"Uwuuhhhh!! SAVE ME!!!"


Screams of terror spread throughout the area. Monsters, no matter what size or disguise, attacked everyone.

"Uwuuhhhh!! Huh!!" An old man who just lost his Green Zone screamed after seeing a big rat-like monster with red eyes running towards him. He closed his eyes, but the attack he anticipated would tear him apart never came. He opened his eyes and saw the dead rat's body sliced perfectly in half by a sharp object.




"What happened!!!"

"I don't know!!"

Everyone looked dumbfoundedly towards the dead monsters' corpses piling up in the station mysteriously.


"He's fast!!" Yi Ji-Hye spoke as she saw the scene in front of her. No one could see it properly, but she was much faster, though it was still hard for her. Even then, she could tell that someone was moving very fast, cutting those monsters at an inhuman speed.


Yu Jung-Hyeok ran throughout the area, cutting the maximum number of monsters with his newly found blade.


'There are too many...' Yu Jung-Hyeok thought to himself as he cut down countless beasts with his blade.

['Prisoner of the Golden Headband' excitedly pulls his hair.]

['Demon-like Judge of Fire' looks at the scene with a nervous look.]

['God of Wine and Ecstasy' drinks his wine with interest.]



Many monsters attacked him together while Yu Jung-Hyeok skillfully defended himself from their attacks and used his sword to inflict damage on them.

[Look at that, you're quite strong, but how much longer can you hold yourself?]

Suddenly Bihyung appeared out of nowhere and stared at the scene in front of him with an amused smile.

[How about we make this a little more interesting?]


[A scenario penalty has been added!]

[Some existing green zones will be disabled.]

More green zones started to disappear, and seeing that, everyone looked at the scene with horrified eyes.


"NOO— Aaaaack!"

As soon as the green zone disappeared, the bodies of people who lost their zone got shredded by the ground rats.


Suddenly Yu Jung-Hyeok heard a desperate cry from a small girl. He turned around and saw many monsters approaching the scared girl with hungry eyes.

[What are you going to do, Incarnation Yu Jung-Hyeok? Are you going to let her die and become a villain, or save her and become a true hero, Hahahahahaha!!!]

Bihyung's voice echoed throughout the station as everyone looked towards the scene with horrified eyes.

[Constellations of Absolute Good are watching your action.]

['Demon-like Judge of Fire' is nervously watching your action.]

"Tsk!!" Yu Jung-Hyeok clicked his tongue as he looked towards the approaching danger in front of him.

'Should I leave her?' Yu Jung-Hyeok asked this question to himself as he looked towards the little girl, crying desperately.

"NOOO!! PLEASE, SOMEONE SAVE HER!!" Suddenly Yu Jung-Hyeok heard a voice echo throughout the area as a guy, who looked in his mid-twenties, screamed from inside a safe zone.

"BIG BROTHER!!!" The girl cried desperately as she looked at the ground rats approaching her to devour her.

"I'M SORRY!!! FOR BEING SO WEAK!!!" The guy cried desperately as he looked towards the rats jumping on his little sister to devour her. He wanted to move, he wanted to save her, but his body was frozen due to his fear, and because of that, he lost his last family member.

"Aaaaack!" The guy started to moan in despair, his weakness of not being able to save his sister overwhelming his heart.

"BROTHER!!!" But suddenly his eyes shot open after hearing a voice he thought he would never hear again.

[Ohh, look at that, you are truly a special one, aren't you Yu Jung-Hyeok!!]

Yu Jung-Hyeok, who sliced open every ground rat with his blade, was drenched in blood while holding a girl with black eyes and hair.


'Fighting with one arm is very difficult...' Yu Jung-Hyeok thought to himself as he slashed more rats with his blade.

Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at the girl in his hand, who seemed to have lost consciousness due to the speed with which Yu Jung-Hyeok was moving.

[Attribute 'Pro Gamer' has been activated.]

Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at his message screen. If not for his attributes, Yu Jung-Hyeok wouldn't have been able to save this girl from those monsters.

[Third Scenario ends in 7 hrs: 5 min.]

'I can't fight like this...' Yu Jung-Hyeok thought to himself while using his one hand to cut monsters in half.

'What should I do?!' Yi Ji-Hye looked at the scene with trembling eyes.

She wanted to go and assist him, but seeing the intensity of this fight was making her body tremble. She knew that she wouldn't survive much longer in that situation as the wave was getting stronger as time passed.

'Why am I so weak...' Yi Ji-Hye tried to step out, but her legs were trembling with fear as she looked forward with a scared look.

"I'm sorry Na Bori, I'm just a weakling..." Yi Ji-Hye spoke with a sad look as she recalled her friend, who died in the first scenario.

'I have to leave her in a zone...' Yu Jung-Hyeok thought to himself as he rushed towards the area trying to find a green zone, but nearly every zone was filled and the monsters were not letting him go much further as they were blocking his way to get to the zone.

'They are annoying!!'

Yu Jung-Hyeok ran throughout the area, cutting the monsters down with one hand.


'My head hurts...' Yu Jung-Hyeok grabbed his head with his hand while dodging the monsters.

[Someone is trying to infiltrate your mind.]

['Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' doesn't like the new entity.]

['Dragon Slayer' is looking towards 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon'.]

['Dragon Slayer' has been sponsored with soul transfer due to the countless beasts you have slain.]

'What's this???' Yu Jung-Hyeok didn't like the feeling and knew something was wrong with his sword.

['Dragon Slayer' soul transfer completion 30%]

'I don't like this, but right now it might help me!!' Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at the message and started to slay more monsters.

'What's that??' Yu Jung-Hyeok looked towards a particular wall, which was shining green.

"Is that a green zone?!" Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke with a slightly surprised tone.

[Green Zone 0/1]

In front of him, there was a green zone attached to a wall hidden behind the monsters. Because of his attribute 'Pro Gamer,' his senses had become strong, so it was easy for him to spot it.

'I have to put that girl in that zone!!' Yu Jung-Hyeok thought as he ran towards the beasts standing in front of him, blocking his way.

[Attribute 'Pro Gamer' time limit: 20 seconds.]

['Dragon Slayer' soul transfer completion 60%]

Yu Jung-Hyeok ran towards the wall while slicing the monsters in half. Due to his attributes, he easily sliced them as the monsters were not much stronger there.


But the problem was the big bear monster as it was blocking his way towards the wall.

"Long time no see, beast..." It was the same-looking monster he had slain on the ground above before coming here.

"You look smaller but I'm much stronger this time!!" Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke with a serious expression as he easily dodged a big claw coming towards his neck.



With a thud sound, the bear's headless body fell to the ground as Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at it with cold eyes.

[Green Zone 1/1]

He put the girl near the wall and faced the monsters behind him coming his way to get a bite of his flesh.

[Attribute 'Pro Gamer' has been canceled.]

By now, his time limit had also ended, and his stats had returned to normal again.

'It doesn't matter now..' Yu Jung-Hyeok thought to himself while looking at the screen in front of him.

['Dragon Slayer' soul transfer completion 99%]

"Show me your strength, Dragon Slayer," Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke as he closed his eyes. He heard a notification sound in his head and suddenly his consciousness started to fade away.

['Dragon Slayer' soul transfer completion 100%]

['Dragon Slayer' has reached its maximum output.]

[The dragon soul sealed inside the 'Dragon Slayer' is responding to the soul transfer.]

[The 'Jiaolong' first seal has been broken.]

[The 'Jiaolong' has used its skill 'Berserker Lv ???']
