Before the message window fully popped up, Gong Pildu was already running to the flag in the center of the platform, which appeared after Bihyung disappeared.

"Everybody get out of the way!"

"It's mine!!!!!!"



Jincheol screamed in surprise. His boss was not in any condition to run, so why was he running so fast?

Jincheol hadn't read the message as he was too focused on seeing his boss run toward the center of the station with a desperate look.



"Get out, bastard!!!!!"

Gong Pildu had a desperate look on his face. He was a genius, and after reading the message, he knew this was the last chance he had to get his influence back.

[ The Incarnation 'Kim Namwoon' has activated Skill 'Blackening Lv.02' ]

A dark aura suddenly started to immobilize everyone standing in the area.

"That's mine, bastard!!!"

[ Kim Namwoon has activated his Stigma 'Black Flames'.]




Kim Namwoon screamed as he slashed his knife and a black flame wall rose, blocking the way to the center of the platform.

[ You have used 800© on Agility.]

[ Agility: Lv:09 <<< Lv:12 ]


Kim Namwoon leaped towards the flag, crossing the flame wall without any problem.



A surprised gasp escaped Kim Namwoon's mouth as a high-speed wind wave flew from his side.

[ The Incarnation 'Yi Ji-Hye' has activated Skill 'Ghost Walk Lv.02' ]

"Well, not so fast!!!"

Yi Ji-Hye spoke with a mocking smile as she stood near the flag and looked towards Kim Namwoon.

"How did you cross my black flame!!!"

Kim Namwoon asked Yi Ji-Hye with a surprised look.

"I knew you would do something like that, so I just followed you from behind. After all, my Ghost Walk helps me to not get caught, so it was easy to escape your flames with your help."


Yi Ji-Hye answered with a mocking smile, and Kim Namwoon clicked his tongue with annoyance.

"Well, so everyone, welcome your new representative—: Huh!!!"


"What's happening!!!"

"What is this...I can't breathe properly!!!!"

[ Your Understanding of the Skill 'Crowd Control' has risen.]

[ Crowd Control Lv:03 <<< Lv:04 ]

"Everyone kneel down and no one will touch the flag..."

Yu Jung-Hyeok's cold voice rang throughout the station as a very dark and powerful pressure forced everyone to kneel on the floor.

Step... Step... Step...

Yu Jung-Hyeok walked towards the flag as everyone kneeled in front of him. His pressure was very high and strong.

Yu Jung-Hyeok stopped near Yi Ji-Hye and looked down at her with a cold look.

'..Tsk....I was hoping to control this bastard with this flag....'

Yi Ji-Hye had given up and clicked her tongue with a disappointed look on her face.

Yu Jung-Hyeok ignored her and went for the white flag.

[ You have pulled the white flag from the flagpole.]

[You have become the 'representative' of Chungmuro.]

[You are qualified to walk the 'King's Road.']

Yu Jung-Hyeok felt warm energy spreading throughout his body as he held the flag in his hand.

[ 'Yu Jung-Hyeok' has occupied the white flag.]

[ If the white flag doesn't change owners in the next five minutes, Chungmuro will be under his control.]

[ If the flag is snatched in the next five minutes, the timer will reset.]

[ 5:00]

A timer started above Yu Jung-Hyeok's head, and he looked towards the people kneeling in front of him.

[ 'Crowd Control' has been deactivated.]


Yu Jung-Hyeok looked towards everyone and deactivated his skill, then with a cold attitude asked a simple question.

"Does anyone wants to take this flag from my hand..."

"If you do, then be ready to die..."

Those were some simple words for him, after all, he didn't want to be a leader because of some skill, so he was giving a chance to others to fight for it, but no one moved as his words struck fear inside everyone's heart.

Like that 5 minutes were Over and Yu Jung-Hyeok became the representative of Chungmuro Station.

[ The sub-scenario has ended.]

[You have earned 1,000 coins as compensation.]

[The white flag will show its true effects to the Chungmuro representative.]

[ Current Group: 16 people.]

[ Your reputation is still too weak to gain the title of king.]

[ You have gained control of the Chungmuro Group through the effect of the white flag.]

[You can punish a group member who goes against you.]

[ There are currently four people who have left.]

"Well, congratulations on being our representative."

Yi Ji-Hye slapped Yu Jung-Hyeok's shoulder with pride, and that was probably her biggest mistake.


The guy looked at her with a cold expression, which sent shivers down her neck.

"H-hey Yu Jung-Hyeok, I-I wasn't going to betray really... Then see you..."

[ The Incarnation 'Yi Ji-Hye' has activated Skill 'Ghost Walk Lv.02' ]

The girl disappeared in the blink of an eye, while Yu Jung-Hyeok didn't give much thought to this.

Shortly afterward, Bihyung appeared in the air.

[ So all of you have chosen your representative, and who is that... Oh well, what a surprise, if it isn't Yu Jung-Hyeok himself, hahahahaha!!!!]

Bihyung laughed with a mocking face. After all, the result was not much different than what he had thought.

[ Well then, now you all have chosen your representative, let's start the game.]

[ The fourth main scenario is activated!]


[Main Scenario #4 – Struggle for the Flag]

Category: Main

Difficulty: C

Clear Conditions: (Click here to see the condition)

Time Limit: 12 days.

Compensation: 2,000 coins.

Failure: ???


Yu Jung-Hyeok clicked on the Clear Condition icon, and suddenly another interface popped up in front of him.


[ Clear Conditions]

1. Every station has a 'flag' and 'flagpole' that can be occupied.

[The flag can only be carried by the 'representative' of the station]

2. You need to protect the flag from other station groups. If a flag is taken away by another group, the losing group will be taken over by the group that occupied the flag.

3. You can put a 'flag' in the 'flagpole' of another station. The authority of the flag is only for the 'representative' of each station. Once the representative dies in an armed conflict, the authority of the representative is transferred to the person who holds the flag first. If you take the 'flag' of another station group, the treatment of the group deprived of the flag is determined by the group that took the flag.

4. You must occupy the 'flagpole' of the 'target station' within a certain time limit. Failure to do so will result in the death of all group members.

5. The target station your group should occupy is Changsin Station.


"It's like an Ice and Water game..."

Yi Ji-Hye, who appeared beside Yu Jung-Hyeok, spoke with a narrowed look on her face while Yu Jung-Hyeok turned towards her with a frown on his face.

"What, don't tell me you didn't play it when you were young..."

"It's a very simple game where you have to run away from the catcher, and if you get caught, you will be frozen, and the caught has to freeze others while protecting the frozen person. Well, in this case, we have to protect our flag..."

Yi Ji-Hye nodded her head as if she had solved some mysterious case like a detective.

"We have to take down Changsin Station. That means they must have a target on us... So that means the first one to attack would win..."

Kim Namwoon spoke with a serious look, and seeing that, Yi Ji-Hye looked at him with a weird look.

' I didn't know he had a mind to think....'

"Gong Pildu, are you going to help us or not..."

Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at Gong Pildu, who had a hollow look on his face. After all, he lost his last chance to get back his influence just now.

"I will..."

Gong Pildu answered with a tired and disappointed look on his face.

' I will kill him bastard!!!'

Gong Pildu thought to himself as he clenched his fist with anger and stood up with a calm look.

"We should—:"

"Aaa...Yu Jung-Hyeok, I think we should take a rest first...."

Yi Ji-Hye spoke with a hesitant look on her face as she pointed toward the tired and helpless people, who were gasping for breath.

"I don't car—:"

"I know you don't care, jerk, but we are tired. Not everyone is like you, a brute, who would defeat anyone with their strength!!!"

Yi Ji-Hye spoke, and Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at her with a weird look and then turned around towards everyone and saw that the station was in a very bad condition.


Yu Jung-Hyeok clenched his fist and felt a sorrow and stiff feeling in his muscles.

"....let's take a small break..."
