Chapter 4: Adam and Eve (2)

 As Adam walked down the path, he felt excited. He was looking for a girl named Eva, following the advice of his creator, Joe. He felt like he had a clear goal and was eager to meet this girl who would be his companion. Each step he took made him more excited to meet her and begin their journey together.


After a short while, Adam spotted a figure ahead, The sunlight gently lit up her figure among the trees. His heart leaped with joy as he realized that this must be Eva, the companion whom Joe had promised him.


Approaching her with cautious steps, Adam called out, his voice filled with warmth and curiosity. "Eve?" he called, his heart pounding with excitement. "Is that you?"


The person turned around, and her eyes met Adam's with a look of surprise and familiarity. "Eve?" she echoed, her brow furrowing in confusion. "What's that?"


Adam smiled warmly, feeling a sense of connection with this mysterious stranger. "Eve is your name," he replied gently. "And I am Adam. Iam your companion"


"Eve... Adam..." she repeated, testing out the unfamiliar names on her lips. "Yes, I like it. It feels right."


Eve spoke up, breaking the calm around them. As she questioned her existence. "Who created us? How come I know names I've never heard before?, and What am I?, What are we?"


Adam nodded, understanding her confusion. "We were created by someone named God," he explained, his voice filled with reassurance. "He is our creator, our father. As for how we know our names, I believe it's because God bestowed it upon us."


Eve's eyes widened in surprise as she processed Adam's words. "God... our creator," she murmured, a sense of wonderment creeping into her voice. "I don't remember meeting him, but I feel like I know God somehow."


"It feels strange, but believe me, he is our father," said Adam as he looked at the sky above. "I believe in our Almighty Father. He's the reason I'm here with you, so we can be together," he continued, his voice filled with conviction.


Eve listened intently, her heart swelling with a mixture of curiosity and gratitude. "Our father... God," she said softly, as if pondering the idea. "I may not remember meeting him, but I feel his presence in my heart."


[Meanwhile Mc pov]

As I watch from outside the universe, I can't help but feel happy. So they've met, huh? Hmm, I didn't send the monster into that garden so they be safe. Afterall They are in the other side of my planet. And By the way, I will call my planet Eldan.


Turning my focus to the omnipotent tool at my disposal,I speak to the Creation System, asking if it can speed up time "System, can you make time pass faster?" I'm curious to see what happens next in Adam and Eve's story.


In its robotic voice, the system promptly responds, "Yes, host."


I breathe a sigh of relief. It won't be long before they encounter hunger, and I know they're not prepared for it. That's when I'll intervene, recreating the tree for them to eat from. I'll also add the apple of knowledge that would recreate the bible story.


As time speeds up on Eldan, three days zoom by, and I see Adam and Eve making friends with the animals around them. They don't really know what these creatures are, but they're not scared to get close to them. It's like they're making friends without even trying, because of there innocent and curious nature.

Watching this scene touches my heart deeply. Even though I could stop recreating the story of Adam and Eve as told in the Bible, the necessity of ensuring humanity's exapansion, leaves me with no choice.



After a week passes on Eldan, Adam's cry for help reaches me, signaling that hunger has begun to trouble them. It's my cue to step in and provide them with food from the trees I've planted and I will put their the forbidden fruit.


Meanwhile Adam side


"My Lord Adam, What is this feeling?" Eve wondered aloud, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "It's like something inside me is trying to tell me something, but I don't know what."


Adam nodded in agreement, his own stomach rumbling with hunger. "I feel it too," he admitted, his tone troubled. "But I don't know what to do about it. I've never felt like this before."


Adam felt his heart sink as he saw Eve struggling with the same confusion and uncertainty he was feeling. He had hoped he could protect her from the pain.


As Adam gazed up at the immense sky, burdened by their hunger and confusion, he yearned for guidance. With sincerity in his voice, he pleaded to the heavens above for help.


"Father," Adam whispered, his words carried on the gentle breeze that rustled through the leaves of the garden. "Please show us the way. Help us with this thing we're feeling."


As Joe, the almighty father, materialized before Adam and Eve, his presence exuded an otherworldly aura. With a gentle smile, he addressed their bewildered expressions.


Then Eve knelt before Joe, tears streaming down her cheeks, she uttered words filled with reverence and awe. "You are the heavenly father, our God, our creator," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.


"Stand up, my child," Joe said softly, his voice carrying a sense of paternal affection. "You and Adam are my beloved creations, and I am here to guide and protect you."


As Joe reached out to Eve, he felt a rush of different feelings. On the outside, he seemed calm, but inside, he was wrestling with a lot of thoughts. He was surprised and maybe even a little amused that Adam and Eve saw him as a god. Deep down, though, he knew he was just a regular person.


It was a strange situation for him. He had created Adam and Eve, but now they looked up to him like he was some sort of God well they are right about that.



"Let me tell you something important, Adam and Eve, what you are experiencing right now is called hunger," Joe declared, his voice carrying an air of reassurance and authority.


Adam's brows furrowed in confusion as he exchanged glances with Eve. "Father, hunger?" he echoed, his voice tinged with uncertainty.


Joe nodded solemnly, his eyes filled with understanding. "Yes, my children," he affirmed. "Hunger is a sensation that reminds you of your need for sustenance, a signal that your bodies require nourishment to thrive."


"But do not fret," Joe continued, his tone soothing. "For I have provided for you. Within this garden, you will find trees bearing fruit that will satisfy your hunger and sustain you."


Adam's eyes widened with realization as a sense of relief washed over him. "Thank you, Father," he exclaimed, gratitude evident in his voice. "We are truly grateful for your guidance and provision."


Eve nodded in agreement, her heart swelling with reverence. "Yes, thank you, Father," she echoed. "We will partake of the fruits of this garden as you have instructed."


[Then joe continued saying this time it's a warning]

"Adam and Eve," Joe began solemnly, stepping forward to address them, "there is something crucial I must tell you. Within this garden, there is an apple unlike any other. It is forbidden, and if you were to consume it, there will be dire consequences."

Adam and Eve exchanged uneasy glances, the gravity of Joe's words settling heavily upon them.


Meanwhile, Joe wrestled with his own feelings,. The role he would play in their story weighed heavily on his conscience. Yet, driven by the necessity of their growth and the expansion of humanity, he knew what he must do. Joe understood that sometimes, difficult decisions had to be made for the greater good.


As he contemplated his next move, a plan began to form in Joe's mind. "I will pretend to be the snake," he resolved silently, knowing that this deception would be necessary to fulfill his greater purpose.


As Joe thinking about his part in the story, he couldn't ignore the uneasy feeling in his stomach. "Shit," he whispered quietly, feeling a bit guilty. "I feel like I'm doing something wrong." Despite his discomfort, he knew he had to keep going for the sake of the story.



As Adam and Eve stood before Joe, their almighty father, they listened intently to his warning about the forbidden apple. Adam's resolve strengthened as he declared, "We won't touch it, Father. We promised."


Eve nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting their shared determination.


"Good, my child," Joe said, sounding like a caring father. "Now, Farewell , my child."


After Joe vanished, Adam and Eve thought hard about what he said. They felt braver because they promised not to eat the forbidden apple. Even though they didn't fully understand the consequences, they knew their decision was important. So, they prepared to face whatever came next with determination and courage.


To be contiued