Chapter 11 - Samantha

I woke up in my bed this morning, alone. 

Just the blurry memories of last night and the headache from crying that stays with me. I sling myself from bed and look at the clock. It's six in the morning and I have absolutely no intentions of going on a run this morning. It's so quiet outside my window - Simon must be in a meeting about the deployment. Tuesday morning means that breakfast in the chow hall is just a depressing selection of pastries left over from Monday and a shit load of toast. I'm not interested in that today. I trudge over to the kettle and see my favourite cup sits next to the kettle which is still warm, a tea bag resting inside and a teaspoon placed beside the cup. A tear threatens to spill over my lid which I hastily wipe away. 

I've got to do some work today. I can't walk around puffy eyed and miserable. The kettle whistles and I pour myself a cup and leave it to stew as I walk to the bathroom. I smell Simon on my skin, I don't want to shower but last night's cold breeze still chills my bones now that Simon's not holding me in his arms. I need to warm up, I need to wash my hair and I need to have one last cry. 

Stepping out of the shower I walk over to my dresser noticing it's already slightly ajar. Inside my underwear has been scattered about and a note is sitting in the middle. 

"Took a pair, couldn't help myself. I'll have this on me while I'm away...well not ON me...but in my pocket. I'll come find you later I promise. Ghost x"

I rifle through my remaining underwear collection which is dwindling drastically and finish getting ready. My wet hair hangs down my back because I cannot be bothered to fight it into a ponytail today. I can't bring myself to look in the mirror because I know I just look like a sad, stupid mess. Sitting at my little dining table I drink my tea before deciding that I will head out to the main building to let Price know I finished off all the reports and he should now have a full debrief of everyones status and whether or not they are cleared for duty. 

The team for this mission is small. Hardly anyone has healed enough in the past few weeks to pass a med check for duty. Simon isn't cleared either but apparently he's exempt from any protocol. I asked Price if I could go with them to which he just laughed and said that Ghost would 'skin him alive' if he let me go. 

I walk out of my room and lock the door behind me. It's chilly outside today and I really need to find a jacket that's warm before I get hypothermia. Maybe I'll see what I can find while I'm in the main building today. The sky's grey and it's threatening to rain but who cares. It would really mirror the way I'm feeling. How can I go from feeling so euphoric to completely devastated when I knew damn well what I was getting myself into. Maybe that's the problem, I never thought my feelings would be reciprocated by Simon. I never thought I'd get to love him and then have him leave so soon. 

I get to the entrance of the main building and swing the heavy door open. Price's office is the furthest down the hall so I make my way down the icy corridor. I hear voices coming from the largest meeting room on the left and I glance in as I walk past, I don't want to be seen as snooping but I can't help myself. 

Inside the room soldiers sit packed together looking as Price gives them their mission instructions and run down. Ghost stands, arms folded, in the far corner watching over those who are seated. He has his full tactical gear on and his full face mask - he looks terrifying. Like the Grim Reaper himself standing waiting to take these poor souls to the afterlife. Ghost looks up, sensing my presence and meets my eyes. He motions me with a subtle head nod to keep walking. Price clicks the next slide of his presentation over and my stomach drops and all of the air leaves my lungs. Clearly written on the screen I see what Ghost was hoping I wouldn't. 


I pull my eyes away from the screen and keep walking past the row of windows of the meeting room, quickening my pace down the corridor until I find myself running. I turn right at the end stopping and leaning my back against the cold concrete walls. My knees are threatening to buckle and I lay my palms flat against the wall for support. I rest my head back desperately willing the tears not to fall. 

Why didn't Simon tell me they were leaving tomorrow? Was he just going to leave me without saying goodbye? 

I hear boot steps coming down the hall and assuming the meeting had finished I turn to keep walking ahead so that no one sees me crying. But I don't hear the usual commotion, it's silent except for the stomping coming up quicker behind me. 

Before I can turn to see who it is coming towards me a strong arm reaches around my waist and another cups my face so I can't scream out. I get pushed against a small utility cupboard door and I look down to see Simon's gloved hand turn the handle swinging the door open so forcefully I'm surprised he hasn't cracked it off the hinges. Simon spins me, grabbing my shoulders and shoving me hard against the shelves behind us. He kicks the door shut behind us. 

"Ow, what the fuck Ghost," I spit the words at him hoping he feels the pain in my voice. 

Before I can muster another sentence Simon's gloved hand reaches out covering my mouth forcefully. His eyes darken and narrow and I can see his nostrils flaring even through his bone covered mask. 

"Dont.Speak. I'm warning you Sam. You need to let me explain and shut the fuck up while I do ok?" He growls at me and goosebumps erupt down my spine. He's never spoken to me like this. 

I manage a nod and Simon steps in closer to my body and removes his hands from my mouth. He pushes even closer and rests his arms on the shelf behind me locking me in place. I look up at his masked face and blackened eyes. His combat gear makes him look larger than usual, his shoulders so wide and his chest so broad. Having him this close is intoxicating. 

"I didn't know we were leaving earlier than expected until Price texted me late last night. That's why I wasn't there when you woke up. I got called in for a meeting to get briefed at five this morning. I haven't had a second to contact you but I was going to find you once that meeting finished and explain." His chest rises and falls like he's trying his best to be calm. 

"But," Simon's hand slaps around my mouth again, stopping me from continuing. 

"Sam, I'm warning you. Don't. Speak." He growls at me and for some sick reason my body is confused by this situation. I should be scared, I should be desperate to escape. Instead, my stomach clenches, my heart races and my pussy is desperate for him to sink inside me. 

Seeing him so dark, angry, in full combat gear and mask has me close to climax and he hasn't even kissed me. My fingers long to roam his body, wrapping around his neck as he kisses me. 

"I wanted to come and find you after this meeting and explain that I had to leave earlier than planned. If I could put you in my pocket and take you with me I would but I can't keep you safe out there Sam, you know that!" He hisses. 

I dare an eye roll and through Simon's gloved hands I whisper "So you just take my underwear instead". 

Simon moves his hand to my face, pinching my cheeks hard and forcing my lips to pucker. 

"Sam, baby, you have no idea the control I'm showing right now. Over sixty of our best men and women, including my fucking superiors, just watched me storm from a mission briefing to chase a girl down a corridor. Please baby don't test me. I was going to come and find you as soon as I could. I wish we didn't have to leave so soon but I have my orders, there's a chain of command, I can't control that," he sighs, letting go of my face. 

"I can't promise I'll make it back this time, you know I can't, but I'll try my hardest. I want to come home to you Sam." His voice lowers and his breathing evens out. 

He cracks his knuckles and rolls his mask up past his lips. 

"Kiss me Sam, kiss me so I can remember how you taste when I'm gone," he pulls me in by the waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. I lean in to him, kissing him and running my hands through the hair at the base of his neck. He growls into my mouth, his tongue darting out to find my own. It's a desperate kiss, we both need more from each other, we want more. 

I pull away from Simon and he nips at my lip making it bleed again. I dart my tongue out savoring the metallic taste. Simon pulls me back in kissing me ferociously, his hands lowering down to squeeze my ass and pull me against him. Even through his tactical gear and weighted belt I can feel his cock growing hard against my stomach. Slowly I move my hands down to Simon's belt, unclasping it with unsteady hands. I shimmy from his grasp, moving to my knees, I sit below him looking up and undo his trousers.

"Sam, baby we don't have time for," Simon throws his head back and groans as I free his hard cock from his boxers and wrap my hand around his length, stroking him softly, "fuck, baby, fuck". 

Licking my lips I dart my tongue out circling the head of his cock my hands moving to wrap around the base. I look up at Simon, Ghost, his hands resting on the collar of his tactical vest and his head leaning against the cupboard shelves with his eyes closed. Anyone could walk in on us right now and the thrill of that has my pussy throbbing. I'm desperate for this. 

"Fuck my face Ghost, please," I whimper as Simon leans down grabbing a fist of my hair. He pulls his mask back down over his face with his free hand, the darkness taking over. 

"How wet is your little pussy baby? He growls down at me. 

"So wet, so fucking wet Ghost, please, fuck my throat, let me suck your cock like a good girl," and with that, Ghost forces his cock into my mouth and down my throat forcefully. 

I moan as he fills me, my jaw already aching as I try my best to accommodate him. 

"What's the sign Sam? Tap my leg twice if it's too much ok?" 

I nod before starting to suck his cock, dropping my hands and resting them on his thick tense thighs. Simon takes his grip on my hair tighter and starts to thrust himself into me. He doesn't take it slow, his cock slams down my throat and quickly the sound of my gagging and the heavy breathing from both of us fills the tiny space. The good kind of tears spill down my face as Simon rams his cock into my mouth. The sound of my own gagging is turning me on more than I ever thought was possible. I clench my thighs together desperate for some sort of friction as my underwear soaks through. My own orgasm is so close, I try to move my hand down towards my throbbing core but Simon doesn't relent, he forces himself down my throat till I almost throw up and it's maddeningly addictive. 

Watching him come undone as I suck him down, showing him how well I can satisfy him. He knows how much I can take without even having to ask, he knows when to ease up and when I'm ready for more. I cup his balls with one hand and dig my nails into his thigh with my other, holding his cock deep down my throat as he pushes my head down further towards the base of his shaft. Simon groans above me and he releases himself down my throat. I swallow every drop as he pulls himself out of me slouching back onto the shelf behind him.

I look up at him with lust filled eyes and heavy lids, "Can you come by tonight? I want to fall asleep in your arms one more time" I whisper as Simon zips his trousers back up and clips his belt back on. 

He leans down, swiping the pad of his gloved thumb over my bottom lip and tipping my chin up to him. He's softened slightly, I can see it in his eyes. He helps me to stand in the small cramped space. 

"Yes baby but I don't really want to do much sleeping. I think I owe you after that performance" he chuckles. 

Simon grabs my waist pulling me close, moving his hand to my breast and squeezing my now aching nipples. 

"How wet are you baby? Show me," he moves to his knees, lifting his mask over his mouth and unzipping my trousers. 

"I can smell how wet you are, did sucking my cock and drinking my come make you wet baby?" 

Nodding, my eyes flutter closed as I moan at his filthy words.

"Yes, so wet, I love when you fuck my face like that, I've always wanted to do that with your mask on," I moan as Simon slides down my trousers, removing my shoe, and unhooking them from one leg. He pulls off his gloves and lifts my leg over his shoulder, grabbing my hips with a firm grip to keep me from falling. 

"You ok baby? I can see how wet your little pussy is. Want me to make you come?" 

I nod, my eyes rolling back into my head as his hot breath teases my throbbing pussy. Simon darts out his tongue licking my entire length before he sucks my clit into his mouth gently biting down and I moan, I almost come from that alone. Simons reaches up and slides two fingers inside me curling them towards my center making my knees wobble. 

"Baby, you're so wet for me, I want to taste your pussy every day," and with that he starts to suck my clit while his fingers stretch and curl inside me. 

I lean down, holding on to his shoulders as I feel my orgasm building, it's dangerously close. I throw my head back, moaning his name as he slides another finger inside me and that's it, I can't hold back anymore. I cover my mouth with my hands hoping my screams won't be overheard. Simon bites down on my swollen clit releasing it with a kiss, his fingers now dripping down to the cuff of his shirt. 

"Ok baby, that's one. I think you deserve at least one more to get you through till tonight, what do you think?" 

I don't have time to process what Simon just said before his tongue licks along my pussy. 

"You taste so good Sam, you've soaked my face," he tenderly kisses my pussy before darting his tongue in and out. I grip the shelves behind me desperately grinding myself on his face. Simon runs his fingers along my folds, rubbing along me before pushing them back inside me curling them back towards that spot he seems to find so effortlessly. 

"Come on my face baby, soak me," Simon moans beneath me and I come again and it blinds me. I buckle and Simon's free hand grabs my hip to steady me as he licks me through my orgasm. I shudder against him, each lick threatening to push me back over the edge again and again. 

Simon tenderly kisses my pussy before he helps me step back into my clothes and tie up my laces. I can see the glistening of my own arousal on his stubble. 

"Si, umm, you might want to, ya know?" I gesture to wipe his mouth and Simon looks at me and devilishly grins. Instead of wiping his face he just pulls his mask back down, tucking it into the collar of his shirt. Simon stands towering above me and leans his head down until our foreheads are touching. It only lasts a second but it will last a lifetime. 

Simon turns and moves to the door grabbing the handle before looking back at me, "Are you ok to go out there now baby?" I sheepishly nod and without warning Simon grabs my hand yanking me from the cupboard and pulling me out into the corridor. His hand wraps around my waist, holding me close to his side. We walk through the cold corridor until we get to the meeting room. Everyone turns to us completely ignoring whatever it is that the speaker was saying. Ghost stops at the door, turning to me and whispering in my ear, "I'll see you soon," before smacking my ass to keep me walking. 

My face burns red as everyone looks back at the speaker once Ghost enters the room. They wouldn't dare piss him off by gawking. I keep walking past, pushing through the door and back to my office as fast as I can without being obvious. The cold autumn air cools my cheeks and finally I feel like I can't breathe. 

I walk back to my office determined to do some work today, there's mountains of paperwork to catch up on and shelves to restock - hopefully that can take my mind of Simon leaving me in a few hours.