Chapter 27: Chalu’s Journey (3)

 Gori growled, "How did you do it?!"


 Chalu replied calmly, "I told you, I use the power of aura."



Gori scoffed, "Aura this, aura that," and began beating his chest furiously, his anger fueling his strength. This was Gori's unique ability, known as Beating Courage. The more he beat his chest, the stronger and more aggressive he became.



Chalu, on the other hand, didn't have a special ability like the other Beastfolk. However, he had aura, a gift from Joe, and an IQ of over 180, which allowed him to understand and utilize aura in ways others couldn't. Unbeknownst to Chalu, this combination gave him an edge.



As Gori charged, his brute strength evident, Chalu evaded effortlessly. Gori was powerful, but he lacked speed, something Chalu had in abundance. The chimpanzee tribe, though not as swift as the cheetah tribe, was still quick. Amplified by aura, Chalu's legs moved faster than any normal Beastfolk.



"You sly bastard!" Gori roared, beating his chest even more and charging again.



Chalu dodged with ease, responding, "I'm not here to fight among Beastfolk like you. I'm here to unite us, to bring peace." He looked at Gori with determination.


"Enough with your peace and unity crap!" Gori bellowed, charging once more.



Chalu sighed, "Then you leave me no choice but to fight."



Using his surroundings to his advantage, Chalu knew he couldn't defeat Gori with aura alone. He was still a beginner, having only trained with aura for two weeks. In contrast, Gori had been honing his abilities for ten years. Gori was 23, while Chalu was just 15.



Chalu moved quickly, using his speed to keep Gori off balance. He jumped onto a nearby structure and then flipped over Gori's head, hitting him from unexpected angles. The crowd watched in amazement as Chalu's movements became a quick, each step precise and calculated.



Gori's rage grew with every missed attack. "Stand still and fight me properly!" he demanded.



Chalu, always moving, responded, "Fighting you head-on would be foolish."



Gori, unfazed, roared, "Is that so?" He quickly threw a rock at Chalu, who easily evaded it. But the rock was just a distraction. In the blink of an eye, Gori charged at Chalu, hitting him squarely and sending him flying backward.



"Aurg!" Chalu cried out as he hit the ground hard.



Gori smirked, standing tall over the fallen chimpanzee. "See what happens when you underestimate me? Your fancy talk and quick moves won't save you."


He took a deep breath, focusing his aura. "This isn't about strength, Gori," he said, his voice steady despite the pain. "It's about conviction and the will to change things for the better."


Gori sneered, "Conviction? Will? You think those will help you now?"

Then Chalu's eyes narrowed. He needed to outsmart Gori. He started to circle around, using his speed to stay out of reach.

"What are you doing?" Gori growled, watching Chalu's movements with suspicion.

"I told you," Chalu replied, his voice steady and determined. "My conviction is stronger than yours." As he continued to circle, he concentrated his aura into his right hand, which began to glow with a vibrant energy.


Chalu then announced, "I call this Impact."


With a swift and powerful motion, Chalu lunged forward, his aura-charged fist striking Gori squarely in the chest. The force of the blow sent Gori flying backward, crashing to the ground with a pained cry, "Aurg!!!!!"


The crowd gasped, stunned by the unexpected turn of events. Chalu stood tall, his aura still shimmering around his hand, a testament to his strength and determination. "This is what true conviction looks like," he said, his voice echoing through the arena.



The crowd erupted in a deafening roar, their initial skepticism now replaced with awe and excitement. Cheers and exclamations filled the air as they witnessed Chalu's incredible display of power.


"Did you see that? He actually knocked Gori down!"


"I've never seen anything like it! What is this 'aura' he's talking about?"


"This Chalu might actually be the real deal!"


Then Gori shouted, "Enough!" causing the crowd to fall silent immediately. In Gori's district, his word was law.


He was panting as he struggled to stand, then he said, "How can you have this power?"


Chalu replied, "Jesus gave me this power because he wants me to unite everyone, to make people believe in peace." He looked at the crowd and added, "You may not believe it, but God has given me the task to unite the two factions!"


The crowd was taken aback by Chalu's declaration.


"Is that really true?" someone murmured.


"Impossible! Jesus? The God of Magic? He only favors the Eldoans, not us Beastfolk!" another exclaimed.


 Someone also asked, "Does Jesus even exist?" 

"Yeah, this is a lie!" someone else shouted.


"Liar, boy!" came another cry. "You probably got that power by accident!"

The crowd was growing restless, their disbelief palpable. Chalu stood his ground, his eyes scanning the faces of those who doubted him. He took a deep breath, ready to address their skepticism head-on.


"Listen to me!" Chalu's voice rang out, strong and clear. "I know it's hard to believe. But the power of aura is real, and it was given to me for a reason. We've been fighting for too long. The Eldoans and the Beastfolk have suffered too much. This power is not just for me—it's for all of us, to bring us together, to stop the senseless fighting."


Gori shouted, "Stop this meaningless chatter!" He glared at Chalu, his eyes filled with fury. "If Jesus indeed gave that Aura, it should have been me! I am stronger than you!"


Then Gori Beating his chest again and again, Gori roared, "Time to end this!"


Chalu met Gori's gaze, his expression serious and determined. "So You're still sticking with this till the end," he said, his eyes full of resolve. He was determined to prove that his words were not a lie. He continued said "Very well then, I'll show you what true resolve looks like."



As Gori charged at him, Chalu quickly picked up a stone from the ground. Amplifying his right hand with aura, he steeled himself for the impending clash. Gori's massive frame lunged forward, his fist aimed directly at Chalu with brutal intent.



In a swift, fluid motion, Chalu sidestepped the attack, narrowly avoiding the powerful blow. With precise timing, he swung his aura-infused right hand, the stone adding weight and impact to his punch. The blow connected squarely with Gori's jaw.



The world seemed to slow down. Gori's eyes widened in shock as the force of the punch lifted him off his feet. He was sent flying backward, his body arching through the air in a graceful yet devastating arc. "Aurg!!!" he cried out, the sound echoing through the arena, cutting through the stunned silence of the crowd.


As Gori soared through the air, everything slowed down. You could see every muscle in his body tense, the way his eyes widened in shock, and the quiet gasps from the crowd as they witnessed the fall of their once indomitable leader. It was like time itself had hit the pause button, freezing the moment in crystal-clear detail.


As The spectators watched in disbelief, their eyes tracking Gori's flight. The once confident and domineering leader now appeared weightless, defeated. As Gori crashed to the ground, the impact reverberated through the district, dust rising around him in a dramatic cloud.



For a moment, there was absolute silence. The crowd, unable to process what they had just witnessed, stood frozen. Then, slowly, murmurs of astonishment spread through the audience.



Chalu, breathing heavily, stood his ground. The aura around his hand still glowing faintly and his determination remained unwavering. He looked around at the faces of the Beastfolk, hoping they could see the truth in his actions and the power of his conviction.


The commentator's voice thundered through the arena, a mix of awe and trepidation evident in his tone as he announced the outcome of the battle. "Ch-Ch-Chalu wins!" he exclaimed, his voice trembling slightly as he swallowed hard, the gravity of the moment settling over him.


As the crowd watched, they couldn't believe what had just happened. Some people looked at each other in shock, while others nodded, acknowledging the truth of the situation. Although confusion filled the air, there was also a growing interest in Chalu and his strange aura. His unexpected victory had captured everyone's attention, leaving them eager to learn more about his mysterious power.


Then after that the crowd roared, shouting "Chalu! Chalu! Chalu!" their voices echoed through the arena.


[Meanwhile Outside the Universe]

As I witnessed the intense showdown between Chalu and Gori, I couldn't help but be impressed by Chalu's incredible display of strength and determination. "Well, shit," I muttered under my breath, utterly captivated by the dramatic action unfolding before me. "Chalu fucking did it. And he was fucking badass!"



My mind raced with excitement as I compared Chalu's performance to that of my Avatar, Roe. "Whoah!" I exclaimed, realizing that Chalu had surpassed even the legendary prowess of Roe.



Turning to the system, I voiced my next request. "System, can you fast forward it maybe 1 week? I want to see how much growth Chalu has achieved!" The anticipation of witnessing Chalu's progress fueled my eagerness to delve deeper into his journey.


With a sense of anticipation, I waited as the system initiated the fast-forward process. Moments later, a soft "ding" signaled that the time jump had begun. Now, I could only wait in anticipation to see what developments awaited Chalu and his companions in the week that lay ahead.


[Inside Eldan]

1 week after the fight of Chalu and Gori


In the aftermath of the epic showdown between Chalu and Gori, news of Chalu's unity message and his mastery of aura spread like wildfire throughout the district. Gori, though defeated, begrudgingly followed Chalu to learn the secrets of his aura. With Gori temporarily absent from his leadership role, his right-hand man stepped up to oversee their tribe.


Eager to learn, the inhabitants of other districts flocked to Chalu and his friends, hoping to unlock the secrets of aura for themselves. However, despite their efforts, they couldn't quite match Chalu's expertise. See, Chalu's aura had reached a whole new level. It wasn't just because he was super smart, but also because he got his aura from Jesus, not from studying. This gave him a deep understanding of aura that others just couldn't match.


Even though Gori was still a bit mad at Chalu for beating him, he knew Chalu had something special with that aura stuff. So, even though it kinda hurt his pride, Gori decided to swallow it and learn from Chalu. He wasn't the only one – lots of folks in each district were doing the same thing.


When Chalu extended an invitation for Gori to join them for a meal, hoping to foster friendship.


Gori's response was sharp and dismissive. "Fuck off," he snapped at Chalu. "I'm only here to learn about this aura, not to be your lackey."



Chalu's reply was unwavering, filled with genuine warmth. "I don't see you as a servant," he insisted, his voice calm but resolute. "To me, you're a friend."



Gori's scoff was laden with skepticism. "Friend?" he echoed, his tone dripping with incredulity. "Since when did we become friends?" He shook his head, his expression hardened. "Let's get one thing straight—I'm here for training, not for friendship."



Gori's determination blazed in his eyes as he pressed on. "And besides, after I learn this aura, we'll have our rematch, and that day will be your downfall."


Chalu remained composed, his voice steady. "Then why not join me for a meal? Watch closely, observe how I wield aura. Perhaps you'll gain insights into its workings through observation."


Gori hesitated, torn between his pride and the prospect of gaining valuable knowledge. Finally, with a reluctant grunt, he relented. "Fine."


[Meanwhile In the Kingdom Of Beastfolk]


King Regulus the 5th, a majestic lion with a mane of flowing gold, listened intently as his courtier recounted the unfolding events in the Beastfolk community.

"So, you're telling me a mere chimpanzee is spreading words and introducing this... umm 'aura' thing?" he questioned, his voice resonating with curiosity.


The courtier nodded vigorously. "Yes, your majesty. It's causing quite a stir among our people."


King Regulus's excitement was palpable as he roared in approval, the sound reverberating through his grand throne room. "Fascinating! It seems I must meet this individual myself."


And so, in the bustling heart of Eldan, amid rumors of unity and the hope of enlightenment, the tale of Chalu's journey continued to unfold.


To be continued