It's Just an Act (2)

"What are you reading by the way?" he asked.

We sat in our seats, staring at our tablets.

"A manga," I replied.

"What's the genre?" he inquired.

"It's action."



"I see…"

Silence fell between us for a moment.

"What about you, what are you reading?" I asked, breaking it.


"Do you like romance?"

"Yeah, I do… What about you? You like action?"

"I do..."

Another pause filled the air.

Our conversation flowed in a steady, calm tone. Though it might have seemed awkward to some, I found comfort in its simplicity.

"Speaking of which, you were very skilled with that sword the other day," I complimented.

"Well, my father loved that sort of thing, and I used to train with him when I was a kid," he explained.

Past tense, huh? I decided not to go into detail.

"I see..."

He likes sword fighting, huh? I've got an idea.

I stood up and, feeling his curious gaze, walked over to the fake swords lying nearby and picked one up.

After inspecting the sword in my hands, I calmly approached him.

Seeing the determination in my eyes, he placed the tablet on the table beside him and got ready.

We didn't need words to understand each other. How strange...

"Hyah!" I swung my sword swiftly and sharply, lightly touching Sato's chest with the tip as if to "pierce" him.

He immediately got into character. Without hesitation, he slowly raised his hands and grabbed the blade of the sword as if to pull it out. Quickly realizing that he lacked the strength, he looked up at me with wide, confused, and shocked eyes. "Ah..." he coughed, as if blood was gushing from his mouth, and slowly rolled off the chair onto the floor.

"Hahahah, that was really cool," I said with a laugh, putting my sword away.

"Thank you, thank you," he stood up and bowed to me playfully, as if to the audience. 

Lifting his head, he hesitated for a moment and his eyes fell somewhere behind me, "I think 'Hyah' was unnecessary though," he said, taking a step in that direction.

"Nitpicking...," I said calmly.

When I turned to look at him, he was already holding a sword.

He examined the sword thoughtfully, and then, with a serious and cold expression, he pointed the sword lightly and calmly in my direction. "Surrender. While I'm still giving you time... Run and don't show your face again, and maybe you'll save your worthless life," he said in a dramatic, icy voice that sent shivers down my spine.

I tensed my hand slightly on the hilt of my sword, feeling that my opponent was stronger than me, but I still said in a voice full of strength and pride, "Never! Would I surrender to a worm like you? My sword will pierce your heart before you know it!"

I took a step forward and swung my sword, but the movement felt awkward and unfamiliar, and I stopped abruptly before completing it. Lowering my hands, I admitted, "Eh... I'm not good at this..."

When I looked at him, all I saw was a serious expression on his face. "Wanna fight? Just for fun?" he asked.

"Seriously?" I chuckled.

"Yeah… Let's just 'dance'," he suggested playfully, pointing his sword at me once more.

"What?" I laughed, unable to contain my amusement. "Are you for real? That's so corny…"

You have a childish side, don't you? Trying to mask it with that serious look?

"Well... like I said, I'm not good at it..." I reminded him.

"Is there a sword fighting scene in the manga you're reading?" he asked, lowering his sword.

"Hmmm... Yeah..."

"Tell me about the story."

"In this story, one of the characters is a traitor, and the other is his friend who was ordered to kill him."

"And he kills him in the end?"

"Yeah. Strangles him."

"Well, then I'll be the traitor."

"You really want to do that, huh?"

"Don't worry, I have more experience than you, so I'll help you."


"We're going to take it slow. Just try to get into the rhythm. It's like a dance. I'll lead, so don't worry."

As he said this, I tried to listen, suppressing the urge to giggle at my dirty thoughts.

"Okay... be gentle with me, it's my first time..." I said.

"Of course," he replied calmly and seriously, seeming to miss my joke. "Try to block the blows of my sword. Remember, I'm a traitor, but I'm still your friend. You don't want to kill me right away, just block and dodge as if you don't want to hurt me."

"Why don't we try to copy the moves from the manga exactly?" I suggested.

"Hmm... Let's keep it casual for now..."

Did he really just want to play around? How old is he, lol? …Well, I wouldn't say I'm against it…

He slowly starts to attack me, he takes a step forward, swings his sword and then strikes, I dodge, "Watch out!" he yells, I turn around, he swings and I block, a little awkward but I make it in time.


Swing, strike, dodge… Swing, strike, block… The rhythm of our movements felt almost choreographed, like a dance.

As I stumbled and fell, I instinctively reached out and grabbed him. We tumbled, and he ended up on top of me.

It happened so fast that I didn't immediately realize what had happened...

Silence enveloped us...

His face is right above mine… But not too close…

The room is filled with nothing but our heavy breathing...

Our eyes were fixed on each other, calm and even indifferent...

We just needed a moment to catch our breath, nothing more...

"You're a little clumsy," he remarked.

I ignored his comment. "Hey... Maybe you'll let me stand up?" I suggest calmly.

"Oh yeah, sorry."

He stood up a little awkwardly and then extended his hand to me. I took it and got up from the floor as well.

"It was fun though," I remarked.

"I know, right? Swords are fun."

"You really like them, huh..."

"I guess..." he said a little wistfully.

After I handed him my sword, he returned both swords to their places.

As he turned to me, I noticed the thoughtful expression on his face and felt compelled to ask, "Do you want me to help you with the romance scenes? I remember you had some trouble with them."

"Wait, really?" His slightly nostalgic look immediately brightened. "You want to help?"

"Of course... Why not?"

"How are we going to do that?"

"Hmmm..." I wondered what clichéd romantic scenario we could play out with him. Suddenly I had an idea. "Oh, I know... Let's start with something simple. How about a confession scene?"

"A confession?"

"Yes... Imagine this: You're the most popular guy in school, and you're trying to confess to a shy, unpopular girl who has a secret crush on you."

"Hmmm..." he mused, adjusting his glasses. "That doesn't seem quite right..."

"What do you mean?"

"It would make more sense for your character to be popular."


"I mean, you are pretty," he remarked calmly, which caught me off guard. "And I can't imagine you being shy..."

I hadn't realized he saw me in that light. Though... when I looked at his expression again, I wondered if it was more of an observation than a compliment. Still, I felt flattered.

"Gosh... What?" I chuckled. "I'm pretty, huh? I mean, thank you... But being pretty doesn't necessarily guarantee popularity. Personality matters too."

Take yourself, for example: you're good-looking, but you're not very popular because you're reserved.

"Are you saying you have a bad personality?" he asked.

"Well, yeah," I admitted.

I knew that I didn't radiate friendliness.

"Well… I guess it's true," he agreed.

What? What is this guy saying? You should say something like, 'No, you have a great personality, don't talk about yourself like that,' and then I would get embarrassed and go, 'Oh my God, what are you talking about, stop embarrassing me!'

"Are you asking for it?" I replied sharply.

"No, no, of course not, I'm just kidding," he quickly replied.

You know how to joke, huh?

"Whatever! We should try it. "

"Well... I don't think I could pull off playing a popular guy..."

"Hey, you're an actor, aren't you? Give it a try!" Seeing his still hesitant face, I added, "Don't worry, it's just an act."

He looked at me with some doubt, but agreed with a sigh, "Okay.... I guess you're right."

"Let's start then..."

Stepping into the role, I nervously twirled a strand of hair between my fingers. I softened my gaze and looked at him with naivety and warmth in my heart. My lips pursed in nervous anticipation, I lowered my eyes slightly, harboring a shy hope that such a popular and handsome guy would actually confess his love to me. At the same time, I couldn't shake the feeling of disbelief; what could someone like him possibly see in someone like me? With a mixture of hope, fear, and tenderness, I waited for his words, hoping that my expectations weren't too optimistic.

Finally, he raised his eyes to meet mine, intending to speak. But as soon as his lips parted, they suddenly froze, his eyes widened in surprise, and a faint blush colored his cheeks (did I look that cute? lol). I waited patiently for him to get into character.

As if realizing I was waiting for him to start, he cleared his throat with a soft "Ahem," and then, trying to make his expression more confident, he pointed his index finger at me and said in a languid voice, "I love you, baby."

I burst out laughing that very second.

It was so stupid and silly! I can't! Wait, what did he just say? Did I hear that right?

"Hahahahahahahah! What? Baby? Hahahahahahah!"

Unable to contain my laughter, I leaned forward, clutching my stomach.

"I was trying to play a role!" I heard his serious voice.


I can't!!!

Through my tears of laughter, I looked up at him and noticed his embarrassed and slightly nervous expression. So he could make that kind of face, too.

When he finally met my gaze, he struggled to regain his calm expression, "Anyway, stop laughing..." he said, adjusting his glasses.

"Sorry, sorry," I said, trying to calm down, waving my hand at him, "but, uh, I should have caught that on camera lol."

He just remained silent and looked away slightly.

"Pfft. Hahahahahahh!" I couldn't stop laughing. The room was filled with nothing but my laughter.

When I finally calmed down, I managed to say, "Oh my God, that was so funny…"

"Done?" he asked, his face slightly offended.

"Yeah..." I wiped away the tears that had come from laughing so hard. "But seriously... I think you're just afraid or embarrassed to do love scenes," I added.

Realizing that I was serious, he replied, "You laughing at me didn't help me at all, you know."

"Oh my God, are you going to hold a grudge against me now?"

We stared at each other for a moment, then he said, "No, no. Just wait for my payback. Rest assured I'll laugh at you too. Revenge is a dish best served cold."

"Oh God," I said playfully, putting my palms together in front of me as if begging him, "I'm so scared, please be merciful!"

I smiled at him, and finally, after a brief pause, his serious face softened into a small smile. As if embarrassed by his quick surrender, he lowered his eyes slightly. 

Within seconds, he seemed to calm down and quickly regained his composure, then looked up at me again. "You know... well, actually, you're right... But… I don't know how to improve my skills in romantic scenes."

I pondered. "Hmmm... Want me to teach you?"


"Well, show me one of your favorite scenes from a romance manga you've read. It should be intimate, but no kissing or dirty stuff..."

"Sure!" He said and hurried to his backpack.

It was as if he already knew which panels to show me.

He brought me his tablet.

Oh, damn… Those panels are beautiful. There was a girl sitting on the table, and the guy was holding her hand, looking at her. The wind blew through the open window, making the curtains dance gracefully... Gentle sunlight illuminated the room... It was all so beautiful. There was no dialogue, just pictures showing their gazes full of tenderness and love, their intertwined fingers... I didn't know who these characters were or what connected them, but just looking at those pairs of panels, I knew I wanted to portray it.

"I'll play your lover," I said calmly.

"Are we going to do it right now?"

"Of course."

"Well... okay."

"So, take my hand." 

I sat down on the table and elegantly extended my hand to him. I wasn't shy at all.

There was awkwardness in his movements, in his gaze. He seemed afraid to touch me.

"Don't let your feelings overwhelm you. It's just an act, that's all."

"I know that... It's not my first love scene."

"Really? Then why are you so bad?"

"I don't know... At some point it just became uncomfortable..."

He took my hand in a strange grip, there wasn't an ounce of tenderness or love in it.

"Hey, you should hold my hand properly..." I took the initiative and gently intertwined our fingers. "And our fingers should intertwine... That's right, and look into my eyes."

When he looked at me, I giggled a little. "Pfft..."

"What are you laughing at?"

"It's just... you're always so calm, and I never realized you could make that face. It's like you're madly in love with me, lol! Gosh... You are so f*cking awkward."

"I mean, I am madly in love with you! We are playing the characters, right?"

"Yeah... Sorry. You are right"

"It's an act. Of course I'm trying to look at you that way."

"I know, I know, but you're still kind of reserved, you know?"

"If you laugh, I'll never be able to play love scenes."

"Sorry... Okay, keep looking at me... Don't be embarrassed."


I caught his eyes as he looked at me. "Yeah, see? There's nothing wrong with that…"

Our fingers were still intertwined, and his gaze softened, finally expressing tenderness. As I looked at his face, I couldn't help but notice the subtle details of his features, the way his eyes sparkled, the disheveled strands of his hair, the curve of his nose, the fullness of his lips... It suddenly dawned on me, he was really handsome, he was... he was like an actor from a romantic drama...

"See, it's not that hard?" I remarked.

"Yeah..." he replied softly.

"If you draw a clear line between acting and real life, it's easy."

"You're right..."

"And relax your fingers a little. Don't hold them so stiffly," I advised gently. "You can move them too. Don't be like a robot..."

Silence fell between us, broken only by the sound of breathing. And our eyes remained fixed on each other...

At one point, I felt his fingers gently touch the outside of my palm. The tips of his fingers ran softly over the surface of my skin...

"Like this?" he asked.

Goosebumps ran down my body... A pleasant shiver ran down my spine...

"Um... Well, that's... Yeah..."

For some reason, I instinctively let go of his hand.

What was that? Why did my heart skip a beat? I've performed love scenes many times before, but I've never felt anything like this...

"Did I do something wrong?" There was a look of incomprehension and concern in his eyes. I must have pulled my hand away too abruptly.

"No... That was good..." I averted my eyes from him, trying not to meet his gaze. "I guess..."


No, no, no! I can't let him see my embarrassment! I promised I'd help him!

Forcing a smile, I looked at him sharply. "Yeah! That was awesome!" I said, my smile tinged with nervousness.

However, he seemed to sense that something was wrong. "Are you lying to me to make me feel better?"

Pull yourself together, Rina! What is wrong with me? Calm down. I sighed, calming my racing heart.

"Of course not. I was just a little surprised at how good you were, that's all."

"Oh..." His expression changed. He seemed to accept my explanation, which calmed my nerves.

Well, part of what I said was true. I just left out the part about him making my heart race.

"Thanks... It's all thanks to you. Your confidence and encouragement really helped me," he said sincerely.

His sincere gratitude made me feel a little embarrassed.

I was glad I could help him... God, it was a good thing he didn't see my embarrassment or I would have been mortified.

Finally, after clearing my mind of all unnecessary thoughts and emotions, I looked at him. "Ahem... Anyway, what's the story about?" I asked.

He met my gaze calmly. "Your character is a childhood friend who dates my character, but my character cheats on you. Or so your character thinks..."

I was intrigued by the premise. I've always hated cheaters, so it shouldn't be hard to portray his girlfriend, I thought.

"Hmm… Is the ending good?"

"I haven't finished reading it yet."

"Surely, there's a lot of drama between the characters too?"


"Sounds interesting…"

"Wanna read it?"

"Sure. Then we can experiment with different scenes next time. I'll help you."

"Really?" There was joy in his voice. "Thank you. That would help me a lot."

Okay, why did I suggest it? Well, to help him with the love scenes, of course, and nothing more! I had no hidden agenda!