I had noticed the seriousness of the brotherhood brothers on special occasions before. This time, the atmosphere was extreme. In earlier times, people were serious, but there was usually a solemn atmosphere. Now I only felt the seriousness. There was no sacred or solemn moment in the current hour. Everyone knew it was something that was nothing but important. The Oheim ordered me to bring the skull of my first murder victim. From now on, I could use all the strength I could bind to myself in every conceivable way. This test would decide my existence. I took the skull bone from my car, where I had it constantly in the trunk. Wrapped in a sports bag, the memory of the day that had given me enormous strength accompanied me. The Oheim and five men I did not know went with me to the basement of the house. We put on white robes and sat on the floor. I sat in the middle of the room cross-legged. Around me in a circle sat the six men. They sat at a distance of about two arm lengths from me. They placed candles between themselves and me. There was no other lighting in the room. The situation was very eerie.

A dark room where seven men in white robes sat in a circle and remained silent. Candles burned. Everyone was serious. And I was well aware that these people had no sense of humor when it came to lodge matters.They would have been ready and able to kill me without any emotion.I had already done something like this myself and seen how one could make a person suffer.This time I was at their mercy.What they wanted from me, what kind of test it should be, was absolutely mysterious to me.I took a deep breath and tried to control my nervousness through exercises I knew, which eventually succeeded.I became calmer and waited for things to happen.There was clearly no escape anymore.The confrontation inevitably happened now.So I resigned myself to my fate and trusted in the strength that I had gained over the past years.

collected and on the things I had learned. Also, the fact that I was not in the best condition today suddenly didn't bother me anymore. Things were just as they were. After a while of silence and sitting quietly, the uncle stood up and spoke: "Dear brothers, Masters of the High Degrees! A person whom life has brought to us has prepared himself to be initiated into our order. He claims to have learned things about himself that mortals cannot see. Furthermore, he claims that he wants to learn everything about the secrets of life and all its manifestations. He claims to have command over magical powers that make him stronger than all those who are not initiated into the mysteries of fate. To test this, we have gathered today at this sacred place.

We are the Masters of the High Degrees who will administer the test according to the millennia-old ritual of the Celtic priests. Through our power and knowledge, the consciousness state of the adept will be revealed. You have prepared yourselves and requested the test.

If the adept passes the test before him, he will be elevated to the rank of Master, and every Master of the High Degree is obligated to initiate the candidate into all known secrets of the universe if he so desires.

You, candidate, are obligated by mastery to work with all means at your disposal for the greatness and power of the order and lodge. You shall use all your power to increase the influence of the order and lodge. You are allowed to do anything within your power.

The ritual is simple. Your task is simply to remain seated in the place you have chosen now. You may not leave this place until each one of us has given you permission. Do not fear. None of us is allowed to touch your body. When dawn breaks, then surely it will be over.

So you know that this test cannot last longer than tonight. Stay calm sitting there, then nothing will happen to you. Are you ready and comfortable?" He looked at me and I said a loud, strong yes and nodded vigorously with my head. I was already scared now because he said I should not fear.

They had some trickery planned that I could not see through. It was a queasy feeling knowing that this test undoubtedly endangered my life but I had no idea what was coming for me.

The uncle looked around and asked each individual if they were ready for the test to begin. None of those present spoke up; they just looked grimly ahead and nodded slightly with their heads.

The uncle declared that now was when testing would begin and sat down as well.

My mind was empty, completely empty, and I forced my mind into calmness.

I relaxed...

I tried to approach things as calmly as possible. So we sat in the darkness by candlelight in an empty basement room in a German city and remained silent. And remained silent. And remained silent. Nothing happened and I became much calmer. Was the test really just about being able to endure a night of silence with these dark figures and fight against my boredom? The uncle had explained the rule that they were not allowed to harm or attack me. So I prepared myself for a long, uneventful night. We sat for a very long time in the night. The candles burned slowly down. I watched the flickering lights to at least entertain my mind a little. Inadvertently, I began to use the technique of free viewing. The vision that emerged from staring into the burning candle was more intense than anything I had experienced before.

The room was filled with a delicate blue light that seemed to be a living being. In this sea of light, I saw energy clusters in front of me. They were the priests. Behind me, I felt the masters sitting, whom I could not see. They emitted an equally strong vibration. These people created an all-pervading energy field.

My vision became more vivid. I saw light orbs flying through the room, as if those sitting in a circle were throwing energy packets to each other. I watched spellbound as the spectacle unfolded in my presence. The human energy bundles radiated in all colors of the rainbow. They glowed and shimmered.

The brilliance of the colors surpassed anything that had ever been transported into the soul's perception by everyday eyesight. It was a magnificent play of colors, beautiful and exciting at the same time. My breathing became heavier. I was overwhelmed by the beauty and power that these people radiated. They had perfected what I had practiced in my first modest attempts when trying to control my aura's radiance.

I was carried away by watching this spectacle and looked deeper into the power fields that the examiners were building up.It was like a suction, like a whirlpool of colored light into which I was drawn.I felt dizzy.I had the sensation that my body was spinning in this whirlpool of light faster and faster.It was very frightening.I couldn't stop spinning and felt helpless against this terrifying dizziness.I pulled myself together and stopped the spinning colors with a sudden concentration of thought.

I now saw again the masters sitting around me in their usual form.Looked at white hooded men.The man who sat opposite me face to face fixed his gaze on me.He looked deep into my eyes.I returned his gaze and held my ground.I viewed this mutual staring as a test of strength that I wanted to win under all circumstances.His gaze was firm and determined..

He did not flutter his eyelashes, did not close his eyes to moisten the drying eye with tears in a quick motion of the lids that lasted only a fraction of a second. I followed suit and soon realized that I was already too tired to endure the burning of my eyes for long. I tried to relax, knowing that it would help me keep my eyes open longer. So I let my mind wander freely, allowing my body to release all tension. My cramps loosened and I became aware of the vibration of my nerves. Everything began to gently vibrate; a pleasant feeling took hold of my body and relaxed it completely. An unexpected and new vision in its quality and intensity began. My gaze partner changed his appearance. Bright sparks sprayed from his head, from the highest point, as if a table fireworks display had been hidden under his hood. The difference was that a table firework would burn out after a few seconds. However, this man sprayed sparks endlessly. In fact, the light points rising from him increased in number and size. It soon looked as if a volcano was erupting from his head. At first, the lights only rose upwards. Then the stream of sparks widened and flew in all directions away from his body after a few minutes. Even downwards, the lights spread out. I watched this phenomenon fascinatedly. My breathing became heavier, I became more excited and was almost at the peak of unbearable tension as his body slowly lifted off the ground. He floated on the lights like on an air cushion. This vision was as real as things I could see in my daily life.

This appearance was physical. I could see everything so vividly and up close that I had no doubt about the reality of what was happening before me.

He remained floating just half a meter above the floor for several minutes, increasing the brightness of the fire flowing from his body second by second.

At that moment when I realized that everything I saw was a projection of his thoughts in my brain, my fear disappeared and I experienced the spectacle like watching a movie in a cinema.

Although I was carried away by the beauty and intensity of the lights, I was aware that it was an illusion and could therefore maintain my usual reality.

I felt like someone looking at themselves in a mirror, seeing an unfamiliar image and being startled because they expected something else, then realizing that this mirror was not ordinary but distorted, then breathing a sigh of relief and finally...

I found fun and pleasure in the distorted reflection of reality. I watched the show that the man presented to me and allowed myself to be drawn into the play of colors and lights. I relaxed again and enjoyed it. The next moment hit me like a thousand volt shock. Something flew towards me from my left side. A shadow. Like a large, black cloth that draped over me. It was not a physical object. Because I was distracted by the pleasant play of colors from my counterpart, I had not noticed how the men sitting to my left had produced a cloud of dark thoughts which they now threw at me. I felt like I was suffocating. This black thing clung to me and squeezed my chest, covering my face. When I tried to breathe, darkness covered my nose and mouth, preventing me from inhaling. I could exhale, pumping all the air out of my body. My chest expanded and strained to suck oxygen into my lungs with all its might. But the entrances to my airways were blocked. Panic and desperate fear of death immediately overwhelmed me.

I couldn't lift my arms to tear the cloth-like thing off me. It stuck to me as if glued on. With every last effort I could muster in my long struggle for death, I moved my hand inch by inch forward to touch the skull lying in front of me. It was an instinctive reaction. When my finger reached the bone, I felt the power of the young man whom I had slaughtered flow through me.

With renewed strength, I raised my arms high and grabbed the dark cloud, pushing it away from me and pressing it onto the ground where it dissolved into nothingness with gasping and coughing. I gasped for air and vomited bile as if coughing up my lungs. My throat hurt and I gagged for minutes on end.

But there was no time for a long recovery break for me as something jumped on me from behind. It felt like a big cat pressing its heavy paws on my shoulders ready to bite through my neck in the next moment.

However, I still felt the power of the skull pulsating within me, so I reached over my head and grabbed hold of whatever was behind me, pulling it forward with a mighty motion to slam it down in front of me on the ground.

It wasn't a cat but rather a dog-like creature, slightly larger than a German Shepherd.

I choked its throat, repeatedly slamming its head on the ground in an attempt to finally kill it.

But no matter how hard I tried, it lived on and grew stronger.

How long would I have to resist this immortal being?

Its eyes looked terrifyingly at mine as it bared its teeth, growling and snarling.

My strength was fading.

While still struggling with all my might to keep the animal down on the ground, I noticed to my right that some kind of snake was crawling out of a man's belly.

My desperation grew even more intense...

With fading strength, I pushed down a raging beast, which kept me fully occupied and had to watch out of the corner of my eye as an undoubtedly dangerous snake moved sadistically slowly towards me. I was doubly helpless. Both dangers were deadly. If I defended against one, the other would be my downfall. I mobilized the last reserves once again and wiped the dog-like creature that I had in my grip across the floor towards the snake. The skull rolled against one of the men. The creature and the snake neutralized each other and disappeared. But from the man who had come into contact with the skull, a bloody fountain sprayed out. It looked as if his body had split in half. Small, disgusting creatures crawled out of the wound. As big as a hand, a cross between lizards and scorpions. There were more and more of them. They formed a closed order and moved towards me. My strength turned against me. Suddenly it became clear to me that these disgusting creatures were my own thoughts trying to kill me. I let go of all tension and the animals dissolved into thin air. I breathed a sigh of relief.

The man in front of me still fixed his gaze on me.

The fire magic was long gone. He opened his mouth slowly, very slowly, at a slow-motion pace that showed no change from one second to another. But his mouth kept opening wider and wider until it was as big as a soccer ball and still opening further. In a flash of insight, I realized his intention.

He wanted to create a huge hole that would swallow everything up. The void of this hole was meant to destroy me. But I saw through him, and he realized it too.

A stream of dark energy shot out of his mouth towards me. I remained relaxed as the energy flew through my body and hit the man sitting behind me without looking back.

Nevertheless, everyone present knew that by remaining relaxed despite this attack, chaos had been unleashed.

The man hit by the stream jumped up and rushed towards me, striking my head with force. But I was in the same mood as when I enjoyed the spark magic like an illusion show before; only now there was a physical attack from him.

He struck with both fists simultaneously on my head but I did not perceive his actions as real; thus absorbing his life force into my body.

The man collapsed lifeless behind me; recognizing the critical situation, other men seemed to want to help him by launching a joint mental attack on my body; beasts sprang at me from all sides so quickly that an ingrained survival instinct took over control within me with all its might...

The man who now lived inside me, I gathered the dream creatures that were rushing at me from all sides and directed them with my imagination towards the man sitting directly in front of me. I could look at him with the least amount of effort. Five murderous beings attacked him. They entered his body. He had not expected that this mental feat would succeed. I was superior to him because I had imposed my thoughts on him as his reality. The animals had disappeared into his body and he slowly fell backwards. He was dead. I sucked in his life force with my mind. In my body, there were four souls still present, each leading an independent existence. Me, my first murder victim, and the two sorcerers. Now the battle for my body continued within me. I subjugated the souls of the deceased by asserting my rightful claim to control as the original owner of my body and as the one who had conquered the bodies and minds of others. After several hours of intense cramps and epileptic seizures, our souls merged. I had become tall, very strong, and extremely powerful.

I was lying on the ground, I opened my eyes. Four men were standing around me. Two were lying next to me. They helped me to my feet. The uncle bowed slightly in front of me and addressed me with the title "Master". He said: "Master, you should clean yourself now, otherwise soon the whole house will smell of your shit and piss." I had passed the test. However, out of fear, I must have dirtied myself during the events. I looked around and saw the great mess that stained my beautiful white robe. I was not ashamed, but rather proud and deeply satisfied with how I had parried the attacks of others. I cleaned myself and also regained strength physically under the shower. When I was finished in the bathroom, I only had one feeling. Hunger. I was incredibly hungry. I could have devoured the whole world. I was completely obsessed with greed to devour everything possible within me.

So I demanded a hearty breakfast. The examiners served me with selected delicacies. I ate huge amounts of food. After this lavish meal, I lay down on a sofa and fell asleep. I fell into a long, dreamless sleep. It wasn't until the next morning that I woke up again. A friendly person had provided me with a blanket and placed a water bottle next to my sleeping place. When I woke up again, I was thirsty and very grateful for the water. I got up, went to the morning toilet and felt...

Only now am I able to continue living. The night of the trial was an immense ordeal. The four surviving men were back in the house. They must have been gone in the meantime to make the bodies of the other two masters disappear. They smiled kindly at me, patted me on the back approvingly, and showered me with kind words. It seemed as if they wanted to make it very clear to me once again that the violent attacks on my life in that devilish night should not be taken personally. I wasn't angry with them either. It was indeed a real torment that I had to endure, but in the end, I had gained an advantage again. I had gained strength and some valuable insights for my future life.

So why should I hold it against them for how they had treated me? Besides, I was now a master and therefore had more influence in the brotherhood. I had breakfast again. Then the uncle asked us all to sit at the table, he had something to say:

"We have seen something that has never happened before. A fellow who wanted to qualify as a master managed to knock down two of the examiners. That was not his task. It would have been enough to pass the test if you had just endured it. In realizing that all perception is a product of your imagination. But you managed to teach two masters their final lesson.

These two masters were not simple masters. Both were masters of the High Degree. According to lodge rules, you have thus achieved a High Degree yourself by defeating a master of the fourth and a master of the fifth High Degree in front of more than two witnesses of the brotherhood. I hereby solemnly confer upon you the rank of Master of the sixth High Degree. Rise and thank your fate."

I stood up and said: "Thank you, fate." Everyone was serious. The mood was sublime. I truly thanked my fate from the bottom of my heart. How close I had been to the brink of ruin! A slight lack of concentration, a little less strength, a missing intuition, and it would have been over for me.

I had every reason to be grateful, even though I had passed the test on my own strength. It was close, no denying that.

The uncle told me to sit back down and continued his speech: "Now that you have reached mastery, I will inform you about your new rights and duties.I will familiarize you with the structure of our order and lodge.You will soon receive initiation into ancient rites known only by those who are wise.You will now take your place in world order as is fitting for you.You will receive all support as long as you prove yourself worthy. From now on, you have many powerful and influential friends. Earn their favor."

You will prove yourself. Now there shall be no more material limits for you in this world. The price you have to pay for this advantage is your full commitment to the lodge. Fight for the place that is rightfully yours.

The uncle spoke for hours. In the following days, we sat together for a long time as well. I listened to the explanations about the real connections within the lodge. Until now, I had thought I knew what the association was all about. But now I learned so many new details that my perspective changed significantly. The brotherhood had goals that the members of the lower ranks could not fathom.

The structure within the lodge is relatively easy to understand. New members are attracted in various ways. Members of the brotherhood get to know a person whom they believe has a personality structure that makes them susceptible to the lifestyle of the lodge. This new target is not approached directly. First, the man is proposed to the Masters of the High Degrees. They observe him. He is thoroughly examined. His preferences, habits, strengths and weaknesses are all scrutinized. His entire life circumstances are investigated. This is partly done through the use of women who engage in a romantic relationship with the man. He has no idea that his affair is solely for the purpose of spying on him.

Once enough information has been gathered about the person and it is known whether he is easily influenced, a decision is made on whether it would be beneficial, from the brotherhood's perspective, to bring him into contact with the brotherhood. If the advanced Masters approve, a detailed plan is developed on how to bind the person to the organization. This approach usually works perfectly. The lodge always takes action while the new man can only react.

Usually, he doesn't even realize in the beginning that a net is being woven around him. If he does eventually notice one day, it's usually too late as he cannot recognize the intentions of his opponents. The advantage of the lodge lies in thorough preparation and in having their new member unaware.

The first conscious contact is always arranged in such a way that it is extraordinary and fascinates the newcomer. How this first meeting is staged depends entirely on the type and personality of each individual person.

The secret society operates based on the mental and emotional structures of humans. Nothing is left to chance. When the lodge decides to bring a new man into their ranks, the action must succeed. If someone learns of the existence of the lodge and does not become a loyal member, their life is in danger. Their only salvation would be to immediately expose their knowledge of the secret society. They would have to quickly reveal the names of known members and tell their whole story. This way, the lodge brothers would be known and unable to attract new members in the future. Their methods are effective because no one suspects what is happening. Everyone operates incognito. No one knows who is collaborating with whom.

Initially, everything seems normal and everyday. It's only when the newcomer enters the outer circle that they notice unusual things, which usually fascinate them rather than drive them away from the lodge.

At the time of first contact, a person is either intentionally experiencing a personal crisis or living isolated from friends and family.

Only by exposing contact with a secret society can a person prevent being killed by those they know and have named. The risk would be too great. The brotherhood's murders are only committed when it is absolutely certain that they can be covered up beforehand.

If someone publicly reveals their contact with the lodge before being recruited, any revenge attack would be investigated as such. Unmasked lodge brothers would be immediately ostracized from the brotherhood, excluded from information and support.

They would have no choice but to leave, preferably far away in a foreign country, assuming a new identity. Even then, betrayed members would still be excluded from any circle within the brotherhood.

If someone allows themselves to be blinded by the extravagances of the brotherhood and seeks admission into their teachings for whatever reason, it is too late. They have likely already committed a serious crime, so revealing the lodge would burden them so much that they would spend the rest of their lives behind bars - this is point of no return.

Now there is no turning back for them.

The adept has no possibility of ever leading a normal, bourgeois life again. The apprentice receives instructions in basic mystical knowledge. Ancient secret teachings are revealed to him. After a suitable period of learning, he advances to the rank of journeyman through examination. During this phase of his life, he becomes acquainted with the powers that are deeply hidden in his psyche. Every person possesses these powers, but only very few have the abilities that are naturally given to us. Some seek them, but are deterred by cheap magic and insignificant esoteric teachings from exploring the truly great connections.

One day, the journeyman takes the examination to become a master. As a master, he can give instructions to any journeyman or apprentice, which they must follow unconditionally. However, in practice, this right is only exercised in very rare exceptional cases or emergencies. Otherwise, the lodge relies more on the principle of seduction. This way, all members feel voluntarily drawn deeper into the brotherhood. Anyone who arouses suspicion of being unreliable will be killed at the next opportunity. The motto here is: It is better to eliminate a reliable man on vague suspicion than to allow oneself to be exposed by an unreliable one who was not stopped in time.

The masters can advance further in the hierarchy by subduing a master of a higher degree before witnesses. There are simple masters and masters of high degrees. In our order there were thirty-nine high degrees. In other orders there are regularly fewer high degrees, but at least eight. The master of the high degree is called Master of the Chair and has enormous influence. The higher his degree is, the more he associates with figures from politics and business. He also knows more about other lodges and orders as well as their leaders.

Decisions within lodges are made by masters through democratic voting. A master who is two grades above the master with the highest rank in the voting round can override all others. Voting can only take place when seven masters have come together and each has expressed their position on the issue.

In practice, it works like this: if a master has a specific issue for which he needs support from his lodge brothers, he tries to gather six other masters in one place. Then he presents his thoughts without interruption for as long as he wants to speak. Questions or clarifications are not allowed during this time so everyone is forced and also strives to express themselves clearly and understandably.

After he finishes speaking, another speaks about how they see things and so on.

Each person speaks once without being interrupted by others.

Everyone speaks only once on the topic. Once everyone has stated their position, a vote is taken. The decision that is made is then supported by all and collectively represented to the lower ranks, if necessary. Here, the principle of seduction is usually preferred. All masters who participated in the vote and all those who hold a lower rank than the master involved in the vote are expected to act in support of the voting outcome. Through this decision-making process, clever minds have a variety of tools at their disposal to skillfully and favorably influence decisions. On the other hand, decisions, even far-reaching ones, are often made quite quickly and suddenly. It is evident here that those who are best prepared can outmaneuver others to gain the greatest benefit from the lodge. In this political order, those who are ruthless, strong, knowledgeable, and wise prevail. This has made the brotherhood very influential for many thousands of years.

The sole purpose of the lodge is to provide financial benefits to masters of high degrees. They are granted a great deal of power and influence. Care is always taken to ensure that a master of the order never holds public office. Members of secret brotherhoods never lead large business enterprises either. The reason for this is that visible leaders must occasionally relinquish their positions when demanded by the masses. Visible rulers change, but those who influence them remain constant. It is a clique that has ruled since ancient times.

There are even brotherhoods created solely to give leaders in politics and business the illusion of ruling at the highest level within a secret society. They will never realize that this society they lead is merely an empty shell without real influence. Those who truly determine things always remain in the background. They fear discovery and publicity. They deceive both the masses and those few who have attained positions and honors through the grace of the lodge.

Approximately twenty people worldwide determine major political and economic affairs without ever being mentioned in newspapers or known to exist by anyone outside their circle.

They move through cities unrecognized, without bodyguards or drawing attention to themselves. Even secular leaders who carry out their will do not know them.

These few individuals divide up the world among themselves like players on a Monopoly board. They are men who know the secrets of the world and use their powers wisely but always secure advantages for themselves first.

They do everything possible to keep power in the hands of the High Brotherhoods.The only hope lies in overthrowing evil rule

Breaking the cycle is to withhold offspring from them. If the new members are warned of the life-threatening and eternal dependence they will enter into by joining the brotherhood, hopefully many intelligent people will break off contact. This will lead to large parts of the lodges being split off. The Masters of the High Degrees will be increasingly poorly trained, and eventually a person outside the lodge will be stronger and more knowledgeable. May God grant that this person is one who wants good for all, not just good for themselves, no matter the cost. Even if it means the lives of entire peoples. Let us end the rule of evil by no longer accepting it.

There are several secret connections, orders, and lodges. The orders have special mystical techniques. Not every person is equally receptive to the teachings of all orders. This depends on the individual's perception. One person feels more, another thinks more, and yet another believes more, while others see or hear without thinking, feeling, or believing. Within the orders there are smaller groups called lodges. Here, people are gathered who are very similar and therefore quickly feel familiar to each other. Several lodges, including those of different orders, are united into Grand Lodges. It should be noted that these are not the honorable associations that are similarly organized but pursue good purposes. The designations and structures are similar because the roots are the same. However, the branches are so different that they bear different fruits. No one knows exactly how many people are organized in secret societies. No one knows exactly how many lodges there are. Everyone only knows a few others. And only a few from other lodges or orders. Information is exchanged indirectly and it is accepted that transmission errors may occur in the process. The secret societies teach their masters telepathic and clairvoyant techniques that help them maintain connections with each other, even if an outsider does not understand the structures. Concealment and obscurity are an absolute necessity for maintaining power for criminal cliques. In Europe, there are nearly three hundred masters of the true High Degrees living and working.