World_Fragment (Prologue)

[Hey, hey, hey!]

[Good day, everyone!]

[It's me your favorite Soul_Ember, Onee-chan!... Applause!]


[For our today's topic... Does anyone of you have any idea what will happen after a World reaches its end?]

[To be clear, what I'm talking about is... What will happen after all life forms living in a World or on a planet die out or get annihilated.]

[Well, everyone probably has different ideas... As for me, here is what I know... From a certain fragment of burning Memories...]

[...From a shard of flaring Knowledge...]

[...From a wisp of flickering Emotions...]

[...From an Ember of the World it was once before...]

[...From a Soul_Ember, which exists at the heart of a certain Dungeon_Core.]

[It is all right if I share this, right?... Everyone is interested even for a little, right?]

[Ahem!... If you are interested, here is what I can say.]

[After all life forms living in a World or a planet die out or get annihilated, that world will finally meet its end.]


[With a world-ending explosion, that lifeless World will be destroyed, getting shattered from its very core, breaking into a million fragments scattering towards the infinite space of the universe.]

[Yep!... A a sad story... A total heartbreaking fate.]

[However, that's not actually the end of the story.]

[Now, for our next topic for today... Does anyone of you have any idea what will happen to those million fragments from a destroyed World scattered all around the infinite space of the universe?]

[To be clear, we can call those fragments of a destroyed World as Asteroid or Meteorite.]

[With that simplification, everyone probably has different ideas... As for me, here is a theory that I came up with based on my super creative imagination... Pfft.... Hahaha...]

[It is all right if I share this, right?... Everyone is still interested even for a little, right?]

[Ahem!... If you are interested, here is what my theory is about.]

[Those fragments from a destroyed World, or what we can call an Asteroid and Meteorite, will traverse the infinite space of the universe, hoping that someday they might reach a new World and become a part of a new planet.]

[And once those fragments from a destroyed World reach and become a part of a new World, it would be able to create a place where they can rebuild a small piece of their destroyed World.]

[A place that is like the World it was once a part of.]

[A place that gives life to the creatures it once knew.]

[A place that we all knew as Dungeon.]

[For that fragment from a destroyed World still carries the burning Memories of all the life has seen.]

[For it still has the flaring Knowledge of all the life has learned.]

[For it still has the flickering Emotions of all the life it once lived.]

[For that World_Fragment still carries the Soul_Ember of the World it was once a part of.]

[And that World_Fragment is what we all knew as Dungeon_Core.]




[Does everyone understand that explanation?]

[I know it's a bit on the complicated side, but explaining it that way sounds dramatic and cool, right?]

[Ehh?... It's really confusing... What?... You want a proper example... Fine, fine, fine... Since we have one right here, I will give you an example.]

[Do you remember that half-broken metal Obelisk that Vier saw inside the Dungeon _Core area? The Guild's staff examiner said to Vier that it is actually the Dungeon_Core.]

[With that said, I assumed that the half-broken metal Obelisk is a World_Fragment. A fragment of a destroyed World.]

[And using the Soul_Ember, the Memories, Knowledge, and Emotions remaining inside the Dungeon_Core. It created the Dungeon that shows what its destroyed World looks like and what creatures used to live in its World. Technically, those Golems and other Monsters.]

[But I said before that the Floating Island of Liber is once a part of the World I once knew?... So how can it become a part of another destroyed World?]

[Well I have another theory about that straight up from my super creative imagination.]

[And that theory is...]

[Both the World that I once knew and the World of the Dungeon_Core it was once a part of, is getting mixed inside the Dungeon.]

[Crazy, right?... Something like an out-of-this-world theory, right?... Pfft... Hahaha...]

[If Vier is here I'm sure she would really laugh out loud at that joke... Hahaha...]

"I'm here, Onee-chan. And I'm not laughing at that joke."


"Why are you shouting like that, Onee-chan?... And who were you talking to earlier?"

[Nothing... I'm just talking to myself, Vier-chan.]

This girl, how is she appearing behind me out of nowhere? It's a real mystery how she could enter her Soul while she's sleeping.

She is supposed to be my reincarnation.

And I'm just an Ember of the person who I used to be.

However, unlike any other Reincarnated person that she or we have met so far, Vier is very different.

She doesn't dream of the Memories of my life that I have seen.

She doesn't understand the Knowledge of my life that I have learned.

And she certainly doesn't feel the Emotions that I have felt before.

It's like she's not actually a Reincarnated person.

Well, Vier is a total mystery, like how can she enter inside her Soul. And with the most recent event, how can she see in her dream the Soul_Ember inside the Dungeon_Core?

However, even with all of those mysteries, there's one thing I'm sure of.

Vier is my reincarnation as I am the Soul_Ember inside her Soul.




[Since you are here, is there anything you want to do, Vier-chan?]

"Mhm!... Let's watch some movies and anime, Onee-chan!"

[And what movie or anime do you want to watch?]

"Let's continue watching that Deamon Arachne guy!"

[Deamon Arachne guy?...]

"Mhm!... The one who stopped a Mana_Train with his spiderweb!"

[Ahh!... You mean Spider_Man.]

"Mhm!... The spider guy!"

[Sure... Let's continue watching all of those Spider_Man movies, Vier-chan.]

"Thanks, Onee-chan!"




[Anyway, that is it for now.]

[There are probably a lot of questions about what is a World_Fragment but everyone has to wait until next time.]

[Thank you, Everyone!]

"Hurry up, Onee-chan!... Bring out the T_V now!"

[I know, Vier-chan, I know...]
