Lame Date! (1)

The convenience store where I (Hina Akiyama) worked was quite far from my home, practically at the end of town, so I had to take the bus.

Even though it was morning, the bus was pretty empty. I sat in the back seat and stared out the window, waiting for the bus to pass my school.

The dawn light was bright and golden, illuminating not only the still half-empty streets, but also the interior of the bus.

Today was Saturday, and I had something special planned for tomorrow, so I had to ask the store manager for the day off.

While I was thinking about it, the bus approached the park area near the school and stopped at a traffic light. Something outside caught my attention. I noticed police officers standing on the sidewalk, gathered around something.

As the bus passed the scene and I looked at it from a different angle, I noticed parts of a broken robot lying on the sidewalk. Its torso, head, and limbs were close together, with wires sticking out as if they had been torn apart.

Hmm? Someone attacked a robot?

I didn't think about the scene for long, forgetting about it after almost a few minutes as my thoughts shifted back to thinking about tomorrow...

…"Good morning!" I heard a familiar voice behind me as I was about to cross the street.

As I turned around, I saw the familiar face of an old woman standing in front of me. "Good morning," I greeted her with a warm smile.

The old lady lived alone and had a great passion for growing flowers. Her house served as a flower store, and every morning she would take a walk near her home.

I glanced at the multitude of flowers neatly arranged behind her windows, their vibrant colors beckoning casual passersby to step inside.

"How are you?" I asked, not surprised at her early greeting as she often spoke to me when she saw me.

"Yeah, just enjoying a walk in the sunshine," she replied with a twinkle in her eye.

" I see..." I muttered, looking across the street.

"Ah, that parking lot they built... It ruins the whole view," she complained, a common complaint I had become accustomed to hearing. She was talking about the parking lot in front of the convenience store where I worked.

"Yes, you're right..." I said a little thoughtfully. "But at least your flowers make this street look better," I smiled at her.

She chuckled softly. "Thank you, dear… By the way, come by my place tomorrow, I'm planning to make something special," she invited warmly.

Her invitations to dine at her house had become a tradition. Although I sometimes worried that I was being too spoiled, it was hard to resist her hospitality.

"I'm sorry, but I'm busy tomorrow. I was actually thinking of taking the day off," I apologized gently.

"Really?" For a moment, her disappointment was palpable, but she quickly recovered and smiled again. "Well, you're young, you should be spending time with your friends."

I nodded, appreciating her understanding.

"Well... I won't keep you. You've got to get to work, don't you?" she added, graciously releasing me from our brief conversation.

I looked into her smiling eyes, noticing the gentle wrinkles around them. It was obvious that she was quite lonely. I didn't know if she had grandchildren or children, but she seemed to think of me as a granddaughter. I didn't mind her attention, so I just nodded gratefully, "Thank you! I'll be sure to stop by next time," and hurried across the street to the store. 

At the back entrance I encountered the manager. She was a young woman with long black hair pulled back in a ponytail, wearing a store cap. She was standing with a tablet in her hand in front of a truck and a man who seemed to be delivering new supplies. Next to her was a robot holding a box. After exchanging greetings, I made my way into the store.

When she was finally free, I stood before her and waited in silence… It was kind of embarrassing to ask for a day off...

"What's on your mind, Hina? Speak up, I won't bite."

"Well..." I sighed nervously, "I was hoping to take tomorrow off."


"This is important!" I exclaimed, noticing her slight hesitation. "I've already arranged for a replacement," I quickly added.

"I see." She looked at me carefully. "What's so important about tomorrow? You've never asked for a day off before."

I realized she was asking rhetorically, but I couldn't shake the embarrassment her question caused me. What was wrong with me? I've never felt like this before...

"Well..." I mumbled, feeling a blush rise to my cheeks.

"Ah," the manager smiled understandingly. "A date?"

I blushed even more, the look on my face clearly betraying the nature of my request. "Well... Yeah, sort of."

"In that case, you have my permission. Enjoy your day off tomorrow," she said with a smile.