Chapter 5: Adam and Eve (3)

As I watched Adam and Eve exploring their new world, I felt nervous. It was time for them to face a big moment, just like the one in the Bible where they're tempted to make a choice.


I had to make sure they understood the concept of temptation and choice, like when you're tempted to do something you know you shouldn't, and you have to decide what to do. It's a crucial part of their story, and it was time for them to experience it.


As time went by on Eldan, I kept watching for the right moment. Then, after ten days, it happened—Eve was by herself near the forbidden tree. She seemed curious about it, drawn to its forbidden mystery.



Then as I prepared to intervene in the story of Adam and Eve, I took a deep breath and called upon the Creation System. With a sense of determination, I issued a command, my words echoing through the vast expanse of Eldan.


"System," I began, my voice steady with resolve, "can you create me a serpent to control, similar to how one controls a character in a game? Place it within the world of Eldan."


The System, ever obedient, responded promptly, its digital voice echoing in my mind. "Affirmative, host. Serpent creation initiated."


As I asked the System to create a serpent, I saw the landscape of Eldan change. A sleek, shiny snake appeared before me. Its scales sparkled, catching the light. With the serpent ready, I was set to guide Adam and Eve through their journey.



Meanwhile, Eve stood near the forbidden tree, her gaze fixated on the fruit. Despite the warning from their creator, Joe, her curiosity got the better of her, and she found herself drawn irresistibly closer to its forbidden branches.


Just then, a voice slithered through the air, smooth and seductive. "Hello, Eve," it hissed, sending shivers down her spine.


Eve froze in place, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and fascination. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty.


The serpent's smile widened, revealing rows of glistening teeth. "I am but a humble serpent," it replied, its tone dripping with honeyed charm. "But I have something that may interest you."


Eve's curiosity was piqued, despite the warning bells ringing in her mind. "What do you have?" she asked cautiously, taking a hesitant step forward.


The serpent gestured toward the forbidden fruit, its colors vibrant and enticing. "This fruit holds the key to knowledge, to understanding the mysteries of the world," it whispered, its voice laced with temptation.


Eve's eyes widened with wonder as she gazed upon the forbidden fruit. "Knowledge?" she echoed, her mind racing with possibilities.


"Yes, knowledge," the serpent confirmed. "But there is a catch—you must eat it to gain its wisdom."


Eve hesitated, torn between her desire for knowledge and her loyalty to Joe, their creator. "But the creator said it's forbidden, I cannot touch these," she murmured, her voice filled with uncertainty.


The serpent's smile widened, its words smooth and convincing. ."Why would you believe what your creator said?" it whispered, its tone laced with manipulation. "Perhaps he's testing you, seeing if you're truly worthy of the knowledge this fruit can offer."


[Meanwhile Mc pov]


As I control the serpent to tempt Eve, a sense of guilt gnawed at me. Even though I controlled its every move and word from outside the universe, I struggled with the morality of my actions. I knew how important this moment was and what it could mean for humanity, yet I couldn't ignore the weight of my deception.


"Sorry, Eve, but you have to eat this, no matter what, for the sake of humankind," I whispered to myself, feeling deeply sorry. It was tough because I knew I had to deceive her for the Humankind to move forward, yet I couldn't shake off the guilt of manipulating the situation.


[Meanwhile Eve side]


Eve hesitated, torn between her desire for knowledge and the warning she had received. However, the serpent's words were too tempting to resist, drawing her in like a captivating melody that she couldn't ignore.


With shaky hands, Eve reached for the forbidden fruit, feeling a mix of nervous and fear pulsing through her. She understood that this decision would have major consequences, but the mystery of what could come next was too captivating to ignore.


As Eve bit into the forbidden fruit, she suddenly knew things she'd never known before. It was like a light turning on in her mind, showing her secrets she'd never even guessed existed. She was amazed at how much she now understood about the world around her.


Suddenly Adam witnessed Eve taking a bite of the forbidden fruit, a mixture of shock and concern washed over him. "What are you doing, Eve?" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with worry.


Eve turned to Adam, a gleam of excitement in her eyes. "Adam, eat this," she urged, holding out the fruit to him. "You will understand everything—knowledge, sex, food, emotions, everything!"


Adam hesitated, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. "But, Eve, Father forbade us from eating this," he reminded her, his voice filled with uncertainty.


Eve waved off his concerns with a dismissive gesture. "Don't worry, Adam," she reassured him, her confidence unwavering. "There are no consequences. Perhaps Father is just afraid of what we might learn, Isn't that right, serpent?" She turned to where the serpent had been, only to find it gone.

"Where is the serpent? Well, anyway, just eat this," Eve persisted, her determination unyielding as she extended the forbidden fruit towards Adam, urgency lacing her voice.


Adam let out a deep sigh, feeling torn between his trust in Eve and the warning they had received. Finally, he gave in, his voice heavy with resignation. "Alright, I trust you," he said, his belief in their bond outweighing his doubts. "We've been together for a week, and I have faith in us." With a heavy heart, he reached for the fruit Eve offered, taking a bite just like she did.


As Adam ate the forbidden fruit, it was as if a floodgate of understanding had been unlocked within him. Knowledge rushed in like a tidal wave, transforming his perception of the world. In that moment, he felt a profound shift deep within himself, as if the very fabric of his being had been altered by the fruit's forbidden wisdom.


[Meanwhile Mc pov]


Watching Adam and Eve give in to temptation stirred up a lot of feelings in me. Part of me felt proud and successful because I had made this big moment happen in their story. But deep down, I also felt uneasy. I knew something wasn't quite right about what I had done but dont have a choice for the sake of expanding the humanity spread their child across the continent.


"To think I actually pulled this off," I muttered to myself, letting out a deep sigh. Knowing that I played a part in leading Adam and Eve down the wrong path made me feel really guilty.


With a sense of resignation, I acknowledged that I possessed a talent for manipulation—a skill that both surprised and troubled me. I hadn't realized the extent of my ability to influence events until now, and it left me feeling powerful as I did it I dont know why,


"It's time to recreate what God did to the original Adam and Eve," I declared, my voice tinged with determination. I understood that their story was only beginning, and I was determined to see them through the challenges ahead.


To be continued