Side Chapter Origin of Kungfu

After days


Chalu the chimpanzee and Gori the Gorilla, disguised as Eldoans, had successfully integrated themselves among the Eldoan Knight students. Their unique abilities and personalities quickly earned them friends within the ranks.



Among their new friends were Rika, a 15-year-old girl with short red hair and a scar on her cheek; Brando, a boy with messy white hair who often seemed half-asleep; and Marlo, who had a lower tape fade hairstyle and a scar just below his eye.




"Let's fight again, Gori!" Rika exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with determination.



Gori scoffed playfully. "Again? You lose every time we fight, Rika."



"This time will be different!" Rika insisted, a big smile spreading across her face.



Chalu watched the exchange with a warm smile, enjoying the camaraderie. Meanwhile, Brando dozed off beside him, seemingly uninterested in the commotion.



Marlo approached Chalu, his expression curious. "Hey, Chalu."



Chalu looked up at Marlo and greeted him. "Hello, man. What's up?"



"Nothing much... I've just been thinking," Marlo said, scratching his chin. "How are you so strong?"



Chalu chuckled. "Well, I have some techniques that I've honed over time to become this strong."



Brando, suddenly alert at the mention of techniques, perked up. "What technique?"



Chalu raised an eyebrow. "You're awake?"

Gori, sensing the direction of the conversation, interjected. "Chalu, are you really going to tell them that technique?"



Chalu nodded firmly. "Yes, I think it's important."



Gori looked at Chalu with a mixture of concern and caution. "We need to talk." 



Chalu understood Gori's hesitation. Revealing their techniques could be risky, especially since they were Beastfolk in disguise. What if the Eldoans learned these techniques and used them against them? After all, Beastfolk and Eldoans were at war. Yet, Chalu had faith in his friends, who had shown them nothing but kindness and camaraderie.



Chalu looked at his friends, then nodded towards Gori. "We'll be back in a minute," he said, trying to sound casual.



Brando, still half-asleep, mumbled, "O-okay."



Rika, ever curious, frowned. "What's wrong about sharing your secrets?"



Chalu scratched his head, searching for the right words. "Well, um... it's complicated," he said with a nervous laugh.



Marlo, who had been quietly observing, gave them a reassuring nod. "I understand. Now go."


As they watch chalu and Gori left in the secluded where no one is


[Rika side]


Rika's eagerness to learn clashed with Brando's drowsy realism, sparking a brief exchange that echoed the complexities of sharing martial techniques.



"Why don't they share their techniques? Wouldn't it benefit us knights in battling the beastfolk if we trained in them?" Rika questioned, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.



Brando, still groggy from sleep, responded with a blunt observation. "You really don't understand, do you?" he muttered, his words punctuated by a yawn.



Rika's brows furrowed in irritation. "What did you say?!" she demanded, her tone edged with frustration.



Marlo turned his gaze towards her, a thoughtful expression on his face. " What Brando means is that sharing techniques isn't as simple as it sounds" he said calmly." After all Martial techniques are deeply tied to the culture and history of those who created them. They aren't just physical skills; they represent the values, traditions, and experiences of entire communities. When someone masters these techniques, they are not just learning how to fight—they are inheriting a part of their ancestors' identity and wisdom."



He continued, "Sharing these techniques indiscriminately could lead to their misuse or misinterpretation. The people who pass them down do so with great care, ensuring that those who learn them understand their significance and respect the legacy they carry. If these techniques were shared without that understanding, it could diminish their value and lead to a loss of cultural heritage."



Marlo paused, letting his words sink in. "It's like taking a treasured family heirloom and giving it away to someone who doesn't understand its meaning. It might be useful, but it loses its true value when it's not respected. That's why the guardians of these techniques are so cautious. They want to ensure that their legacy is honored and preserved, not just used for temporary gain."



Rika listened, the tension in her posture gradually easing. "I hadn't thought of it that way," she admitted, her voice softer now. "I just thought it could help us win."



[Chalu side]


Chalu and Gori walked a short distance away, ensuring they were out of earshot. Gori's usual scoffing demeanor, he crossed his arms and frowned.



"Are you kidding me?" Gori scoffed, his tone a mix of frustration and concern. "Are you really going to make them learn the... you know that technique of yours?"



Chalu shook his head. "No, not that technique. But I do want to teach them the martial arts of the.. you know... (beastfolk). Because I believe It could make them stronger."



Gori's eyes widened in disbelief. "Are you really kidding me?!" he repeated, his voice rising. "These techniques are part of who we are, our heritage you know that. If they learn them, it could put our us at even greater risk."



Chalu sighed, rubbing his temples. "I know, Gori. But they've been good to us. They see us as fellow beings, not as enemies. Maybe if we share a bit of our knowledge, it could help build trust and bridge the gap between us and them."



Gori glanced around cautiously, ensuring no one was within earshot before continuing. His skepticism weighed heavily on his mind, evident in the furrow of his brow and the guarded tone of his voice.



"It's a dangerous gamble," he reiterated, his words laced with concern. "The Eldoans might befriend us now, but what happens when they find out our true identities? What if they turn against us and use our own techniques against us?"



His eyes scanned their surroundings, ensuring their conversation remained private amidst the bustling activity of the Eldoan Knight students.



Chalu looked back at their friends, who were waiting patiently. He saw the trust and camaraderie they had built and felt a pang of uncertainty. "I believe in them, Gori. And I know the risk that's why I only intend to share a little bit, not everything."



Gori snorted but looked a bit less skeptical. "Alright. I hope your vision turns out to be true, Chalu. A lot of people put their trust in you, the ones you left behind."



Chalu smiled. "I know and Thanks for understanding, Gori. Let's head back now."



They returned to their friends, who were waiting eagerly. Chalu took a deep breath and began, "Alright, guys. We'll share a bit about our techniques, but just a glimpse. It's something we've worked on for a long time, and it's important to us."


Rika's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Really?" she exclaimed.



Chalu nodded. "Yes, but I'm sorry, that it's just a glimpse."



Rika waved off his concern. "Nah Don't worry about it. I already know why you wouldn't share it blatantly. Marlo already explained why."



Chalu looked puzzled. "O—okay," he replied, unsure of what had transpired. He glanced at Marlo, who winked at him, a signal that everything was under control.



Chalu thought to himself, "What did these guys say to Rika? Well, it doesn't matter as long as it works in our favor. This way, we won't be found out by anyone."



Clearing his throat, Chalu addressed the group. "Alright, here we go. I'll show you all right here, right now. Even though it's only a glimpse, it's still significant. Maybe you can develop this on your own."



Chalu demonstrated a basic movement, a small fragment of their combat style that wouldn't reveal too much. As he moved, he explained the principles behind it—focus, balance, and inner strength. Rika tried to mimic the movements, her determination evident. Brando, now fully awake, watched intently, and Marlo observed with his usual quiet curiosity



Marlo's eyes gleamed with interest as he observed Chalu's demonstration, carefully analyzing each movement. "These techniques, although basic, are solid and refined. I can see how advanced they are compared to our martial arts. Where did you learn this?" he inquired, his curiosity evident in his tone.



Chalu, caught off guard by the question, briefly glanced at Gori for reassurance before responding. "Well, um," he began, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Our teacher from our village taught us martial arts."



Rika's eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of learning. "Whoa! I want to learn it," she exclaimed eagerly. "The moves are already in my brain; I just can't mimic them yet."



Brando, now fully alert and engaged in the conversation, posed another question. "So, what is it called?"



Chalu paused, mentally searching for an answer. "Called?" he echoed, using the opportunity to gather his thoughts.



Brando nodded, his interest piqued. "Yeah, that technique of yours. What's it called?"



Chalu felt a pang of anxiety. Revealing the true name of their technique could expose their Beastfolk origins, putting them at risk. Under pressure, he quickly came up with a name. "Kungfu," he blurted out. "It's called Kungfu."



"Kungfu," Brando repeated thoughtfully. "Interesting..."



Chalu forced a smile, relieved they seemed to accept the explanation. "hahaah..Yeah, it's a technique that focuses on precision and inner strength."



Rika grinned. "Well, whatever it's called, I'm going to practice until I get it right!"



Marlo gave a small, approving nod. "Kungfu... I'll remember that."



Chalu felt a sense of relief and hope. He had taken a step towards bridging the gap between their worlds, even if it was a small one.



As he listened to Chalu's explanation, Gori couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at the name "kungfu" that Chalu mentioned. "What a lame name, kungfu" he muttered to himself, unable to stifle his amusement. He glanced at Chalu with a teasing smirk, finding the name rather amusing, though he kept his thoughts to himself for the moment.



And so, with Chalu's explanation and Gori's silent amusement, the concept of "kungfu" martial arts was introduced to the world of Eldan. While the name might have seemed a bit funny to some, its essence and techniques would soon take root and become a significant part of their training and combat styles. Little did they know that this simple exchange would mark the beginning of a new chapter in Eldan's history. Even though it was just a glimpse of their martial arts, it would soon take root and develop throughout the years, shaping the future of martial arts in ways they never imagined.



The journey ahead was still fraught with danger and uncertainty, but for now, they had made progress. Chalu hoped that one day, their actions would help end the conflict and bring peace between Beastfolk and Eldoans.