[So, everyone, are you ready for your second day of the third scenario?]

[Ohh.. What's this, why do you all look so tired!!]

Suddenly a lump of brown ball appeared in the air and spoke in a cruel voice. His eyes ventured towards people who looked at him with a scared expression.

[Don't worry everyone, today I'm your new host but don't worry, the fun won't be lower, it will be much higher now that I'm with you all.]

The flying ball spoke while looking at the ceiling and then turned his face towards the people, who had tired looks and fearful gazes.

[Hey!! Don't tell me you're losing your hopes!!!]

The flying ball spoke with a smirk on his face.

[Well, whatever, I'm sure you all have your places ready for today.]

[Because it won't be much fun if you all die faster.]


After saying that, he snapped his fingers and suddenly some green zones disappeared from their places.

[Let's make it much more interesting!!]

"Hey, where is my green zone!!"

"What is this, help me!!!"


[Hahahahaha!!! Have fun!!!]

Seeing everyone screaming and running, the brown lump laughed an evil laughter and disappeared into the air.

[The third main scenario is enabled.]


Suddenly, many roars sounded in the surroundings as a crumbling noise shook everyone's heart.


A horde of monsters of different grades started to appear out of nowhere.



People who lost their places got eaten by those monsters and everyone looked at the sight with a trembling look.

"I found a place, I'm saved!!!" Suddenly a person screamed as he stood inside a zone that was previously owned by Yu Jung-Hyeok.

"That bastard!! I'll kill him after this!!!" Yi Ji-Hye spoke while standing inside her zone and looking at the guy with an annoyed look.

[Ohh, I see many have found places to stay!!]

Suddenly the brown Dokkaebi appeared again and looked at the scene with an amused look.

[How about I make it more interesting!!]

Suddenly the Dokkaebi spoke again and snapped his fingers one more time and with that, more zones disappeared from the station.


[Ohh, well it's bad luck for you, then bye!!]

Dokkaebi spoke and waved his hand towards everyone before disappearing again.


"NOOO—: UWUUHHHH!!!!!" The monster seemed to notice the guy as he tried to run away but got cut into pieces by the big claws of a bear monster.

"Well, that was brutal..." Yi Ji-Hye spoke as she looked at the scene in front of her with an emotionless face.

After that, monsters stumbled their way toward the first floor and started killing there too. After completing that, the monsters went back to their place as the second day of the scenario ended.


[There are 10 minutes before the third scenario is activated.]

"That was all. After that, those monsters chewed on their bodies and went back." Yi Ji-Hye finished her report on the second day.

"So who was that new Dokkaebi!!" Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke as he looked at the people, who had desperate looks and were fighting with each other to get a new zone.

"Don't know, he didn't say much and left. Probably you'll see him again today." Yi Ji-Hye spoke with a calm look though her eyes were fixed on her new katana.

"And what about the alliance?" Yu Jung-Hyeok.

"They aren't doing anything and are quiet for now." Yi Ji-Hye.

"Kim Namwoon?" Yu Jung-Hyeok.

"He's in his zone for now..." Yi Ji-Hye.

Yi Ji-Hye answered every question one by one and after Yu Jung-Hyeok was done, he started to walk away without saying anything.

"Hey, where are you going!!" Yi Ji-Hye asked with curiosity.

"To find a new zone..." Yu Jung-Hyeok answered.

"You can stay in my zone if you like. After all, it's pretty much empty..." Yi Ji-Hye spoke while turning her face away. "You can think of it as me returning your favor for saving me and for this katana."

Yu Jung-Hyeok looked toward her for a little while and then shook his head.


He just spoke one word and then walked away without looking at her.

"What the hell is wrong with this guy??" Yi Ji-Hye looked at him with a dumbfounded expression.

Yu Jung-Hyeok walked through the station while thinking about something. His steps were halted by a green zone in front of him.

[Green Zone: 3/3]

He looked at the zone with a complex look while the people in front of him just stared at him with scared expressions.

[There are 5 minutes before the third scenario is activated.]

"Please we beg you to let us stay here!!!"

"Yes please don't take this zone from us!!"

"Sniff...Sniff... Please, we have used every coin we had for this zone...Sniff.."

The group begged in front of Yu Jung-Hyeok, who was looking at them with a cold look.

[Many constellations want to know your decision.]

['Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' is looking at the scene with a worried look.]

['God Of Wine and Ecstasy' is looking at the scene with interest.]

Yu Jung-Hyeok appeared to be thinking something very hard as he looked towards them.

He picked out his sword and walked towards the zone. Seeing him coming towards them, they started to panic.

"So he's going to kill them, hmmm!!" Yi Ji-Hye, who was looking at the scene, spoke in a low tone. Somehow she didn't like what he was doing but she didn't say anything as she knew that he was stronger and the stronger always survive in this world, the weak can die to let the stronger survive.

"Huh!!" A surprised gasp escaped Yi Ji-Hye's mouth as she looked towards the scene with narrowed eyes.

Yu Jung-Hyeok held his sword and walked away from the zone towards a bench near the area and sat there while holding his sword in his hand.

Seeing this, not only she, but many people had a dumbfounded look on their faces.

[There are 3 minutes before the third scenario is activated.]

[Many constellations want to know your plan.]

['Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' doesn't understand your decision.]

['God Of Wine and Ecstasy' is amused by your decision.]

['Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' appreciates your bravery.]

[The constellations of absolute good are satisfied with your decision to sacrifice yourself for the greater good.]

[You have been sponsored 1000©]

['Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is amused by your foolishness.]

['Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' understands your resolve.]

['Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' looks at the scene with teary eyes.]

[You have been sponsored 2000©]

Yu Jung-Hyeok silently looked at the messages in front of him with a calm look.

'They think I'm sacrificing myself...' Yu Jung-Hyeok thought to himself as he looked towards everyone, who was staring at him with trembling eyes.

'Well, it seems like that!!' Yu Jung-Hyeok closed his eyes and just waited.

'What the hell is he thinking!!' Yi Ji-Hye looked at him with a worried look.

"Hey, bastard, get to your zone or you'll die!!" Yi Ji-Hye screamed but Yu Jung-Hyeok ignored her.

[There are 2 minutes before the third scenario is activated.]

[Hello Earthling trash, I'm back!!]

Suddenly Bihyung appeared out of thin air and waved his hand towards everyone.

[That guy thought he could take my post... Huh!!!]

Bihyung was talking while looking towards everyone but suddenly his eyes fell on Yu Jung-Hyeok who was sitting there completely ignoring his words.

[What's this, won't you find a zone for yourself!!]

Bihyung flew towards Yu Jung-Hyeok, who still completely ignored Bihyung and didn't open his eyes.

[Ohh.. Ignoring me well, we'll see it when the scenario starts!!!]

Bihyung spoke with a big grin on his face as he looked toward Yu Jung-Hyeok and then turned his eyes toward the main scenario clock.

[There are 60 seconds before the third scenario is activated.]

[Are you sure you won't find a zone!!]

Bihyung asked one last time but Yu Jung-Hyeok still ignored him, which somehow annoyed Bihyung.

[Well if that's what you want then that's what you get!!]

Bihyung spoke this time with a little harsh tone as he flew in the air and snapped his fingers.

[The third main scenario is enabled.]

The time just fully skipped and the third scenario began and a notification was heard by everyone.

[Then let's see how you are going to survive now, hahahahahaha!!!]

Bihyung spoke as he disappeared into thin air and with that many more zones disappeared from the station.


"Not again!!!"

Seeing that, many screamed in fear and everyone looked towards the red barrier which started to crumble with cracks.



Yu Jung-Hyeok opened his eyes with a snapping sound and looked towards the approaching monsters in front of him.

'Let's do it...' He thought to himself as he lifted his sword and took a fighting stance.
