[Congratulations! You Have Completed 'A Proper Ending'.]

[The theater owner is satisfied with the changed ending of the movie.]

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"Haaa...!!" Yu Jung-Hyeok stood there and took a long gasp as he completed the first movie ending.

Even after saving the girl, the movie didn't end, so he had to save a majority number of people on the ship. It was very difficult and hectic work for him, but still, he completed it much more easily.

"So completing these tasks would give us rewards!" Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke as he looked at a blue necklace in his hand.





Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at the necklace and then stored it inside his pocket as it was not necessary for him right now.

"I should continue with more of them..." Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke as he looked towards the long corridor filled with many posters of different movies.



[The Incarnation 'Kim Namwoon' has activated the 'BLACKENING Lv. 2' skill.]

[The hatred of the target towards you is very high. 'Blackening' has been canceled.]

"Damn it, that's why I don't like these rats!!" Kim Namwoon screamed as he slashed three rats with one slash.

"It seems that someone had said true, don't make someone so angry that they forget to fear you!!" Yi Ji-Hye spoke with a big grin on her face as she hit a rat on its head with her wooden katana.

"Shut up, you would be the last person I would like to hear this from!!!" Kim Namwoon screamed at Yi Ji-Hye while cutting a rat into two pieces.

"Ohh.. Yeah, fuck off bastard, if only I had a real katana with me, I would have slain them in one move!!" She spoke in a slightly annoyed tone.

After they killed all the rats nearby, they sat in the tunnel to get some rest.



Both of them silently sat together without saying anything. Yi Ji-Hye looked at the fire burning in front of her, while Kim Namwoon silently cleaned his knife as his eyes slowly drifted towards Yi Ji-Hye but never met hers.

"Hey, how did you meet that guy??" Suddenly Yi Ji-Hye decided to break the silence, which caught Kim Namwoon off guard a little bit, but he calmed his expression and looked towards her.

"I met him in Gumho Station... Me and.... Lee Hyunsung..." Kim Namwoon spoke with a calm look, but still, when he spoke his name, his words trembled a little bit. Even he didn't know why he just trembled there.

"I see.... and what about this guy Lee Hyunsung... where is he now??" Yi Ji-Hye asked with a curious look.

"He died at Yaksu Station..." Kim Namwoon spoke with a calm look but with an unfamiliar feeling in his tone.

"Oh... I'm... sorry about your loss..." Feeling that she shouldn't have asked that question, she apologized and changed the topic. Truthfully, she didn't care about this guy 'Lee Hyunsung', it was just the mood turned a little bit grim, and she wasn't very good at dealing with things like this, so she decided to change the topic.

"So was he crazy like this from the start..." She asked another question.

"Well, he was like that from the first, but after coming here, he suddenly became crazy..." Kim Namwoon spoke. For some reason, he liked talking like this. He didn't understand why, but he liked it. The problem was that the topic was Yu Jung-Hyeok, so somehow, he was feeling a little weird.

"Hmm... Your friend is weird..." Yi Ji-Hye spoke with a narrowed look.

"I don't care..." Kim Namwoon spoke as he turned around, not wanting to face her. He didn't like talking about Yu Jung-Hyeok with her.

'Why am I feeling like this... Fuck!!' Kim Namwoon thought to himself as he side-eyed Yi Ji-Hye, who seemed to be thinking about something.

[There are 5 hours and 30 minutes before the third scenario is activated.]

"Isn't your friend coming back??" Yi Ji-Hye spoke as she looked at the timer.

"Fuck!!! Keep quiet woman, he isn't my friend or anything!!!" Kim Namwoon screamed at her, which annoyed Yi Ji-Hye.

"Fuck you, bastard!! Why are you screaming near my ears!!!" She screamed back at him.

[The underground rats are showing hostility towards you.]

Suddenly a message appeared in front of Yi Ji-Hye and Kim Namwoon.

"FUCK!!!" Both said at the same time as another wave of underground rats attacked them.


"Uwuuhhhhhhh!!!" Crimson blood splashed on the ground as a guy wearing traditional Samurai armor fell to the ground.

A big sword mark could be seen on his chest, which somehow easily pierced through his hard armor.

"Ahhhh!!" Suddenly a roar was heard as another guy wearing the same red armor as the first one attacked another person, who was the odd one out there.


The guy slashed his sword towards him, which was easily dodged by the guy, who was fighting with a long katana and a black coat.


"Uwuuhhhh!!!!" Yu Jung-Hyeok, who was currently facing an army of thousand soldiers alone, slashed everyone using his katana.


'Just 754 more to go!!' Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at the army of soldiers marching towards him.

[The Incarnation 'Yu Jung-Hyeok' has activated skill 'Crowd Control Lv.03']

"Uwuuhhhh!!" A sudden strong pressure descended on the army soldiers as Yu Jung-Hyeok looked towards them with a cold look.

"Just die!!" Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke as he charged towards them with a cold look on his face.

"Uuuwwwhhh!!!" Yu Jung-Hyeok easily cut through a person's neck with his katana and launched himself at others, not wasting any more time and cutting them like a piece of paper.

"He's an Oni—Uwwhhhhhh!!!" A guy screamed in pain as his hand, which was pointing towards Yu Jung-Hyeok, suddenly flew towards the air, and then his neck got sliced off.

"Shogun, what should we do!!!" A soldier asked in a trembling voice to a person who was sitting on his horse.

"We have come here to conquer the Kang Dynasty... We won't leave before doing that. He is a single person, while we have a whole army. Use everything we have and kill him..." The Shogun spoke, and the other guy nodded his head.

"Attack!!" He ordered his elite troops to attack Yu Jung-Hyeok, who was killing everyone at a very high speed.

"Uwwwhhhhhhh!!!!" Yu stabbed his katana into a soldier's chest and looked up to see many more coming his way.

'I have to end this fast!!!' Yu thought to himself.

[Attribute 'Pro Gamer' has been activated.]

[Time Limit: 2 Minutes.]

Yu Jung-Hyeok took a jumping stance and with a very high force jumped into the air.

"How is he jumping so high!!" Soldiers started to look at him with a scared look.

Yu Jung-Hyeok looked down and saw a guy riding a horse while carrying a katana in his hand.

"He must be the leader!!" Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke to himself as he fell down and with his katana slashed several heads at once.


Yu Jung-Hyeok ran towards his next target, which was the Shogun riding his horse.

"Stop him!!" Suddenly many soldiers, who looked like ninjas, appeared out of nowhere and tried to attack Yu Jung-Hyeok, who easily slashed them in one slash.

"Shogun, he killed our best troops in one slash..." Suddenly the guy standing near the Shogun spoke with a worried look on his face.

"I know and I have decided!!" He spoke and got down from his horse.

"Shogun, don't tell me you're going to fight him!!" The guy spoke with a very worried look.

"If I can't defeat him, then no one can defeat him!!!" The Shogun spoke and the guy just stayed silent as he knew that the Shogun is the strongest here, and it's true, if he can't kill him then no one can.


Yu Jung-Hyeok landed in front of him and looked at him with a cold look.

"Ahhhh!!!" Many troops were still attacking him from behind, but the Shogun stopped them.

"Yamero!!!" The Shogun spoke loudly as his voice echoed throughout the area, and everything turned silent.

"I, Shogun, challenge you to a battle of death!!" The Shogun spoke as he lifted his katana and wielded his katana with both hands and took a fighting stance.

Yu Jung-Hyeok didn't understand what the guy was saying, but by seeing his posture, he could tell that he was challenging him to a battle.

Yu Jung-Hyeok lifted his katana and pointed it toward the Shogun with one hand, which somehow seemed to have disrespected the Shogun, whose face distorted in anger at Yu Jung-Hyeok's display.

"Ahhhh!!!" The guy ran towards Yu Jung-Hyeok with his sword. The Shogun was very fast as he quickly covered the distance between them and appeared in front of Yu Jung-Hyeok and slashed his sword toward him while Yu Jung-Hyeok just stood there silently.



The Shogun slashed his sword, and the sound of something falling on the ground was heard by everyone as they looked at the scene with trembling eyes.


Yu Jung-Hyeok walked slowly forward as the Shogun's head fell on the ground, and a fountain of crimson blood started to spray into the air.


With a thud sound, his headless body, which was still standing in the same position, fell to the ground.

With the defeat of the Shogun, the morale of all troops began to shake and slowly everyone fell to their knees.

"We have failed to save our Shogun. We all will leave with our Shogun from this world..." The guy standing with the Shogun spoke as he took out his knife and placed it on his stomach, and with him, the rest of the troops did the same.

"We'll perform seppuku!!" The guy said as he turned around towards Yu Jung-Hyeok and looked at him with a different look.

His look didn't contain any hatred or desire for revenge. As a proud warrior, he knew that he had lost this battle straightforwardly, and because of that, he didn't harbor any thoughts of revenge against Yu Jung-Hyeok.

All he wanted was to stay close to his Shogun and show his loyalty to his dynasty.


With a slashing sound, more than 600 people committed suicide in front of Yu Jung-Hyeok. He would be lying if he said he didn't care or was okay, but knowing that it was the only way, he didn't say anything


[Congratulations! You Have Completed 'A Proper Ending'.]

[The theater owner is satisfied with the changed ending of the movie.]


Foot Notes: Oni: Demon.

Shogun: Army Commander.

Yamero: Stop!!!

Seppuku: A religious form of Taking Your Own Life.
