Movies.

Yu Jung-Hyeok walked towards a poster with the name Jack Dawson.

'Whoes Jack Dawson??' Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at the Poster and Touched it with his hand and Suddenly a message appeared with Spotlight focused on him.

[ You have been hit by a projection light.]

[The screening will begin.]

The Surrounding landscape Started to Change. The old Concrete floor turns itself into a Wooden Floor. The Ceiling turned into a night Sky with cloudy atmosphere.

"Where am I??" Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at the Scene with Disbelief the place was way different than the previous illusion of Welcome Prison.

"Aaahhh, Help me!!!" Suddenly a loud Voice Came and Yu Jung-Hyeok turned his head towards the voice and Saw many people running towards him.


"Huh! A surprised voice came out of Yu Jung-Hyeok's mouth as the Floor Suddenly started to Shake and Rotate Shaking his Balance.

"Ahhh!!" Many Screams Could be heard as many people Started to Run here and there, trying to save themselves.

'I'm in a Ship!!!!" Yu Jung-Hyeok Spoke in Disbelief as the Whole Ship was Shacking Violently.


"What's happening..." Suddenly the whole back side of the Ship started to lift in the Air and Everyone Started to fall into the water.

"Uwuuhhhhhhh!!!" Many Screams Could be heard by Yu Jung-Hyeok.

Yu Jung-Hyeok didn't have much problem with this as he had Stomped his foot through the wooden Flooring and was standing while neglecting gravity itself.

"Jack!!!!" Suddenly Yu Jung-Hyeok Heard a Woman's voice and saw a girl falling into the water while reaching her hand towards him.

'Should I save her??' Yu Jung-Hyeok for Some reason felt that She knew him inside this Illusion and that Saving her could be beneficial, So he Rushed towards her and Held her hand to save her.

"Jack, Thank God you saved me!!" She spoke in a Worried Tone, She was a beautiful Woman, who looked very tired right now and not in very good shape.

"But how did you Save me So fast, and not only that how are you Standing there vertically to the Ship..." The girl was speaking English and Thought it was very hard to understand her, Yu Jung-Hyeok as a Pro Gamer had learned a little English, So he tried to have a conversation with her.

"W–What happening here??" Yu Jung-Hyeok Spoke trying his best to Communicate properly with the girl.

"Why are you speaking like that Don't you remember, this Ship is Sinking in, we have to get out of here and fast or we are Going to Die!!" The girl Spoke with a Worried Tone and by hearing him, Yu Jung-Hyeok Somehow knew where he was right now.

'It's Titanic...I'm inside a Movie and By Jack, She must mean the Main character, who drowned in the water while Saving her...' Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at the Girl with a Conplex look who was Clinching to him like a Koala with a Scared Expression.

'So if I saved her with me probably then, I could leave this Place...' Yu Jung-Hyeok thought to Change the Dramatic Ending as he looked at the Sinking Ship, Which had Broken into Two in front of him.

'I have to get Out of here!!'

"Aahh!!" A Suprised Gasp escaped the woman's Mouth as Yu Jung-Hyeok held her Tightly and Then Moved at an Inhuman speed making the Girl look at him with a Shocked Expression.

Yu Jung-Hyeok Jumped through the Broken Reck of the Ship and got on the Back Side of the Ship which was Raised towards the Sky pointing at the air.

"W–what is Happening, H–How are you Doing This??" The Girl Spoke in a Shocked Expression but Yu Jung-Hyeok did not give much attention to her and just looked towards the Ocean trying to Find a Rescue Boat.

"That's it!!" Yu Jung-Hyeok Spoke as he looked at a Boat Going further toward the Ocean.

"W–what!!!" The Girl Screamed as Yu Jung bend Down and Made a Big Leap toward the Boat.

[ Attribute 'Pro Gamer' has been activated.]

Yu Jung-Hyeok Activated his Attribute as He didn't want to take any risk but on the contrary, he very easily got Toward the Boat.

"Sir, Thanks for Saving us!!" A Girl, Who was in his mid-twenties Spoke to a person, who was Driving the Small Boat away from the Ship.

"Don't Worry, the Help is On the way, after we get you out Safely, we Go back to Save them too!!" The Man Spoke with an arsued tone.



"What happened?!!"

"I don't know!!!"

Suddenly the Whole Boat Started to Shake Violently and Everyone Looked back with a Panicked Expression.

"Take care of her." Suddenly a Very handsome Guy Spoke to them, As the Maximum number of People on the boat were Women they all got pretty much enchanted by the appearance of this Guy.

"Wait.." The guy tried to Say Something but his Words were Cut off as the handsome man after putting a girl on the Ship just magically disappeared into thin air.

"What was that?" The Guy Spoke with a very Shocked and Dumbfolded Expression but No one heard him as Everyone were Still Enchanted by his Face and the Girl who Just appeared was out cold.
