Chapter 9 - Samantha

It's 6:58 pm and I'm standing at my porch leaning against the edge railing waiting for Simon. It's a cold evening, a chilly March night and the tip of my nose has turned bright red. I rub my gloved hands over my cheeks trying to warm them up. I look up to the stars that seem so bright and so close, I feel like I could reach up and take one from the sky. I can't even look up for more than a minute before my neck hurts and I know exactly why. This morning's activities on my knees hurt my jaw and now apparently my neck too. 

My senses feel heightened tonight. 

I've got no idea what to expect. I texted Simon asking what to wear, did I need to bring anything, where were we going, but he didn't reply. Behind me to my left I hear a rustle so I turn expecting to see Simon standing there but instead it's just darkness. I'm nervous and I have absolutely no idea why, my heart is racing and why am I clenching my thighs together in anticipation? Is he going to chase me through the darkness because I can't say I'd be unhappy about that. Is he going to murder me for seeing his face? Either way, as long as he fucks me first I don't really care what he does to me afterwards. 

Just as I decide to reach for my phone to text him a strong arm wraps around my middle from behind and spins me to face them. Simon stands there in all black from head to toe. He's wearing his combat mask and I have to crane my neck to see him. The skull mask hides any humanity, any features, only his dark eyes shine through, lit up by the night sky. 

"How are you seven foot tall, seven foot wide, wearing bloody combat boots and you manage to sneak up on me? You frightened the fucking life out of me Si!" I loudly whisper, unable to stop myself from giggling.

"Because that's literally my job?" Simon chuckles and grabs my hand, leading me off the steps of my barracks. 

"Where are we going? My feet hurt, can you carry me?" I pretend to whine and that earns me a hearty chuckle but Simon doesn't turn, instead he marches on tugging my tiny little arm behind him. 

It feels like we have been walking forever. We passed the exit of the base and the commanding officers just tipped their hats to Simon and let us walk right through - no questions asked. We walked until the road stopped and took a turn off the track through the tall grass. and meadow after meadow. 

"Siiiiiii, can you please carry me? It's late and I'm tired and," Simon stops and I blindly march right into his back. I'm fairly sure I just fractured my nose walking into his muscular back and my eyes start to water. Simon takes my hand, pulling me to his side before turning me to face him by the shoulders. 

"I've never shown this to anyone before but this is where I come when I need to breath. When I need to take off my mask and just be me for a while," He takes a deep breath, looking at me with a vulnerability and softness I never anticipated seeing from him. 

Simon removes his mask letting the moon light caress his handsome face. Every time I see him without his mask I swear he gets better looking. His stubble has grown out into a soft short beard and it is so sexy. His dirty blonde hair is scruffy and a few strands fall down onto his forehead. I like his longer hair, I like running my fingers through it as he sleeps next to me, I like using it to keep him in place as he lays between my thighs making me see more stars than the ones in tonight's sky. He lets go of my shoulders and I turn, stepping in front of him and he places his arms around my middle, holding me close and I appreciate the warmth. 

It takes me a minute to grasp what I'm looking at. The moon sits above us, reflecting down on an empty paddock. An enormous willow tree sits beside a small pond. It's branches float down to the surface of the water blowing gently in the cold breeze and sending tiny little ripples through the surface of the water. It's so silent tonight, the only thing I can hear is my own heart threatening to burst out of my chest. The willow tree's trunk is ginormous and naturally curved creating a little nook I want to curl up into and fall asleep. It looks so safe, no wonder Simon loves it here. Simon tightens his hold around me leaning down to rest his chin on my shoulder. He pulls down the collar of my jumper and places a soft kiss on the exposed skin. 

"It's beautiful Si," I whisper.

"I wanted you to see it, I want you to know this is your spot now too. I used to come here to be alone, to get away from everyone but I don't want to be alone anymore Sam, I want to be with you...always. But that's not always going to be possible, so this will have to be the next best thing. When I'm away, you can come here and..."

"But Si, I don't want you to go," I whisper as a tear slides down my cheek. 

Simon leans down and wipes away the tear with the pad of his thumb. Without warning he tugs me against his chest tightly wrapping his arms around me and squeezing me. I wrap my arms around him - well around as much of him as I can. Simon smells like home to me now, a warm woody smell with a hint of cigarette. Simon kisses the top of my head and doesn't let up squeezing me tightly. This is the most intimate thing I ever thought I'd see from Simon, I never want him to let go. 

"Si, I think you're crushing my lungs, I can't breathe". Simon releases me from his vice grip and steadies me on my feet. 

"Sorry baby, I don't know what came over me" he looks concerned as I stretch out my shoulders. 

"It's ok, I like bear hugs," I softly smile up at him and he leans down kissing me passionately. 

His hands lower and grab my ass lifting me and I wrap my legs around his waist. Simon walks me towards the willow tree and I wrap my hands around his neck running my fingers through his hair. He groans against me as his tongue slides into my mouth. Our tongues clash and Simon nips at my bottom lip making it bleed. Something about the night sky, the taste of blood and Simon's cock hardening beneath me as he walks me over to the shelter of the tree has my pussy wet and throbbing. Simon slides me down his body to my feet, turning me towards the base of the tree where a picnic blanket and basket sits. 

"I, uh, planned to wine and dine you before I...but Sam I can't wait, I need to sink myself inside you like I need to breathe." Simon sits down on the blanket, leaning his back on the tree trunk before taking my hand, "come, sit baby". 

I stand before him and I can't even feel the cold on my skin, I'm burning up. 

"I knew I should have worn something different," I pretend to huff before I start to unbuckle my jeans. 

"Why's that baby?" Simon asks as I start to shimmy out of my tight jeans revealing myself to him. I didn't wear underwear and my thighs are already coated in my own desire. 

Simon rests his head back lacing his fingers behind his head, "Fuck baby, you look delicious in the moonlight." 

It's cold tonight but I can't feel it anymore, the way this man looks at me, raking his lust filled eyes over my body has me overheating. My heart races as I step out of my jeans moving to stand over Simon's outstretched legs. He reaches down and unzips his trousers freeing his rock hard cock and I shiver with anticipation. His cock fills me like we were made for each other, he stretches me deliciously and has me desperate for more of him, for everything he will give me. I lower myself towards him, steadied by Simon as he holds my hips firmly guiding me down. I roll my hips over the crown of his cock and he groans, gripping my hips tighter. I am so wet that I've covered his cock in my arousal and sink down onto him almost easily. My eyes roll back into my head as he fills me and I moan into the night sky.. From this angle I don't know how much I can handle and Simon must sense my concern. 

I lean forward wrapping my arms around Simon's neck nestling myself into the crook of his neck as he keeps his hands firmly on my hips. Simon starts to move my hips backwards and forwards ever so slightly allowing me to adjust to his size as he stretches me. I start to roll my hips grinding myself on his cock and Simon growls into my shoulder. 

"Baby, you feel so good, your pussy is gripping so tightly around my cock, you're so wet baby, such a good girl taking me this deep aren't you." 

Simon's dirty words are going to push me over the edge, I pick up my pace grinding myself against him, his cock so deep I feel like I can't take a breath. 

Simon reaches up and grabs a handful of hair from the back of my neck pulling it tightly "look at me when you come baby, look at me and show me how good I make you feel." 

Our eyes lock and my eyes flutter shut as I feel him thrust inside me. I feel my body reaching climax, the pain, the pleasure, the cold night air on my skin, Simon's heavy breathing and groans push me over the edge. My stomach tightens and my orgasm crashes through me rippling across my body as I shudder against Simon. 

Simon doesn't ease up, instead he starts to lift his hips thrusting into me and I can't catch my breath. My orgasm is already building again and he grips my hair tighter. 

"Who makes you come baby?" he growls. 

"You, you do, Ghost" I whisper. 

"Who does this pussy belong to?" 

"It's yours, it's all yours!!" I scream into the night sky as Simon fucks me through another orgasm. 

I feel his balls tighten underneath my ass as he spills himself inside of me and he slows, pulling me close finally releasing his vice grip on my hair. Simon cups my cheeks with his hands pulling my forehead down to his lips where he places a gentle kiss. I shiver, the cold finally lapping at my skin as I come down from the heights of my pleasure. 

"Come here baby," Simon says as pulls me closer, his cock still inside me and both of our pleasure spills from me. 

"You don't happen to have any paper towel or a tissue in that picnic hamper do you?" I chuckle, leaning over to pull it closer. I open the basket and a large thermos and two cups sit inside along with a pack of biscuits. 

"You know Si, someone might think you've got a bit of a soft side," I wink at him but before I can make another sassy statement and pull myself off his lap, Simon's hands move around my neck squeezing tightly. 

"Baby, don't mistake my love for you as weakness. I've taken it easy on you so far but if you'd like me to show you the darker side of me, just say the words baby. I'll drag you down to the depths of hell with me and you'll scream my name till your lungs give out" Simons eyes darken and his grip tightens.

"I want all of you...Ghost," is all I manage to squeak out as my lungs burn dangerously. 

Simon releases his grip slightly but not before pulling me in kissing me with a ravenous force. "That's my girl" he winks.