Chapter 12: The Adventure of Roe (6)

In the divine realm where gods lived, an important conversation took place among them. The gods were discussing something very important.


"Do you believe your son could truly create a magnificent world, or will he falter under the weight of other gods' interference?" inquired the female divine god, her voice resonating with wisdom and curiosity.


The male divine god, with a gentle smile on his face, pondered the question ask by Laer. "Well Laer," he began, speaking with a sense of pride, "my son possesses a potential beyond measure. But do you understand why I decided to place his soul into a mortal body, limiting his powers and turning them into a creation system?"


The other male divine god leaned forward, intrigued by the revelation. "Tell us more, Akser," he urged, his voice laced with anticipation.


Akser's smile widened as he spoke, a glimmer of pride shining in his eyes. "You see," he began, his voice brimming with confidence, "my son has endless potential.. I crafted the creation system to allow him to harness his powers gradually, step by step. And mark my words," he declared, looking around at the gathered gods and goddesses, "one day, my son will surpass even me."


Laer, the female divine god, nodded thoughtfully, understanding Akser's intentions. "So, you believe in his potential to surpass even us, the divine gods?" she inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity.


Akser's smile widened as he nodded in affirmation. "Indeed, Laer," he replied, his voice filled with pride.


[Meanwhile Joe side]


With the revelation of heaven and hell,the villagers had to decide between good and evil, between doing what's right and what's wrong. It was a big moment for them, a turning point in their lives that would shape their actions and decisions for generations to come.

Jono's question cut through the calm air, breaking the quiet around us.

"Jesus, is this really your body?" he asked, curious about my body because my body is made of totem.

Cain jumped in, looking concerned. "Hey, Jono, don't disrespect the Son of God like that," he said.


Sensing the tension, I couldn't help but find the situation somewhat amusing. "It's okay, Cain," I reassured him, "I find it rather amusing myself."


Looking at Jono, I started telling a story that would grab their attention. ""No, my dear boy," I said gently "this body you see before you is merely a vessel, crafted by my own hand to facilitate communication with mortals like yourselves. My true form is beyond mortal comprehension, a being of such divine power that to gaze upon it would be to invite certain doom."


The weight of my words hung in the air, and I watched as a mixture of awe and disbelief washed over the group. Cain, the leader of their Village, sought clarification. "Then where does your true form abide, my Lord?"


As I spoke, I pointed upwards,indicating a place far beyond mortal grasp. "My real self lives in a plane beyond mortal reach, a realm where the gods themselves dwell."


The words spilled from my lips effortlessly, each one carefully chosen to captivate their imagination and awe. But deep down, I knew that my tale was nothing more than a fabrication, a fanciful lie for the benifits of the world.


Yet as I looked upon the faces of those gathered before me, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. These were good people, seeking guidance and enlightenment in a world filled with mysteries. And here I was, deceiving them with my own selfish desires.


As the murmurs began to rise among the group, I realized the magnitude of my deception. "What? There are many gods? And a place where they reside?" Momoa's voice cut through the confusion, echoing the thoughts of many.


But before I could speak, another voice chimed in, piecing together the fragments of my deception.


"Now that I think about it," they said, their voice tinged with realization, "Jesus spoke of the Almighty Father as the father of all gods. Which means..."


As they murmured about the revelation that there are many gods, their perspective of the world changed, creating conflicting and complicated thoughts in their minds. However, I believe they will soon grasp the complexity of their thoughts.

With that I know that my revelation had opened their eyes to a broader perspective, forever changing how they perceived their spiritual journey.

Then, with sudden intensity, I shouted, "Children, Friends there is a reason why I'm here with you all,"


As I glanced at everyone, I use magic and All elements danced above my hand. With these elements swirling around me, I spoke to the group seriously.


"With the guidance of the Almighty Father," I said, speaking with solemnity, "I've been given the power to control fire, water, earth, and air."


The villagers were amazed and astonished, their eyes wide with disbelief as they witnessed the incredible display before them. For generations, they had lived in a world where they believed only in what they could see and touch, but this is something out of the world.


"Now, children," I said, my voice ringing with authority and command, "I'm here to teach you the ways of the elements, that you may harness their power and use it to protect and guide your people."


Momoa's voice carried a mix of curiosity and anticipation as he spoke. "Elements? So you're going to teach us about the elements?"


I met his gaze with a solemn nod. "Indeed, my friend," I affirmed, "as you already have some understanding of what the elements are, I won't delve into that further. What I'm here to tell you all is that the power you've witnessed, the phenomena you've experienced—it's what many refer to as magic."


Magic?" Belz interjected, her brow furrowing in contemplation. "You mean like sorcery?"

I offered a gentle nod in response to her words. "Precisely," I affirmed, "magic, sorcery—these words all point to the same thing, an essence that resides within each of you, waiting to be awakened."


As the villagers looked uncertain, I quickly reassured them."Fear not," I assured them, "for I am here to guide you in unlocking the affinity within you."


"Affinity?" echoed voices from the crowd, their curiosity piqued by this new term.


With a solemn demeanor, I began to elucidate. "Affinity," I explained, "is a deeply personal connection to a particular element. For instance," I continued, "if you possess an affinity for air, your abilities would be centered around manipulating the air element."


Pausing for a moment to let my words sink in, I then added, "However, for those fortunate enough to possess multiple affinities—such as water, air, and fire—they have the remarkable capability to harness the powers of all three elements."


Belz, wanted to make sure she understood. "So, by unlocking our affinity, we can tap into the power of magic?" she asked, her eyes filled with wonder.


I nodded in response. "Precisely," I confirmed, "by discovering and embracing your unique affinity, you will gain the ability to wield the elemental forces of magic to your will."


The others murmured amongst themselves, their minds buzzing with excitement and anticipation. The prospect of mastering such incredible powers was both thrilling and daunting, but I could see the spark of determination flickering within each of them.


"But how do we discover our affinity?" one of the villagers asked, their voice tinged with uncertainty.


Then with a reassuring smile, I approached Belz, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Belz," I began, my voice soft yet resolute, "you have been chosen for a special task. You possess within you the potential to become a great mage and become a guide for this village."

Belz's eyes widened with uncertainty, her voice trembling as she spoke, "Wh-why me? Do you think I deserve your grace?" Her words hung in the air, revealing her inner turmoil and self-doubt. It was as if she questioned her own worthiness, unsure if she was capable of shouldering such a responsibility.


I smiled kindly at her. "Because, my child, I see the potential within you. You possess a unique connection to the elements, a gift that few are blessed with. With proper guidance and training, you can become a beacon of hope and knowledge for this community."


Belz hesitated for a moment, processing my words. "(Sigh) Alright, What do I need to do?" she finally asked, her curiosity piqued.


I nodded, feeling that Belz was ready to take on this important task. "I will impart upon you the knowledge of magic, filling your mind with the understanding of its principles and practices. Once you have absorbed this knowledge, you'll be the one to teach everyone else in the village. guiding others on their journey to discover their own magical potential."


Belz's eyes widened with realization, the weight of her newfound role settling upon her. "I understand," she said, determination flickering in her gaze.



With that, I held her head and imparted some basic spells, being cautious not to overwhelm her with dangerous ones. Since I wasn't sure of Belz's nature whether she is good or bad, so I only shared some spells not everything I have.


As the magic took hold within her, Belz's body trembled with the intensity of the experience. She shuddered, a cry slipping past her lips, stirring concern among the villagers. Anxious whispers spread as they witnessed her struggle to manage the sudden rush of power.


I looked at Belz with concern. "Are you alright?" I asked gently, trying to comfort her amid the confusion.


Belz breathed heavily, trying to catch her breath after the intense experience. The magic she had just absorbed left her feeling drained, but something had changed within her. Her eyes sparkled with a fresh understanding, as if a veil had been lifted from her mind.


"I'm okay," she managed to say, her voice shaky but filled with wonder. As the last traces of magic settled within her, she spoke again, her tone tinged with amazement, "So this is what magic is."


Acknowledging her resilience, I nodded in approval. "Yes, that's magic, my dear friend," I affirmed, a sense of pride swelling within me. Then, directing my gaze towards my other avatar, Roe, I issued a decree, "And Roe will be right there beside you, Belz, helping to teach everyone."


"My lord, I will fulfill all your commands as your apostle," declared my avatar, Roe, embodying my essence flawlessly. Deep down, I couldn't help but marvel at my own acting skills; after all, this avatar is also a role play, well considering I was also Roe.


With a sense of completion washing over me, I prepared to depart. "Now that everything has been said and done, it's time for me to return to Solara, the realm where other gods reside," I announced, my words carrying a weight of finality.

Pausing to bid farewell to the villagers. "Farewell, children of the Almighty Father," I said, my voice filled with farewell.

Reflecting on my performance, I couldn't help but be amazed at my acting skills. Even though my totem form couldn't show emotions, I managed to portray everything flawlessly.



As I prepared to depart, I sensed the mix of emotions swirling among the villagers. It was bittersweet, realizing the impact I had made on their lives. Reflecting on their reactions, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. Had I unintentionally turned myself into something akin to a cult leader? Then With one last look, I disappeared, leaving the village with a magic system, a newfound magic and wisdom they could now harness.


To be continued