Chapter 8 - Simon

Sam's got this devious glint in her eye as she frees my cock from my boxers. She is the sexiest woman I've ever seen and she looks even better as she holds my dick in her tiny hands. Sam licks her lips as she looks at me before she licks my cock from the base to the tip. Before I can adjust to how good she looks, Sam takes my cock deep down her throat, gagging as she takes my full length. She's worked hard the past few weeks to take me entirely and I've been a happy man letting her practice. 

She looks up at me from her knees, cock deep in her throat and her eyes water. I don't mind when tears spill in this situation - this is the only time I want to see her cry. Sam starts to suck my cock swirling her tongue over the sensitive head of my cock, licking and sucking, using her hands to jerk me while she takes me deep down into her throat and holding me there till she gags. Over and over she sucks me with tears spilling over her lashes as she struggles. The noises she makes as she gags on my cock threaten to have me fall over the edge. 

"Oh baby you have no idea how good that feels," I groan as she flicks her tongue around the head of my shaft, "oh fuck baby slow down or I'm going to," I move my hands to Sam's ponytail, grabbing a hold and wrapping it tightly around my fist. 

She looks up at me before taking a breath and pushing herself as far as she can go down my cock. The sound of her gagging on my cock and the spit slipping down her chin is something I never want to forget. Her grip tightens on my thighs and her nails dig into me. The slight pain as her nails draw blood and the pleasure as she swirls her tongue around the head of my cock is other-wordly. I hold her there with her hair, forcing her to take as much as she can.

"Such a good girl taking my cock aren't you baby? Such a good...oh fuck..." Sam rakes her fingers down my thighs before cupping my balls in her hands and holding them softly as she sucks my cock deeper into her mouth and I come undone. I jerk my hips up as I come and Sam doesn't let up, she holds me down her throat and swallows everything I give her. Sam slowly pulls herself away and sits back on her heels swiping her thumb across her bottom lip and sucking it clean. 

"And look," Sam turns to look at the clock behind her again, "I had 2 minutes to spare," she grins like a Cheshire cat. 

I chuckle and help her to her feet, "Baby, I've got to hand it to you, that is quite possibly the best you've ever looked". Sam licks her lips and I cup her face with my hands. "I'll remember that when we are apart, when I go on mission next, that memory will keep me going," I stroke her cheeks with my thumbs and she leans into my touch. 

"I don't want to think about you going back out there Si, wherever the hell 'there' even is but I want my answers, I earned them," she pulls away from my grip but I grab her hips before she can walk away. 

"I promised, so let me leave you to do your paperwork and at 7pm I'm going to come back here and I want to show you something. I'll give you the answers you want but I want to give you something else ok?" 

Sam nods and I kiss her forehead, the smell of her apple shampoo wafting into my nose and I close my eyes, savoring the smell, forcing myself to remember every second of this because I don't know how long this will last.