As a Master of the sixth High Degree, I was granted respect within the lodge and bestowed power outwardly. It took me some time to understand the manners of the Masters among themselves, but soon I felt as if I had always been in the inner circle of the Masters. The events during my Master's examination spread around, and I was greatly respected. A Master's examination was such a difficult task that it was admirable to even pass it. But to present oneself so strongly from the start that one subjugated two Masters - and then also a Master of the fifth degree - instilled fear or at least caution. Because of the extraordinary occurrence, I was closely watched.

Soon I understood the possibilities to influence that democratic rules offered me, and I also made use of them from the beginning. It was all very easy for me, as I had my Uncle as a friend and ally. He seemed to really like me, or he had a strong belief that he was obligated to me from a previous life. He introduced me to customs, revealed tricks and techniques to me, introduced me to many people, showed me how to stay in the background and still gain influence, and he instructed me in certain influencing techniques.

One day, we were sitting very happily and relaxed in a nice restaurant. My Uncle said we urgently needed an official permit for a project that would quickly fill our pockets. From a factual and legal point of view, we should never have gotten the permit. So, we wanted to bribe the decisive official. My Uncle wanted to show me how easy something like this could be done. We were really in good spirits, very relaxed, and didn't take the following action seriously enough. I was briefly instructed on what to look out for - the official should not feel like they are being bribed. After all, one often does not know beforehand whether the official is guided by irrational principles, such as the crazy idea of being incorruptible.

The first time you bribe someone, despite all preparations, you can never be sure how they will react. So one must proceed sensitively. Bribery itself is not reprehensible. After all, most people are corrupt. Both the briber and the bribed have weak characters. The bribed, because he acts when he is paid, sells his will and integrity. The briber is in the same situation as the bribed - he gives his energy in the form of money and allows himself to be bought by the bribed. His price is the action of the bribed, for which he gives money.

Some bribe with a smile or a kind word - the principle is the same. Only those who behave equally towards everyone, regardless of how people treat them, are honest. Those who are nicer to those who smile at them than to those who cause them inconvenience are corrupt - they sell their affection for a smile. Others can be bought for money. However, the briber has a slight advantage because he is the active part - he can choose whom to bribe and also when and how.

We visited our victim's office. The official knew our case and was quite grumpy. The uncle said he had to present some important arguments and be sure to present all the details because he knew what he owed to taxpayers.

Unfortunately, such officials have become very rare nowadays. In this manner, the uncle spoke for a good quarter of an hour to the civil servant, buttering him up in such a penetrating and slimy way that I didn't know whether to laugh or vomit. The man listened to everything and visibly warmed up to it, seeming to enjoy this kind of attention.

I was amazed when he was so far gone that he listened with shining eyes to the unbearably exaggerated praises of the hard duties, the heavy existence of civil servants, and the meaning of their work, especially this particular civil servant. Then my uncle switched to the actual topic, speaking only about how our project would benefit public welfare. Anyone with half a brain could have realized after the first three sentences what nonsense my uncle was spouting.

but uncle's convincing performance quickly shifted our focus to the seriousness of the situation at hand. The official, unaware of his own incompetence, continued to nod along to uncle's words, oblivious to the reality of his own shortcomings.

I couldn't help but admire uncle's ability to manipulate the situation and guide it towards a more favorable outcome. It was clear that his expertise in human behavior was far superior to that of the official sitting across from us.

In the end, uncle's persuasive arguments and subtle cues managed to sway the official in our favor, securing the outcome we had hoped for. As we left the office, I couldn't help but marvel at uncle's skillful navigation of the situation and his uncanny ability to read people with such precision. It was a lesson in human interaction that I would not soon forget.

The official just listened. The uncle concluded his sanctimonious nonsense with the remark that he knew that the official, in his overflowing sense of duty, would also worry about the well-being of people in his free time. The uncle did not want the official to incur costs while taking care of our project, which he would have to pay out of his own pocket. He did not want phone calls made by the official from home to be paid for out of his own pocket. The official should not advance money for necessary trips for gas. He should cover the costs from that money. He handed the man a small, white envelope. He emphasized that he would take back the money that the official did not spend on expenses. The bribed man looked confused, but as if on reflex, took the envelope. I saw that he was being bribed for the first time in his life and did not really know how to handle the situation.

Before he could react at all, he had taken the envelope and we had disappeared from the room with a brief farewell. I was amazed at how easily the uncle had caught off guard the loyal civil servant. He had caught him off guard in two ways. Because the five hundred marks he had given were far too little for what was expected in return. This made the official doubt whether it was a classic bribe or just covering costs.

It was completely clear to us that this person had never shown so much commitment in his life that he would have advanced a cause in his free time, let alone used his own money. However, he thought that we saw him as a committed member of society. His uncertainty about his own worldview ultimately led him to do what we had suggested to him.

By the way, he kept the five hundred marks without using even a mark for expenses in this case. I had learned something about human decision-making again. The uncle was a pro in these matters and a good teacher.

After this lesson in pragmatism, I paid double attention to how I encountered people who could be useful to me. The cheapest method of corrupting was and remained to buy people with a smile or other cheap flatteries. One just had to assume that everyone was susceptible to certain vanities. Then, with a little bit of acting talent, one could place any stupid compliment in such a way that the other person at least did not rule out the possibility that it might have been meant sincerely. With clumsy flatteries, it was of great advantage to give the other person the chance to doubt the sincerity of what was being said.

His thoughts were truly engaged and he mentally delved much deeper into our concerns. As a result, our issue became important to him. Due to vanity and the desire for praise, a person will always come to the firm conviction that we truly complimented them from the bottom of our hearts. His previous doubt then created a sense of guilt for suspecting us. He felt ashamed for misjudging us, who held such a high opinion of him, to the point where he believed we were trying to gain an advantage with insincere flattery. So I began to lay it on thick, so that everyone would think I could only have meant it sincerely. Because no one would be so foolish or audacious as to express insincere praise so blatantly. Deep down, everyone craved these acknowledgments. I even learned to present my concerns a little shyly. Practiced stuttering lightly.

With some people, I appeared so self-assured that they wanted to sink into the ground in awe. These individuals then felt it was an honor to do something for such an important person like me. The whole art was to quickly, preferably before the first encounter, see through the conversation partner. The knowledge of the technique of free seeing helped me greatly.

In the early days of my mastery, I worked on organizing the finances of the lodge into a structured system. The game capital had to be drastically increased because we planned to bind so much power in our geographical region that the Masters of the Highest Degrees, who had international connections, could not avoid letting us share in their influence and power.

We bribed and blackmailed politicians or had them bribed. Always true to our top motto not to attract unnecessary attention, we used front men and contacts between us and our victims. These individuals usually acted as brokers or were lawyers or other honorable businessmen who worked on a commission basis for us or our front men. We paid them generously so that no one, not even one person asked questions. Everyone carried out their tasks with professional routine. Only business-minded professionals were selected by us, individuals who had proven themselves absolutely trustworthy and reliable in business were on our payroll.

We made very good deals. Through our extensive contacts and connections with top levels of businesses and sometimes high-ranking politicians, it was easy to earn a lot of money very quickly. We needed money in order not to have to work eight hours a day, which would have greatly hindered us in performing our magical rituals. Additionally, we needed some things to increase our mobility. We built up a fleet of vehicles including several fully equipped luxury cars as well as various trucks and vans.

We acquired airplanes and helicopters. All masters of the High Degrees learned to pilot these aircraft. We established a company whose sole goal was to bring the power of other companies into our hands. By other companies, we also meant the state. We found that the masters who had worked on this project before us had already paved many ways. But as everything changed very quickly and especially in today's times, change occurred incredibly fast, we had to make a huge effort. In long-established companies, we had great influence. Suddenly, a series of new companies emerged that pushed products developed by new technology onto the market. These companies experienced strong initial growth and soon became market forces. The people who built these companies had not previously appeared, were partly unknown to us, and the lodge had some difficulty gaining influence in these rapidly growing companies as well.

Despite the sometimes rapid developments in politics and economics, the various orders and brotherhoods managed to maintain their influence. Sometimes we had to use magical techniques to keep up with external developments. There is a technique that allows a master to use another person's body. The technique is based on influencing the person to be used with a special type of hypnosis so that the master's will determines the actions of the body. The technique was very easy to apply to people from lower social classes and did not require much concentration.

There were even hypnotists outside of brotherhoods who publicly demonstrated these techniques in entertainment shows.

It was more difficult to apply the technique to intelligent people or those who were not used to following simple instructions or who had learned to question orders. To influence an industrial magnate with it required a lot of strength and practice. But it worked just like with obedient people who did things daily as directed by another.

As a hypnotist, one almost felt like slipping into the body and mind of the hypnotized person with their will like into a glove. It wasn't the glove that reached for things, but rather the hand inside it. Or more precisely, it was the person inside that body whose hand was in the glove.

After making the abused person do what one wanted, one only needed to use their mind one last time and input their memory with identification with the action just performed.

Then one cleanly left the foreign body and no one could tell what had happened. Perhaps the secretary noticed a slight change - today, her boss was acting strangely again - there too.

Secretaries who had the silly habit of explaining to themselves what they noticed thought her boss might be lovesick or just overworked. The next day he was back to his old self. So no reason to worry. Everyone is allowed to have a bad day. If the secretary had mastered the technique of free seeing and believed in what she saw, instead of holding on to her old and familiar image, then she would have immediately noticed what was going on.

When was the last time you were surprised that your counterpart is so different today than usual and attributed this change to the hairdryer, even though you live in Hamburg?

We cemented our sphere of influence. My role in the lodge had remained the same since my mastery. At first, it didn't bother me much. I wanted to settle in and study the political connections and processes carefully. So in the beginning, I just went along, brought few of my own ideas, and didn't take clear positions. I clouded myself and tried not to make enemies within the brotherhood. However, one day, when the time seemed right according to my horoscope, I wanted to increase my influence in the brotherhood. I wanted to achieve a higher degree of mastery so that my voice would carry more weight in my lodge and in encounters with masters from other connections.

I spoke with another master of a lower rank. I offered to help him reach a higher rank. He should challenge me and I promised to let him win the fight. This way, he would achieve a higher degree than me. Then I challenged him and he let me win. This way, we could help each other reach higher ranks alternately.

At first, the man was suspicious; he accused me of acting against the interests of the lodge, saying it was dishonest. When I asked him if he had ever met an honest man in the lodge, he agreed to my plan. Furthermore, I explained to him that it would only benefit the lodge if two intelligent and fearless men like us, willing to achieve everything without fear, took leadership positions in the brotherhood.

He understood, willingly followed my argumentation, and eagerly challenged me to a test of strength at the meeting of masters.

We sat facing each other and stared into each other's eyes. After a brief period of courtesy, I collapsed on my chair, wheezed, and groaned a little but quickly recovered so as not to lose too much face in front of witnesses. Thus, my challenger achieved the seventh High Degree.

At the next meeting, I challenged him back.

The game repeated itself, this time in reverse. I was sure that I would now be awarded the eighth High Degree. But the witnesses did not play along. They complained that we had made an agreement and therefore the competition was not valid. Although we had indeed conspired last time. They had known that back then, but since the competition was supposed to be to my disadvantage and it was my idea, they had allowed the comparison back then, but not today. I was humiliated by the exposure of this attempted fraud. But it was about to get even worse. The most influential master of the group - he held the twenty-fourth rank - challenged me to prove my true superiority. I should compete against him. It was a shock because this man possessed strong magical powers. Only my old unpredictable cold-bloodedness could save me. I reached into my pocket, pulled out my revolver and shot the man with the remark that I accepted his challenge. I had fought for the twenty-fifth High Degree of the Brotherhood because I could take advantage of the favorable time I had seen in the horoscope.

The witnesses of this duel, in which only I had a firearm, forced me to swear that I would never again kill a master of a higher degree with physical means. I had to take this oath at that moment. At the same time, I introduced a rule that no master should kill another master with physical means. This was an attempt to protect myself from people like me.

From now on, all my efforts were aimed at achieving my goal of reaching the highest degree of mastery. For this, I had to gather much strength, acquire magical and mystical techniques, practice and apply them in order to defeat the masters of higher degrees in magical combat. I consulted with my uncle, whom I still saw as my only confidant. In our order, there were only two masters who held a higher rank than my uncle.

I learned more techniques that allowed me to expand my power position in the lodge and in meetings of councils from different lodges. The killing of a master with a firearm gave me a reputation for using very creative means and being completely free from scruples and fear of possible reactions from lodge brothers. This behavior was generally appreciated.

The only criticism was that he had murdered a master from his chair. So far, it had only been customary to use ruthlessness against outsiders. Since we all swore never to do so again, everyone could assume that this murder would remain an isolated case.

Once again, through my decisive and unscrupulous actions, I gained advantages and greater power for myself.

I constantly tried to influence the masters who were supposed to participate in a vote beforehand in my favor through informants or intuition if there were any signs or indications that...

When the topic should be brought to a decision in the brotherhood, I tried to be faster and bring the point to a vote when I was sure that the decision would be in my favor. I always proved to be extremely generous to the masters of the lower grades when they acted in my favor. Anyone who brought me confidential information was royally rewarded. Whatever people wished for, they should get it. The wishes were very different, just as different as the characters of those who harbored these wishes. Some just wanted money to enjoy the feeling of material freedom. Others had aspirations for certain things, like cars that had very long order and delivery times. Some wished for houses, trips, or other items that sweetened earthly existence.

But there were also those who only wished to be able to live out fantasies and do things against laws or moral codes without danger. One person had been rejected by a young woman he had been head over heels in love with in his youth. Since she had publicly rejected him, he had been so hurt in his male pride that he still suffered from the shame he felt at that time years later. He demanded as a reward for information given to him in confidence that I should give him the opportunity to have control over this woman as he pleased.

I consulted with other members of the lodge. We meticulously planned a kidnapping operation. The planning of this action required a lot of time and mental work because we wanted to prevent the crime we were planning from being noticed under all circumstances. We researched the life circumstances of this young woman. I must admit that she was truly beautiful and had a charming, lovable nature. Honestly, it didn't surprise me that such a girl had rejected such an extreme egotist and neurotic person. She was now married to a very nice man, had two young children, and lived in orderly circumstances. She regularly met with other mothers she knew from her daughter's kindergarten class.

That's where we started with our plan. We infiltrated a woman into the kindergarten who held a high position in a witchcraft order. After a short time, she was also invited to private meetings. She quickly became friends with our victim. We arranged for the witch and our victim to go on a city tour where they met an old acquaintance of the witch. They exchanged some kind words. Then he kissed the witch on the cheek goodbye, shook hands with our victim, and surprisingly kissed her too. She didn't resist out of confusion.

She was simply...

Baffled. The young man disappeared. The two women laughed and then did not think any further about the encounter. We took a series of photos of the scene, from which we could later choose the photos that looked incriminating. The new girlfriend of our victim filled his head with all sorts of ideas about women's emancipation. She did it so skillfully and interestingly packaged that the young woman also began to talk to her husband about this topic. He reacted with restraint to these conversations. He probably didn't really know how to categorize them in his relationship with his wife. The woman exchanged views on the husband's reaction with the witch, who was able to influence the mood and topics of conversation of the couple more and more precisely. The husband soon lost interest in constantly talking about women's issues.

At the same time, the witch spread light rumors in the ladies' circle that her friend had secretly fallen in love. Here too, side remarks were enough to allow for multiple interpretations. Gently, a new image of the woman was built up, which should lead everyone to later say that they had always suspected that this dissatisfied young woman would break out of married life.

One day we struck. The woman drove in a car with the witch, eating cookies that the witch had laced with a sedative. The unconscious woman was taken to a lodge property. The witch confided in another woman from the ladies' circle that she was worried. The woman had confided in her that she wanted to start a new life with her lover. She was fed up with her husband, with the monotonous family life. She felt too young to waste away as a housewife and mother. And so on and so forth.

The story was bought by everyone. Inside a bag belonging to the young woman, the man found some photos showing his wife kissing another man.

The photos showed this man and a letter. Even this otherwise intelligent man believed his wife capable of leaving him and their children behind.

The conversations about women's freedom had significantly contributed to this mistrust.

Everyone believed in the unfaithfulness of the woman.

Even the police, who were informed by the hypocritical sorceress, were convinced by statements from acquaintances of the wife that she had voluntarily left her family.

In reality, the unfortunate woman was a prisoner of her rejected lover from her youth. She couldn't even remember him at their first meeting. That hurt him even more.

She had to pay dearly for it.

The master held onto her like a slave. He humiliated and tortured her at will.

The physical pain he inflicted on her was atrocious.

But he took special pleasure in explaining in detail how she had fallen into his trap.

That everyone believed she had betrayed her own family...

That no one was seriously looking for her. He told her that her husband had already met another woman who lived in their house and neglected their beloved children. He took away any hope of ever seeing the people she loved again. He took away any hope of leading a free life again. He told her that from now on she was his slave. He would use her as long as he pleased. After that, he would kill her or sell her. He was incredibly sadistic. When he had pushed the nerves of his victim so far that she cried uncontrollably, he raped her extensively and with great pleasure. He enjoyed humiliating the woman in front of onlookers.

For example, he dragged her by the hair into the toilet and shoved her head into the porcelain bowl where he had previously urinated. He beat the woman. Sometimes he also let her starve for days on end. This went on for months. His perverse imagination was inexhaustible. He always came up with new games. At times, he was very tender and raised hopes in the woman again. He made her believe that his feelings of revenge had turned into genuine affection. He made her gather herself to apparently willingly sleep with him and indulge in his unusual desires. He talked about wanting to lead a normal life with her. If he could be sure that she would stand by him and love him, then he wanted to go out with her, go on vacation, start a family together.

She sensed an opportunity to escape and played along with him like a loving woman.

He enjoyed her desperate helplessness. He was stronger, he was superior to her.

She sought an opportunity and played along with him.

He succeeded in making this woman behave more lovingly towards him than she probably ever had towards her husband whom she truly loved.

One day, he grew tired of the affection and beat his slave again.

He told her that it was all just a game and deeply humiliated her once more.

Then he informed her that she would be his possession forever.

He wanted to mark his possession.

Then he tied her up and inflicted terrible scars all over her body.

He disfigured slowly and enjoyably.

With these scars, he let her suffer for a long time.

Then he began to disfigure her face.

He individually broke out all of teeth one by one.

He took his time doing it.

He had the power to spread out the torment over many weeks.

Finally, he wanted to completely disfigure her and poured acid into eyes.

Every time before coming up with a particularly devilish torture, he would tell what planned beforehand. Since he always carried out what announced, his victim endured most terrible fears. He took his time. In the end, mutilated woman completely.

However, she always remained conscious. Despite being rendered immobile, blind, and deaf after being raped, she still fought to stay alive.

Several times the crippled woman threw her still living but helpless body into the water. Even a person who had been deprived of all their abilities clung to life. The woman tried to get her breathing openings to the surface of the water, so as not to drown. She writhed and twitched, gurgled and coughed after getting water into her windpipe. Her struggle for death in the shallow water lasted a long time. Very long. At times it seemed as if her strength had finally left her for good. But she repeatedly mobilized a remaining amount of energy that allowed her to take another breath. But after a long struggle for death, which even touched the most hardened among us Freemasons, her last strengths left her. The only one who truly enjoyed this spectacle was her tormentor, despised by all of us, who now saw his wounded manly honor restored.

The woman is dead, her suffering is over. That can be the only comfort for the family who has lost trust in a person who has shown themselves to be one of the bravest and most courageous that this earth has ever seen. Anyone who witnessed this woman's long struggle, which she only fought in order to one day be able to hold her beloved children in her arms again, can feel nothing but admiration for such a brave person. Those who have a family or friends can only hope that they will prove to be strong when they are truly needed. In my criminal career, I have always had to experience that most, if not all, give up too quickly and settle for trivial explanations when they are truly challenged. Most people are cowardly, foolish, and doubt the loyalty and integrity of their closest confidants.

The man to whom I have helped to such sadistic pleasures should continue to be helpful to me in the future. Likewise, the many others to whom I have provided private benefits of any kind. By exerting my influence to help the members of our brotherhood, I became more powerful. More and more people were willing to support me. Those who did not want to stand by my side, I caused disadvantages up to their physical death. But those who stood by my side and clearly took a position for me through actions could be sure that I would show gratitude in boundless generosity. I realized that this was the system of lodge rule. We did not accept any laws that someone who.

Who did not belong to our brotherhood, wanted to impose on us. We acted purely pragmatically, always looking out for our own advantage. We stuck together according to ancient rules and power structures. Anyone who participated unconditionally gained invaluable advantages over their fellow men and gained power over them. Those who were half-hearted in their efforts had to expect to be expelled from the lodge. Since no one could leave the lodge alive, being expelled meant death. Those who joined the lodge usually participated enthusiastically and enjoyed the influence and power it brought. We crossed all moral boundaries. There was no code of honor applicable to those who did not belong to our brotherhood. For thousands of years, a small group held power and significantly influenced the fate of the world, in small details as well as in larger contexts. Because the lodges operated in secret, they usually acted undisturbed.

I was able to distinguish myself so much in the meetings of the masters that I belonged to the selected masters who regularly maintained contact with representatives of other secret societies. We visited each other regularly and coordinated our plans. We discussed our political plans. This eventually went so far that we decided which politicians should be supported. Local politicians anyway. But we also specifically planned which politicians would be acceptable to form a government for us. We supported fanatics who were willing to murder politicians and other public figures for obscure reasons.

We were sometimes able to influence terrorist organizations. The lodge used any means necessary to maintain and expand its power. In countries like America or Italy, the influence of secret societies on organized crime and politics has almost been exposed multiple times already.

Since the lodges only had a few points of contact with each other, a comprehensive investigation that would expose them has always been prevented so far.

The relevant departments of each order were isolated from the rest of the organization and sometimes even dragged into public view but always staged and controlled.

It was possible to consistently spread disinformation because there were front organizations whose members believed they were part of secret societies but were only involved in harmless magic rituals.

They were never initiated into the real secrets of magic.

If someone got too close in their investigations into the lodge, we simply let the front lodge be exposed...

I flew to the United States at least once a month and met with high representatives of the American government.

Logen. The brotherhoods in America had it particularly easy. Due to the different mentalities, they were able to play people against each other without much effort. They let various Mafia families fight for influence areas. They incited the Ku Klux Klan to launch new attacks against minorities. They fueled racism, while at the same time building and supporting groups that started crusades against racism.

But be careful never to appear yourself. Because the systems and their representatives change from time to time. But those who control and influence the old and new rulers are always the same. Those who rule over people, give laws to their fellow human beings, and monitor their compliance, do not know any laws for themselves. They are the real, though not true, kings of the world.

All major changes in world politics were prepared and planned by this clique long in advance. We sat together in cozy gatherings and discussed who we controlled, who acted in our favor, and who stood in our way. We deliberated on whether heads of state should be overthrown or allowed to remain in power. We made sure that everyone always had an opponent to deal with, someone to fear. Both the player and their opponent were under our control. Every statesman, every politician had to have an opponent from an opposing party. But both had to be on our payroll. Whether this payment was in cash or in favors like campaign support didn't matter. Every person who had influence over others should be indebted to us. The masters of the lower ranks took care of local politicians or entrepreneurs of small to medium-sized companies. The ordinary people, who may not hold a special position but were opinion leaders in their circles, were taken care of by the journeymen of the lodge. People with great influence were looked after by the masters of the high degrees. Worldwide organizations were under constant surveillance by the highest masters.

I traveled extensively and influenced the decisions of the brotherhoods. I met many interesting people and was initiated into the two secret techniques that were still necessary to understand the fate of the world and humanity.

Four techniques are necessary to understand and calculate the world. The first two are understanding the structure of creation through understanding numbers and their significance for people, as well as the technique of unbiased observation. The third technique is called intuition. Intuition is developed by doing what comes to mind at that moment. Only masters can do this. Other people have a thought and don't even notice it because they are trapped in their daily routine. Who speaks unconditionally and fearlessly what comes to mind? Who does what comes to mind? Most people are afraid of the consequences or think about the possible outcomes. The technique of intuition requires implementing the thought into action without delay. Delay here also means the slightest hesitation, doubt, or consideration. Anyone who lets even a thousandth of a second pass before making their idea a reality has lost their inspiration.

On the other hand, someone who immediately does what comes to mind, wherever it may come from, develops an inner voice that becomes louder over time. This person will always know what to do. They will develop intuitions that reveal things that no ordinary mortal can know. The application of intuition creates wild eyes.

A person who practices this technique gains a magical attraction to other people. They radiate a sense of lightness of life and freedom. Everyone automatically feels sympathetic towards such a man, regardless of any crimes he may commit or have committed. The aura of this man is pleasant.

The fourth technique is a method that allows one to use another person's senses. It is a concentration exercise where one focuses all attention on one point in order to empathize with another person. Then one can see what the other sees, hear what the other hears, think what the other thinks, feel what the other feels. Someone who uses this method and has trained their attention can learn more about this person than they know about themselves because this person has not usually focused on observing the subtleties of their being.

However, since all great connections always consist of details, a rough person knows nothing about themselves.

Someone who practices this technique on other people and often steps into others without acting themselves but only passively observes how another person lives their life can eventually also observe themselves and uncover the last secrets of their worldly life..

I had myself instructed in these techniques and had all the intricacies explained and shown to me. In connection with the first two methods, I could now explain and calculate everything that was perceptible with the five senses. I felt superior to fate. At least in the initial phase of learning the third and fourth method. Later, I realized that it was not enough to be able to foresee things without having the possibility of intervening. I could change my character and my nature, which causally influenced my fate. However, these changes were only possible within certain limits. So I had achieved a certain degree of freedom, but still far from absolute and boundless freedom - omnipotence. There were still people who were greater and stronger than me.

I had to change my position within the lodge. I now had to aim for the highest ranks in a major attack. There were thirty-nine High Degrees in our lodge. I was the Master of the Chair of the twenty-fifth High Degree. Not every rank was filled. If a Master was defeated in battle, he kept his rank but lost influence, as the Master who defeated him immediately held a higher rank than him. Whoever stood two degrees above the second-highest Master in the assembly had absolute control over the decisions of this body. His voice drowned out all others present. So I had to strive to reach the highest rank and possibly two more degrees. What that would mean, I only found out later.

I prepared very thoroughly to challenge the Masters above me. From now on, I focused entirely on quickly rising to the top of the lodge and order. I wanted to be admitted into the select circle of those who determined the fate of the world. There, I hoped to find the power that would give me power over my own life. I was still mortal and acutely aware of it.

I defeated all Masters in direct comparison, except one who still stood above me. The man to whom I ultimately owed everything - my friend and teacher, my personal Master, The Uncle.

Throughout his life, he had managed to reach the thirty-ninth High Degree of the lodge. In recent months, he had subdued his last rivals and withstood every challenge. He was a true master who mastered all techniques. He was next for me to challenge next.