Mifumi's Day Off


As I took a picture of the statue of Liber using my Art_Phone, a gentle breeze blew from the sea, carrying the scents of ocean water.

It's a fragrance unfamiliar to me, yet it has a relaxing feeling.


As the sea breeze blew in the port of the floating island of Liber, I took my chance to take another picture of the sea along with the picture of the horizon where the sea and sky meet.

Well, the sea and sky never actually meet. It's just a nice phrase that I got from listening to Vier-chan's stories about her unusual dreams.

Besides, the sea here at the Floating Island of Liber has a boundary.

That sea boundary is the first amazing and unbelievable thing that our group saw after arriving here at the Floating Island of Liber using the Mana_Airship.

Seeing that sea boundary floating in the sky is mind-blowing.

When I asked the tourist guide lady at the Mana_Airship about how the sea can be suspended in the sky. She told me that a spherical Magic_Barrier is covering the entire floating island of Liber.

It's something like a clear crystal ball containing the Dungeon with the sea all around.

It's something like a snow globe with an island and sea inside.

"Speaking of snow globes, I think there's a store selling snow globes with the statue of Liber inside. Since it's my day off, I'm going to find that store and buy a souvenir snow globe."




On the subject of amazing and unbelievable things that our group saw after arriving here at the floating island of Liber, the number two on the list would be the statue of Liber itself.

It's a giant statue of a lady holding a book in her left hand while her right hand is raised above while holding a torch.

Vier-chan once said that in one of her unusual dreams, the statue of Liber can release a blinding light that can erase one's memories.

I'm sure that it's not true since Vier-chan herself said that it's just a made-up story. But I'm still wondering what reason the statue of Liber was built in the past.




I have already taken a lot of pictures of the statue of Liber and the sea today.

I wanted to take some pictures of giant buildings at the old ruins at the third layer of the Concrete_Jungle Dungeon, but it's forbidden for a Bronze_Rank Adventurers' Party like our group to enter the Dungeon without permission.

Besides, I still feel traumatized after our group fell into the underground depths during the recent entrance exam. So, I'm still scared to go back to the third layer of the Concrete_Jungle Dungeon.

"Hmm... I wonder what things should I be taking pictures of today?"

If Vier-chan and Felin-chan are here with me, I can just enjoy taking their pictures.

But since it's our day off, we're spending our time alone to find something we could be interested in.

Vier-chan is probably doing weird things. I just hope she won't put herself in trouble.

Felin-chan is probably wandering at the center of the outpost town looking and eating different food.

Both of them are probably doing fun things while I am spending my time looking into the sea at the port of the outpost town.

I'm probably doing the most boring day off among the three of us.

But still, I like looking into the sea. After all, our hometown is at the center of the continent so it's our first time seeing a sea and ocean too.


It's embarrassing to hear my stomach grumbling. Thankfully no one is close enough to hear it.

I'm hungry. I didn't put any food in my Storage_Bracelet or Item_Bag so I'm just gonna find a stall selling some food.





"This food is hard to chew."

After getting a cold fruit juice that I had never tasted before called coconut juice, and a weird-looking food that the stall seller called Takoyaki, I continued exploring the port of the outpost town.

I also asked the Takoyaki seller where it might be good to explore. He then told me to head north along the port.

After a few minutes of walking from the Takoyaki stall, I arrived at the place they called Beach.

It's a part of the outpost town that I have never seen before.

There are a lot of people wearing what they call swimwear and playing and relaxing in the beach.

It's a nice place since the sea water is just right on my feet, but walking in the sand kind of feels wobbly.




I take shelter under the shade of a tree as I sit on the sand and enjoy eating my Takoyaki and drinking my fruit juice.

The warm feeling of sunlight, the calming sounds of the sea waves, the gentle breeze coming from the sea along with the scent of ocean water, and the rustling of the leaves as the wind blows.

I close my eyes as I lay down on the sand and feel relaxed.

"Mhm!... The beach is nice... It's a shame we only have forest and valley in our hometown."


"Ehh?... What was that?..."

That shuttering sound is something I'm familiar with. After all, that's the sound of an Art_Phone taking pictures.

Is someone taking my picture without my consent?

Wait!... Don't tell me it's like the situation Vier-chan has warned me before.

It's a Lolicon_Stalker_Bastard taking my picture!

"Who are you!... Why are taking my picture without my consent!"

I said those remarks after making a backward summersault to get back on my feet and take a fighting stance to defend myself.

It was a lady who stood in front of me holding her Art_Phone.

With her short blonde brown hair tied in a ponytail and her square frame glasses, she gives the appearance of a cool, mature adult woman.

A cool-looking Onee-san.

She's wearing casual clothes, but the robe she's wearing on top of her dress is something like a part of the uniform of staff working at the Adventurers' Guild. Like the robe Ms. Klea was wearing every time I saw her at the Adventurers' Guild receptionist counter.

That probably means she's working for the Adventurers' Guild.

Either way, even if she's a Guild's staff, I can't let my guard down to strangers.

After all, my connection to Grandma Misaki and as a noble of Greendale baron house myself always bring suspicious individuals who are after me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to steal a picture of you. It's just your image that is relaxing on the beach is something... Hmm... How should I say this... Something like a worth taking picture, I guess?"

"Worth taking a picture?..."

"Here's your picture... I can just delete it if you want."

The cool-looking Onee-san showed me a picture she had taken in her Art_Phone. However, my picture is not what catches my attention. After all...

"What version of Art_Phone is this!"

I jump in front of the cool-looking Onee-san and grab her hand holding the Art_Phone that has a version I have never seen before.

I have researched every version of Art_Phone that has appeared before. And since the Art_Phone23 which I currently have is the newest version, this means only one thing...

"Is this a newer version that hasn't been released yet to the public?... Onee-san!... How come you have this?!... Where did you get this?!... Where can I buy this?!... What function does it have?!... Onee-san!..."

"Please come down... I will answer all your questions so please let go of my hand."





After calming myself, the cool-looking Onee-san introduced herself.

Her name is Ms. Alouette and she's a Guild's staff working at the Accounting department of the Adventurers' Guild.

And most importantly, the Art_Phone she's using is the latest version that still hasn't release to the public.

With that matter, our conversation continues with the new Art_Phone24 as our main topic.

While we're sitting on the sand under the shade of a tree here at the beach, Ms. Alouette gives a demonstration of what the new Art_Phone24 is capable of.

"Can you please say something about yourself, Mifumi?"

Ms. Alouette said that request while pointing the lens at the back of the Art_Phone24 toward me.

I don't know what she's doing but I still decided to answer her request.

"Umm... I'm Mifumi Gre... I mean, just Mifumi... I'm an Adventurer and a member of the Adventurers' Party Dwarf_Cat-Eared_Elf... Is that enough, Ms. Alouette?"

"Yes, that's enough... Now, take a look at this video, Mifumi."


I didn't know what a video was, so I just followed Ms. Alouette's instructions and looked at the screen of her Art_Phone24.

..."Umm... I'm Mifumi Gre... I mean, just Mifumi... I'm an Adventurer and a member of the Adventurers' Party Dwarf_Cat-Eared_Elf... Is that enough, Ms. Alouette?"...

What the heck is this!!!

There's a moving picture of myself on the screen of the Art_Phone, along with the sound of my voice!

How is this possible!!!

No!... That's not important!... What matters is that I must have this right now and right here at this moment!

"Umm... Mifumi?... That look in your eyes is scaring me..."


"Ekk!... Stop with that creepy laugh of yours, Mifumi."

"Fu,fu,fu... This Art_Phone24 will be mine!"
