Chapter 13: The Adventure of Roe (7)

As the days passed, the training sessions flowed smoothly, and soon, every villager knew how to harness magic. It was a remarkable transformation, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that one day, magic would become widespread throughout the world.


As we shared meals together, I couldn't help but notice the villagers' growing respect for me because of my role as Jesus' apostle. It felt like a big responsibility, but in reality, it was just a lie I came up with.

So There was no genuine sense of duty about it like god will order me or something. But I still did my best to help them learn magic.


One particular day, we found ourselves in the training grounds, where I focused on instructing Jono. He also possessed a rare affinity for both water and fire, a combination that made him a formidable mage. As he cast his spells with remarkable speed and precision, I couldn't help but be impressed by his talent.


In this world, magic required the formation of intricate circles to channel its power, a concept similar to what I had seen in certain anime series like[Wise Man's grandson]. Unlike me, who could chant spells without such circles, the villagers relied on these formations to unleash their magic. It was a fundamental difference that set them apart from me, although I chose to keep my unique abilities a secret for now, saving it as a surprise for later.


Suddenly, Jono's voice broke through my thoughts, snapping me back to the present. "What do you think, Roe?" he asked eagerly.


Turning to him, I offered a genuine smile. "That was awesome, man," I replied warmly.


"Really?" Jono's eyes lit up with excitement.


"Yeah, you're even stronger than me when it comes to magic," I assured him. It wasn't a lie. My magical abilities were limited, hovering at around 40 percent affinity. I leaned more towards a warrior type, But I use my magic to enhance my agility rather than relying solely on spells. Like Aang from that one cartoon series, you know, where he uses airbending on his feet to speed blitz his enemies. That's my style, but for now, without any real enemies to face, my focus was on training the village for the impending confrontation with the mind controlling squid.


Cain, the elderly man of over 800 years, approached us with a curious gaze. "How's your little training going, Jono? Sir Roe," he inquired, his voice seasoned with age.


I let out a sigh, shaking my head slightly. "I've told you before, Grandpa Cain, don't call me Sir," I replied with a hint of exasperation. "Even though I hold the title of Apostle of God, I'm still just Roe the Adventurer." Looking out at the distant horizon, I couldn't help but feel a sense of coolness sheesh.Then I look at him and continud said "Besides, I'm more comfortable if you simply call me Roe."


[Meanwhile Belz side]


Meanwhile, Belz and Momoa, both over 400 years old, engaged in a mock battle against each other.


Momoa wielded the affinities of earth and fire, while Belz possessed affinities of fire, water, and air.

Belz chanted a spell, summoning a fiery blast toward Momoa.


With agility, Momoa dodged the attack, conjuring an earth wall for protection. "Nice move, Momoa! You've become quite strong," Belz complimented.


"Thanks, Belz. You've been a great mentor," Momoa replied, a grin spreading across his face. Then, mischief gleamed in his eyes. "Maybe I've even surpassed your power."


"Oh, really? How about another round?" Belz challenged, ready for more.


"Let's do this," Momoa agreed, swiftly conjuring an earth spear and launching it toward Belz.


Reacting quickly, Belz utilized her air power, casting a circle and commanding, "Air wave," which diverted the earth spear's trajectory.


As the battle raged on, Belz unleashed a powerful gust of air toward Momoa, causing him to stumble and lose his footing. "Aurh!!" he exclaimed as he was thrown off balance.


Belz smirked triumphantly, pleased with her maneuver. However, what she didn't anticipate was Momoa's unexpected lunge toward her, resulting in an accidental kiss between them.


Belz, caught off guard by the unexpected kiss, blushed furiously, her heart racing with a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. She stumbled backward, her eyes wide with astonishment, as she tried to comprehend what had just happened.


Momoa, equally surprised by the unexpected kiss, hurriedly stepped back, his cheeks turning pink. "S-sorry, Belz," he stuttered, genuinely apologetic.


Belz blushed even more when Momoa apologized, but she gave him a shy smile. "It's fine, Momoa," she whispered softly, looking away. Despite feeling embarrassed, she couldn't ignore the fluttery feeling in her chest that made her strangely happy.


After the accidental kiss, they both laughed, realizing how silly it was. With big smiles and friendly teasing, they continued their mock battle, feeling closer than ever.


[Meanwhile Roe side]


After the training, I found Cain alone in the house, sensing that something weighed heavily on his mind. Approaching him, I inquired gently, "What's on your mind, Grandpa Cain?"


Cain greeted me with surprise as I entered the house, initially brushing off any concerns. But his troubled expression betrayed his inner turmoil.


I asked him, 'Grandpa Cain, please tell me what's troubling you. As the apostle of Jesus, I am here to listen," I said earnestly, my words filled with genuine concern and care


Cain responded with a quiet gratitude, acknowledging my offer but downplaying his concerns with a simple "Thank you, Roe, but it's nothing really."


As I rose to leave, respecting Cain's privacy, he interrupted me with a single word: "Wait."


Turning back to face him, I asked, "What is it, Grandpa Cain?" My curiosity piqued, wondering what might be weighing on his mind.


Cain's question hung in the air, heavy with the weight of his concern. "Do you really think that even if someone does wicked things and deeply repents, they can go to heaven?" he asked, his voice heavy with emotion.


I met his gaze with a comforting smile, seeking to reassure him. "Don't worry, Grandpa Cain," I replied gently. "Just like Jesus said, If someone truly repents for the mistakes they've made, God will forgive them and welcome them into the kingdom of heaven."


Cain seemed to ponder my words for a moment before his emotions overcame him. He struggled to hold back tears as he quietly expressed his gratitude. "Thank you, Roe," he said softly.


Seeing his distress, I knew it was time for me to depart. "Then I should go now, Grandpa Cain," I said, moving to leave. "Take care."


Outside the universe, I turned to my creation system and asked, "What's the truth about Cain? Did he really kill his brother like in the Bible, or is there more to the story?"


The creation system responded, "Host, you have the ability to see his past."


Surprised, I said, "Really? Then please, show me his past."


"Affirmative, host... initiating," the creation system replied.


As memories flooded into my consciousness, I couldn't help but marvel at the realization that I had truly become a god. But amidst this awe, I couldn't shake the weight of what I was about to uncover...


Shit, I realized that Cain had indeed killed his brother.


The revelation hit me like a ton of bricks—Cain had indeed killed his brother, But the revelation didn't end there. In also Cain's brother was also named Abel just like in the Bible. the real twist that shook me to the core, In why Cain committed such a terrible deed: It turns out his brother was no longer who he once was.


With a heavy heart, I will shared the details of that fateful day with you all...

[Cain story Part 1]

One day, Cain lived peacefully with his family, including his siblings. But among them, Cain shared a special bond with his younger brother, Abel.


While they were farming on their land, Eve called out that dinner was ready. Adam, their father, beckoned them to join for the meal.


Gathering around the dinner table with their family, Cain broached a sensitive topic. "Father, Mother, do you harbor resentment towards God for banishing you from the Garden of Wonders?" he asked, his voice tentative.


Adam's stern response quickly followed. "Cain, such talk is blasphemous," he scolded.


Apologizing, Cain stammered, "S-sorry, Father."


Eve, her expression softening, reached out to caress Cain's face gently. "Sweetie, we harbor no hatred towards our heavenly Father. In fact, we are grateful for His forgiveness and the blessings of having a children," she reassured him. "Perhaps all that has happened was not mere coincidence but rather fate bestowed upon us by our heavenly Father."

Adam, moved by Eve's words, gazed at her with affection. "Eve," he whispered lovingly. Then, turning his attention to Cain, he continued, "Son, we do not resent our Father. If anything, we long to seek His forgiveness. But it seems every time we call upon Him, He remains distant," Adam admitted, his voice tinged with sadness. "Perhaps it's a trial, teaching us not to rely on Him too heavily."


Caught in the midst of their contemplation, Cain absorbed his parents' wisdom, silently reflecting on the mysteries of faith and divine intervention.

To be continued