Chapter 26: Chalu’s Journey (2)  


[Outside the universe]


 Observing the world of Eldan, I couldn't help but notice Bale Lomius, murmuring to myself as her name caught my attention. "So, this is Belz's descendant," I mused. Turning my gaze to Lyro Spera, I noted his connection to Jono.


As I pondered the lineage of its inhabitants. Bale Lomius, a descendant of Belz, and Lyro Spera, from the line of Jono, stood as testaments to the passage of time. Hmm,.....



Then The system's confirmation brought my thoughts back to the present. "Yes, host," it affirmed, acknowledging the passage of time and the evolution of names over the course of 2000 years.



The realization washed over me like a wave: last names. It was a simple concept, yet its significance wasn't lost on me. Two millennia had passed since I last delved into the affairs of this world, and Even though it felt like just a day had passed for me, in reality, I had fast-forwarded time in their world by two millennia. It made me realize how much can change over such a long period, even if it seems like nothing much in the moment.



A sigh escaped me as I contemplated the remarkable abilities displayed by Bale and Lyro. It was truly astonishing to witness the depth of their magical prowess, seeing water transform into ice and earth into metal with such ease. The advancement of magic over the millennia was evident, a testament to Belz's influence and the legacy she had left behind.



Then The system's explanation shed light on the source of this progress. "Host, Belz's research and her disciples have undoubtedly played a significant role in this development," it stated matter-of-factly.



Nodding in understanding, I reflected on Belz's exceptional intellect, having endowed her with an IQ surpassing 180. It was clear that her ingenuity had paved the way for the evolution of magic, resulting in the creation of numerous spells and techniques that continued to shape the world of Eldan.



Well, I just watched their story unfold, reminiscing about the adventures I had during my time as my avatar Roe in my own world. Seeing the descendants of Belz, Momoa, and Jono, I felt a wave of nostalgia wash over me. Their magic, now so advanced, was a testament to the legacy left behind. Bale Lomius and Lyro Spera, carrying the torch of their ancestors, demonstrated the evolution of magic that had been passed down through generations. It was a bittersweet reminder of the journey that had brought Eldan to this point, a journey that I had been a part of, shaping and guiding it along the way.



[Inside Eldan]


In the classroom


Colerio Sapher, a professor of magical theory, stood before his class, ready to engage them in a discussion about the evolution of elemental magic. "So, what is the fundamental principle of Ice magic?" he asked, his voice echoing through the room.



Many students eagerly raised their hands, but Colerio chose Roki Bilzton, a boy with dark blue hair in a layered cut, wearing sunglasses. "You, Roki. What do you believe is the fundamental principle of Ice magic?"



Adjusting his glasses, Roki responded confidently, "Sir, if we are talking about Ice magic, its importance lies within the element of water. After all, the origin of Ice magic comes from Water magic, so the fundamental principle lies in the structure of water."



Colerio nodded, prompting further explanation. "Why is that?"



Roki continued, "Because Ice magic essentially manipulates the water element by changing its state from liquid to solid. Understanding the molecular structure and behavior of water is crucial for effectively controlling and transforming it into ice. The better a mage understands the properties of water, the more efficiently they can wield Ice magic."



Colerio little bit smiled, clearly pleased with the answer. "Excellent, Roki. Indeed, the fundamental principle of Ice magic is rooted in Water magic. By understanding the properties of water, particularly how to control its temperature and structure, mages can effectively harness the power of Ice magic. This knowledge is critical for creating and manipulating ice in various forms, making it a powerful tool in a mage's arsenal."


Colerio continued, "And it was created by Belz, the Mother of Magic. She discovered it through extensive experimentation and research. Belz used Ice magic against the Beastfolk, freezing many of them to death during the Ancient era."



The classroom fell silent as the students absorbed this historical context. Roki, still adjusting his sunglasses, looked intrigued.

After a moment of contemplation, Jamon Lox, a 15-year-old boy with curly dark blue hair, raised his hand. "Professor," he began, "how did Belz come to discover the properties of Ice magic?"



Colerio offered a slight, nonchalant smile as he continued, appreciating the curiosity. "Belz was a genius with a remarkable intellect. She studied the natural elements extensively and realized that by manipulating the temperature of water, she could change its state,"


he explained in his usual laid-back tone. "Her experiments led her to develop the first Ice spells. She documented her findings meticulously, ensuring that her knowledge could be passed down through generations. Her work laid the foundation for what we now understand as Arcane magic."



The students were captivated, understanding that their studies were part of a long lineage of magical innovation. Colerio's demeanor remained nonchalant, but there was an unmistakable sense of pride in his voice as he looked around the room. "Remember, every spell you cast, every element you manipulate, is a testament to the knowledge and creativity of those who came before us. Study well, and you might contribute to this grand tapestry of magic."



[outside the universe Joe pov]


As I observed the world of Eldan, curiosity got the better of me. I turned towards the system and asked, "System, if they refer to their early time as the Ancient Era, what other eras do they have? I mean, on Earth, we have the Prehistoric Era, Ancient Era, Before Common Era, Roman Era, Contemporary Era, and so on."



The system responded, "Host, the current era in the Eldan world is the Era of Arcane, which began in 600 CE."



Confused, I asked, "What do you mean by 600 CE? It's been 2000 years since the Ancient Era. How does that timeline work? Please explain."




The system replied, "Host, the timeline in the world of Eldan is divided into distinct eras, each marked by significant events and advancements. The Early Era, also known as the Era of Beginnings, spanned from the creation of humanity by Adam and Eve until 0 CE. This era saw the emergence of humanity and the foundation of early civilizations."



I nodded, "I know, Adam and Eve marked the beginning of humanity in Eldan. What came next?"



"The Early Era was followed by the Expansion Era or what we called Ancient Era, from 0 to 599 CE," the system continued. "During this time, significant figures such as Jesus Christ appeared. Jesus introduced magic to the world, teaching it to influential individuals like Belz. His teachings spread rapidly, leading to the integration of magic into everyday life and the development of various magical practices."



I smirked, remembering. "Ah, that's right. Jesus was my avatar. I introduced magic to Belz and everyone else. Quite the shift."



"Indeed, Host," the system confirmed. "Your avatar, Jesus, revolutionized the world, leading to an era of rapid expansion and development of magical knowledge and capabilities." 




"And now we're in the Era of Arcane?" I asked, piecing it together.



"Correct," the system said. "The Era of Arcane began in 600 CE, marking a period of advanced magical practices and deep cultural integration of magic. It signifies the maturation of magical knowledge and the widespread, sophisticated use of magic."



I nodded, absorbing the information. "So, the Era of Arcane reflects the height of magical development. Thanks for the clarification, system."



"You're welcome, Host," the system replied. I continued to watch the events unfold, now with a clearer understanding of the world's timeline and history.



As I thought about Eldan's history, I noticed something big happening among the Beastfolk. Chalu was in a fight against a tough opponent in a crowded place.


I leaned forward, trying to discern the details of the confrontation. Chalu, with his unwavering determination, seemed to be holding his own against this massive gorilla.


[Inside Eldan, Beastfolk]

Before Joe saw what happened

In the bustling district where Gori ruled, excitement buzzed in the air. The place, usually full of everyday life, was now a battleground. Gori, a powerful gorilla and the leader of his clan, was about to face Chalu, a chimpanzee who had been spreading an unusual message of unity and wielding a strange power he called "aura."



The crowd gathered, eager to witness the spectacle. Excited murmurs and speculative whispers filled the air as they awaited the start of the fight. A monkey acting as the commentator stood on a platform.



But Before the fight began, Chalu's friends were gathered anxiously, watching the scene unfold. Raro, his cat fur standing on end due to the tension, turned to his friends and asked, "Do you think Chalu can beat Gori?"


Mandu, the wise elephant, responded thoughtfully, "Well, Gori has special abilities like us, and Chalu doesn't have what most Beastfolk have—the special abilities. But..."


Mandu paused, glancing at their friends and the other Beastfolk who had joined their cause for unity. "Chalu is stronger. Remember the aura he taught us? It was hard to grasp, and Chalu mastered it in a new level. The power he showed us back then was remarkable. That's when I realized Chalu is stronger. The aura he possesses is more powerful than our special abilities."


Their conversation was interrupted by the monkey commentator's loud announcement.


"Get ready for the fight! Our mighty leader Gori will now take on the infamous Chalu, who's been spreading some 'unite' nonsense and showcasing his weird abilities he calls aura!" the commentator announced sarcastically.


The crowd erupted into laughter, jeering at Chalu's ideals and powers. To them, the idea of unity between the Beastfolk and the Eldoans was absurd, and Chalu's aura was a mere parlor trick compared to Gori's brute strength.


[Chalu Side]

Chalu stood in the center of the arena, his expression was calm but determined. He knew this fight was about more than just winning; it was about proving his beliefs and hoping for a future where Beastfolk and Eldoans could coexist in peace.



Gori, towering over Chalu, beat his chest, inciting cheers from the crowd. "So you think you can come here with your crazy ideas and threaten my position?" Gori roared angrily.



Chalu met Gori's gaze steadily. "I'm not threatening your position. I'm just here to share my belief and Conviction and—"



"Enough of your conviction!" Gori interrupted, his voice booming through the arena. "I'll show you what conviction truly is!"


[Commentator side]


The fight began with a sudden charge from Gori, his massive fists aiming to crush Chalu in one powerful blow. But Chalu was quick, his smaller size giving him an agility that Gori lacked. He dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding Gori's strike, and countered with a swift punch infused with his aura.



The crowd gasped as Gori staggered back, clearly feeling the impact of Chalu's enhanced strength. It was the first time many of them had seen the power of aura in action, and it silenced their jeers for a moment.




"He's using some kind of trick!" a spectator shouted, unable to comprehend how Chalu was holding his own against the mighty Gori.


As everyone saw the scene, the anticipation for the ultimate clash between two formidable opponents reached its peak. Who would triumph in this epic showdown? Would Gori's ferocity prevail, or would Chalu's unwavering conviction and newfound abilities turn the tide?


But hold on to your seats, Readers, because the battle isn't over yet! In the thrilling saga of strength, belief, and unity, the true victor may yet emerge. Tune in to the next chapter to witness the epic conclusion, where destinies are forged and legends are born.


To be continued.