The Dead Haunt Their Murderer

***The Night of Day 4 at Concrete_Jungle Dungeon.***

***POV - A Certain Reincarnated Person.***

"Screw it!!!... Don't underestimate me, you coward!... I'm the one who will murder you!... I'm the one who will kill..."





That's the last thing I could remember after waking up, laying down on the ground with my hands and feet tied by a rope and my mouth covered with tape, along with the burning pain all over my body, especially on my neck.

I tried to calm myself not from the fear of being restrained, unable to do anything, but from the fear of remembering that horrifying being or whatever I encountered.

I tried to move my hands and feet to break the rope restraining me, but the burning pain of my body made me unable to do so.

This feeling... Did I get poisoned?... Paralyzed?

I thought I would be killed... Did that horrifying being decide to capture?

I tried to observe my surroundings, but there was nothing but complete darkness. My body feels cold and I can feel the wind and the dirt of the ground directly on my skin.

Damn it!... Did I get stripped naked?... What the heck is happening?!

[Ehh?... You're already awake, disgusting trash?... Ugh... I was too late!]

Hearing that horrifying voice coming somewhere within the darkness of my surroundings made me shiver.

I tried to run, but I couldn't even move. Not because of the burning pain paralyzing my body or the rope restraining my hands and feet.

It's because I'm afraid. And that fear has taken away all of my strength, leaving nothing but my trembling body.

Damn it!... Where the heck is that horrifying voice coming from?

[Sheesh... I wanted to try waking you up by splashing you with a bucket of water, but you wake up too early, disgusting trash... Argh!]

A bucket of water?... What the heck does that even mean?!

[Well, I really wanted to do that so let's pretend you're still asleep... Pfft!... Hahaha!... Here we go!]


"Ummm!... Ummm!... Ummm!..."

The water splashed directly into me, making my body shiver through the cold.

[Pfft!~... Hahaha!~...]

That horrifying laugh echoes louder and louder then slowly fade through the darkness of my surroundings.

Damn it!... I'm being treated like one of my victims!... Screw it!... I won't accept this!... I'm going to murder and kill this coward...

[Ehh!... Is that some courage that I see in your eyes, Mr. Trash?]

"Ummm!... Ummm!... Ummm!..."

Damn it, damn it, damn it... I'm scared!

What the heck is this feeling?!

What the heck is this fear?!

That voice sounds nothing as cheerful and playful but hearing it made my whole body tremble from the very core.


With the single clicking sound that whispers within the silence, a light coming from a lantern faintly illuminates the darkness of my surroundings... ... ... And shows me the horrifying being standing in front of me.

"UMMM!... UMMM!... UMMM!..."

[Eww!... Disgusting!... Did you soil yourself, Mister?... Eww!]

"UMMM!... UMMM!... UMMM!..."

[Sheesh... This disgusting trash has completely lost it... Sigh.]







"Ummm!... Ummm!... Ummm!..."

[Is that bucket of water enough to get yourself together, Mr. Trash?]

"Ummm!... Ummm!... Ummm!..."

[Okay, okay, okay.... Listen to me. I don't have a lot of time on my hands, so I'm not going to repeat myself.]

[I'm not going to kill you, but I won't save you either... ... ... Yes!!!... I finally managed to say that phrase!... Yes!!!]

[Anyway, Mr. Trash... I wanted to kill you, but I don't want to stain this child's hands with your disgusting blood... Therefore, I just stripped you of everything you got except that underwear you just soiled... Eww.]

[I shot your neck with a bullet that has a paralyzing venom. It's been half an hour since then so the paralyzing venom should lose its effect after another half an hour. By that time, you should be able to move your body and free yourself from your restraints.]

[I still need to dispose of your belongings, so I am taking my leave now, Mr. Trash.]

[Do your best to escape and survive inside the Dungeon with nothing but your soiled underwear... Pfft!... Hahaha!... Sheesh... That's really disgusting.]






"Huff!...Huff!...Huff!... Damn it!... How the heck has this happened to me?!... Everything turned sideways!"

A day has passed since my horrifying encounter.

I have been stripped of everything I got. No weapons, no clothes, no potions, and no food. The only thing that seems to be in my favor is that I still remember the safe route that was drawn on the map provided by the Adventurers' Guild.

With that information alone, I somehow managed to travel safely and survive inside the Dungeon.

"Huff!...Huff!...Huff!... I can make it. Just two more days of running and I can return to the Adventurers Outpost Town."

Once I'm back at the outpost town, I can withdraw my money from the Assassins' Guild and prepare to haunt those kids again.

"Pfft!... Hahaha!... This time I'm gonna make sure to kill those kids..."


"Argh!.. Damn it!... What the heck is this!... How come there are Undead in this place!"

An Undead hiding behind a boulder of rock jumped onto me and tried to bite my neck.

I was able to shield my neck with my right arm, but that Undead pushed me to the ground as it took a bite of my arm.

"Argh!... Get away from me!"

I managed to push the Undead holding me down. But as soon as I tried to get back on my feet, another Undead pulled my left leg and bit on it.


"Argh!... Knock it off!... You bastard!"

After I kicked the other Undead, making it let go of my left leg, I immediately stood up and ran away. However, another new Undead was already waiting in the direction I was running ahead.

"Damn it!... You're nothing but a weak Undead!... Get out of the way!"






I managed to push my way out against those Undeads with brute strength. And even with my right hand and left leg getting bitten, I was still able to escape.

"But why the heck there are Undeads in this place... Wait those faces..."

Now that I'm finally safe, remembering what those Undeads look like made me realize something.

They're the group of three newbie Assassins that I killed a few days ago.

"So they become an Undead... Damn it!... I should have not left them to rot but instead burned them to ashes."

It was a mistake on my part. I forgot that Humans will become an Undead if they were left dead inside the Dungeon.

"Well, that's not a problem anymore. After all, that's what left of them all..."
