Two hours had passed, and Gong Pildu was still standing there, using his Armed Zone to kill as many monsters as he could.

"You bastard!!!"

[ The character Gong Pildu's Armed Zone has leveled up. ]

[ The character Gong Pildu's Private Land has leveled up! ]

[ The character Gong Pildu has acquired the Protective Wall skill. ]

Using constant mana had taken a toll on the guy's health as his face had turned pale and a tired look could be seen in his eyes.

"Hey... is he okay..."

Yi Ji-Hye had woken up by now but was still in no shape to fight. She clenched her stomach hard as the previous battle had taken a toll on her.

"I don't know when he'll wake up ask him."

Kim Namwoon spoke with an annoyed look. He also had many bruises on his body and a tired look on his face.

[ The constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' is looking at the scene with great interest. ]

[ The constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' likes the destruction and chaos. ]

[ 300 coins have been sponsored. ]

"You bastard!"

"Kill them!"

Gong Pildu wasn't in much better shape and the Alliance was on the verge of extinction.

"We can't survive like this..."

Kim Namwoon spoke with an annoyed look on his face as he held his head, which was throbbing in pain.

"We have to fight...."

Yi Ji-Hye spoke as she stood up while taking the support of her katana and held her stomach with a pale look.

"You can't even walk properly... I don't think you'll do any good to them..."

Kim Namwoon spoke with a tired look while he stood up and summoned his flame.

"I'm in much better shape than you..."

Kim Namwoon walked towards the monsters. After resting for two hours his mana had recovered a little bit but it still didn't help him much and his body was also on the verge of falling.

"It won't be needed..."


Kim Namwoon and Yi Ji-Hye both had a dumbfounded look as they heard a very familiar voice.

"Yu Jung-Hyeok!!!"

Yi Ji-Hye spoke as she looked towards the guy with different emotions, she didn't know how she should treat him as this guy was the one who beat the shit out of her.


Category: Sub-Scenario.

Difficulty: ???

Clear Conditions: Yu Jung-Hyeok's soul has been forcefully pulled into a subspace. To continue the main scenario, Yu Jung-Hyeok's soul has to return to its rightful body.

Time Limit: ???

Compensation: 30,000©

Failure: ???


[ Status: Complete. ]

[ You have acquired 30,000© ]

Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at the screen in front of him and then turned toward the others who were looking at him with different looks.

"You all seem to have had a bad day today..."

Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke with a calm look as he stretched his body a little bit, and hearing him, both Kim Namwoon and Yi Ji-Hye had an irritated look on their faces.

Yu Jung-Hyeok ignored their looks and clenched his fist with a narrowed look.

'My body is stiff and muscles are aching...'

Yu Jung-Hyeok examined his body and then took out a pill from his pocket.





Yu Jung-Hyeok grabbed the pill, threw it inside his mouth, and swallowed it without any change in his expression.

Yu Jung-Hyeok felt warm energy spreading inside his body as his body started to feel much better.

[ The Incarnation 'Yu Jung-Hyeok' has activated Skill 'Knife Training Lv.02' ]

Yu Jung-Hyeok grabbed his knife, which he thought he would never lift again, and took a fighting stance.

'Let's end this now...'

Yu Jung-Hyeok jumped towards the crowd of monsters with a serious look.


Gong Pildu's body was shaking as sweat soaked his clothes and his body was on the verge of falling.


Suddenly a strong wind blew past his side. He looked towards his side but wasn't able to see Yu Jung-Hyeok as he was much slower.


Yu Jung-Hyeok easily slashed through the horde of monsters with an unreadable expression.


There were many screams in the area but Yu Jung-Hyeok didn't care and just killed every monster without any change in his expression.


Yu Jung-Hyeok didn't even save any humans, his only goal was to kill every monster in the area.

"Damnit bastard!!!"

Gong Pildu screamed in anger and frustration.

'This bastard is not saving any men from my alliance. If this goes like this then I would lose my influence....'

"Fucker, help—:!!!!"

[ The Incarnation 'Yu Jung-Hyeok' has activated Skill 'Crowd Control Lv.03' ]

A dark violet aura started to spread throughout the area as Yu Jung-Hyeok turned around and looked into Gong Pildu's eyes with a blank look, and seeing that, Gong Pildu's body trembled with fear and uneasiness.

Yu Jung-Hyeok ignored everything and got back to killing the monsters, his mind only thinking about the things that happened inside that subspace.

'I have to become stronger...'


[ Main Scenario #3 – Defend Against The Monster has ended. ]

[ You have obtained 8,000 coins as compensation. ]


Yu Jung-Hyeok took shallow breaths while lying on the floor and in front of him was an endless sea of corpses of monsters and humans.

"You're a real monster..."

Yu Jung-Hyeok heard Yi Ji-Hye's voice as she walked towards him with a sullen look.

"Your injuries are okay now..."

"Yes, thanks for that pill, though I still have some stomach ache but it's not very painful now..."


Yi Ji-Hye thanked Yu Jung-Hyeok for the healing pill and Yu Jung-Hyeok just nodded his head and shifted his eyes towards Kim Namwoon, who also looked much better now.

"Damn... at last it ended!!!!"

Gong Pildu spoke with a tired look. The alliance had suffered a significant amount of damage and many had died. If it wasn't for Yu Jung-Hyeok, who had slain the maximum amount of monsters, then no one would have survived here.

[ The fourth main scenario is about to begin! ]

"What now!!!"

"We just survived and now you're doing this to us!!!"

Many desperate and helpless cries could be heard as everyone was very tired after surviving the bloody night and now they can't even rest because of the arrival of a new main scenario.

[ A few constellations are watching the despair with fun. ]

The constellations, on the other hand, were very happy as they were getting another chance to entertain themselves.

[ Your stamina has slightly recovered. ]

Yu Jung-Hyeok stood up after eating a stamina recovery pill as it was not the time to sit down and blame the scenario. He still recalls that terrifying presence of a constellation and he knows if he wants to stand in front of these damn constellations then he has to become stronger.

[ 'Demon-Like Judge of Fire' is impressed by your stamina. ]

[ You have been sponsored 600© ]

Yu Jung-Hyeok ignored the message and moved towards the alliance.

"This bastard!!!"

Gong Pildu, who was holding his hat in his hand with a tired expression, growled in anger as his eyes met with Yu Jung-Hyeok.

"Boss, it would be best if we don't fight with him now.."

Jincheol Kim, who was Gong Pildu's right hand, and who survived this because of him, spoke with a tired look on his face.

Gong Pildu turned towards him with a serious look on his face. Jincheol was a smart person and a trusted member of the alliance, his advice had never been wrong for Gong Pildu. Also, he knew that he or the members of the alliance weren't in any shape to fight against this monster.

He turned towards Yu Jung-Hyeok who slowly walked towards them with a serious expression and stood in front of them.

[ The Incarnation 'Yu Jung-Hyeok' has activated Skill 'Crowd Control Lv.03' ]

A strong pressure engulfed everyone standing there as Yu Jung-Hyeok looked towards Gong Pildu with a cold look.

"Work under me Gong Pildu..."

Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke with a cold look and Gong Pildu could tell he wasn't looking forward to a 'No'.

'This bastard is leaking killing intent....'

The skill's pressure was different this time as Gong Pildu, who had felt the pressure many times now, could tell this feeling was much scarier than before. After all, this time Yu Jung-Hyeok was ready to kill him.

'Fuck.....I can't do anything!!!'

Gong Pildu cursed himself inside his mind for being so weak.

[ The Constellation 'Defence Master' is looking at his incarnation. ]

Gong Pildu felt his constellation gazing at his helplessness as he bit his lips with frustration.



Blood started to drip on the ground and Jincheol stared at Gong Pildu with eyes filled with pity.

"I... I accept..."

Gong Pildu bowed his head down and looked at the ground with hatred and disappointment, while Yu Jung-Hyeok stared at him with a cold look.

"..That guy is crazy but cool..."


Yi Ji-Hye looked at the scene with an impressed look, and seeing that, Kim Namwoon just clicked his tongue.

[The fourth main scenario will start in 5 minutes!!!]

Suddenly, a system message appeared in front of everyone, and the tension between everyone started to grow much faster.

[Hahaha, everyone! Have you been well?]

Along with the system message, Dokkaebi Bihyung appeared with a happy look on his face.

Seeing Bihyung appear, everyone's expressions stiffened up.

[Things are getting much more interesting here, and because of that, many constellations have also joined us.]

[A large number of constellations are looking forward to the next scenario.]

Bihyung looked at the screen in front of him with a delighted smile.

[Many constellations are interested in Incarnation 'Yu Jung-Hyeok'.]

Yu Jung-Hyeok, who had shown a remarkable performance and still didn't have a sponsor, was the main focus for the constellations.

[Well anyway, keep doing the good work... hmmm but what's this? You all look restless hahaha!!!]

"W—what do you want now!!!"

[Well, it's my duty as the main announcer to tell you about the next main scenario. Don't be angry at me. After all, I'm just doing my work.]

Bihyung spoke with a big mocking grin on his face.

"This bastard!!!"

[Now now, we don't have much time, and as you all know, the most annoying one dies first, so keep quiet and listen to me properly.]

[So this time, the main scenario is to deal with the other stations. Isn't it exciting for you all? A fairly exciting story is waiting for you all. I'm sure you all will be satisfied.]

Bihyung spoke to everyone, but his words were directed toward the constellations that were entering his channel. As for the players, everyone's complexions darkened as they heard about other stations.

[By the way, to proceed with this scenario, you have to perform another task first. Won't it be a mess if the number of people increases? Therefore, you need a presence to lead you. In other words, there must be a station representative!]

[From now on, we will play a 'skirmish'. It could be called a warm-up game. The rules of the game... well, you will see, are pretty simple!!.]

[The sub-scenario has arrived!]


[Sub Scenario – Elect a Representative]

Category: Sub

Difficulty: C

Clear Conditions: Take the 'white flag' installed in the center of the platform.

Time Limit: 30 minutes

Compensation: 1,000 coins, Chungmuro's representative.

Failure: ―


[The representative of the station can exercise strong control over the members.]


[I hope you all participate in it properly and fight for it. After all, the representative will get some advantages in the future. hehehehe...]

Bihyung smiled and disappeared, while everyone read the message with a narrowed look.

Before the message window fully popped up, Gong Pildu was already running to the flag in the center of the platform which appeared after Bihyung disappeared.

"Everybody get out of the way!"

'It's mine!!!!!!'
