Chapter 36: Chalu’s Journey (12)

Teacher Shen Mort, an alchemist instructor, was lecturing his students about the life of an alchemist.


"Do you know what kind of life an alchemist leads in the past?" Shen asked, scanning the attentive faces of his students.


Lyro Spera, the adventurous one with messy yellow hair, eagerly raised his hand.


Shen chuckled, acknowledging Lyro. "Yes, Lyro, what is it about the life of an alchemist back then?"


Lyro replied, "Isn't it just about researching and brewing potions?"


Shen smiled knowingly. "While brewing potions is certainly part of it, there's more to the life of an alchemist than that."


Bale Lomius, the thoughtful leader with brown hair, sighed at Lyro's simplistic answer and raised his hand.



Seeing Bale's hand, Shen nodded in his direction. "Ah, Bale, what are your thoughts?"



Bale spoke confidently, "It's about discovering what the world has to offer and creating something to advance it."



Impressed, Shen remarked, "Very insightful, Bale. You truly live up to your lineage as a descendant of Belz, the Mother of Magic."



Bale modestly replied, "It's nothing, really."



Suddenly, Raro, with his distinctive orange hair and endearing appearance, raised his hand.



Shen noticed Raro's hand and encouraged him to speak. "Ah, the newcomer Raro. Please, stand up and share your thoughts."


Raro explained, "I think the purpose of alchemy is to kill the beastfolk once and for all." His words sparked murmurs and shocked reactions among the other students.


[When Raro was just a child, he had read in the Book of the History of Eldoans about the first alchemist creating poison. From that, Raro deduced the purpose of alchemy.]


"That's blasphemy!"


"How dare you tarnish the reputation of alchemists!"


"Is he out of his mind?"


"What does he mean by that?"


"Shut up, idiot!"


"You're cute, so I'll forgive you."


Shen couldn't help but laugh at the diverse reactions. "Haha! Well said, Raro! Indeed, alchemists back then were initially tasked with creating potions to combat the beastfolk. But do you know why?"


The students were stunned as Shen validated Raro's perspective, eager to hear more.


The classroom stirred with anticipation as Shen's narrative unfolded. The students leaned forward, hanging onto his every word, eager to learn about the origins of the alchemist's craft.


Shen's tone grew serious as he spoke, emphasizing the importance of the story he was about to tell. "Belz Lomius, who was known as the Mother of Magic, really wanted to get rid of all the beastfolk in the world. But these beastfolk had some seriously powerful abilities, called 'fok', that made them really tough to beat."


He paused, allowing the significance of Belz's struggle to sink in. " Because back then the beastfolk possessed powers beyond the comprehension of ordinary magic. Some could transform into metal, others could turn invisible, and yet others could enhance their strength to formidable levels. Against such foes, traditional magic was insufficient."



Shen's eyes scanned the room, making sure everyone was following along. "So, Belz and her comrades, along with other heroes and Eldoans, decided they needed to find a way to deal with these super-powered foes. They spent a lot of time studying and experimenting, trying to come up with something that could give them an edge."



The students leaned in, intrigued by the tale unfolding before them. "After a lot of hard work and dedication, they finally hit upon something—a special potion. But it wasn't a potion for healing or making you stronger. Nope, it was a potion designed to take down the beastfolk."



Gasps of surprise echoed in the classroom as Shen revealed this pivotal moment in history. "Yep, they made a poison—a poison specifically meant to counter the unique abilities of the beastfolk."



Shen's gaze swept over the classroom, his voice solemn. "But as time went on, the role of alchemists changed. They started exploring new areas of knowledge, looking into the mysteries of magic and nature. They weren't just focused on defending our people anymore; they also wanted to improve our lives."



He smiled warmly at his students, pride evident in his eyes. "And that, my dear students, is the legacy of the alchemist. Not just warriors against the beastfolk, but seekers of knowledge, guardians of tradition, and pioneers of progress."



The classroom fell silent, the gravity of Shen's words hanging in the air. Each student contemplated the profound journey of the alchemist, from humble potion-brewer to revered scholar and innovator.


Then, as if a spell had been broken, the students began to stir once more. Whispers and murmurs filled the room as they exchanged thoughts and reflections on Shen's lecture.


"I never knew alchemy had such a rich history."


"It's fascinating how their purpose evolved over time."


"Imagine the courage it took to confront the beastfolk."


"I wonder what kind of potions they'll teach us to brew next."



Laughter and chatter gradually resumed as the students shifted back into their routine, their minds buzzing with newfound knowledge and curiosity about the world of alchemy.



Bale Lomius, 15 years old, sighed quietly to himself after hearing Raro's words. "This guy," she muttered under her breath, slightly exasperated by Raro's controversial statement.



Lyro, also 15 years old and known for his adventurous spirit and messy yellow hair, chuckled and remarked, "This Raro guy is more knowledgeable than I thought! Haha!"



Roki Bilzton, practical with blue hair and sunglasses, a 15-year-old who preferred to observe and analyze, thought to himself after hearing Raro's words, "I already know the purpose of alchemy, but to think this guy knows it too—interesting."



Bax Wood, fiery and hot-headed with red hair, also 15 years old, laughed loudly and exclaimed, "To think our ancestors created potions back then to kill beastfolk! They were badass!"



Lory Lawen, with her dark hair and proud ego, suddenly interjected, "For a muscle brain like you, it's badass, but for a beauty and smart brain like me, it's a discovery."



Bax shouted back at Lory angrily, "What did you say!?"



Outside the Universe

As I watched the story unfold, I pondered, "So that's the life of an alchemist back then. How strange to think they just created alchemy to kill, to become murderers."



The Creation System suddenly interjected, "Host, back then, Belz tried everything to kill the beastfolk. She created a potion along with her students, the three witches: Xia, Mero, and Lowena. They were trying to create a weapon to kill the beastfolk once and for all."



I responded to the system, "Yeah, I know. Belz was really a menace when it came to the beastfolk."



The Creation System continued, "Yes, host. Back then, Belz was angry at the beastfolk because of their abilities called fok. During those times Eldoans' magic was weak compared to the beastfolk's abilities, which frustrated Belz. As she couldn't end the beastfolk, so she came up with a plan to end them once and for all, thus creating alchemy. But as years passed, alchemy It became something more. Alchemists started exploring new areas of knowledge, not for the sake of revenge, but to help others and to discover what magic and alchemy could achieve. This led to the creation of many potions and advancements."



I absorbed this information, reflecting on how the purpose and role of alchemy had evolved from a tool of war and survival to a pursuit of knowledge and healing. The transformation of alchemy mirrored the growth of the people who practiced it, shifting from a mindset of vengeance to one of curiosity and benevolence.



And I knew how Raro learned all of this. He learned it through the history of Eldoans. You see, beastfolk have all the history of Eldoans, just as Eldoans have the history of the beastfolk. Back then, it was easy to infiltrate as spies on both sides, so those spies gathered information, taking everything they knew. Thus, both beastfolk and Eldoans came to know more about each other's cultures.



After many years, the Eldoans created some identity magic to identify if someone was beastfolk or not, and the beastfolk have mutate more and thus having a new ability and It was to identify whether you are beastfolk or not. Those fok abilities were called :understanding your own kin.






As I watched from outside the universe, pondering the profound implications of the history of alchemy, a wave of curiosity washed over me. What would unfold in the days following this revelation? I couldn't resist the urge to know more. "Can you fast-forward time, maybe four days? I want to see what happened next," I inquired of the Creation System.



"Affirmative, host," the Creation System responded.

As I observed the busy Magux Academy, I suddenly noticed something unexpected. Chalu and Bale, two students, found themselves face to face in a surprising twist of fate. Excitement surged within me as I realized that fate had finally brought them together.

With a sense of wonder and awe, I eagerly awaited the next chapter in their story, eager to witness the magic of their newfound connection unfold before me.


[Eldan World]


Four days had passed, creating a distinct atmosphere at the Magux Academy. Bale Lomius, under the instruction of Teacher Colerio, a renowned figure in magical theory and knightly combat training, was tasked with fetching some documents. She headed towards the Knight area, where Colerio was waiting for her.



Chalu, catching sight of a brown-haired girl clutching documents, discerned her as a mage. Puzzled by her presence in the knights' domain, he approached her. "What are you doing here?" he inquired.



Turning abruptly, Bale faced a boy of similar age, with short brown hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin. "Um, I've been instructed by Teacher Colerio. Do you know where he is?" she responded.



"He's not here. He's in the knights' office, conversing with other teachers. We've already finished our lecture," Chalu informed her.



Realizing her mistake, Bale chuckled nervously. "Oops, my bad," she admitted.



"Don't worry. Follow me; I'll take you to him," Chalu offered.



Grateful, Bale nodded and addressed him as "kind sir."



"Call me Chalu. And you?" he replied.



"I'm Bale," she introduced herself.



"Ah, Bale," Chalu acknowledged.



Chalu harbored an interest in Eldoan mages, being a beastfolk himself. Disguised as an Eldoan, he aspired to bridge the gap between their people. Eldoan mages were often perceived as more formidable than knights due to their mastery of magic. This perception was not without reason, as mages were known to have been responsible for the deaths of many beastfolk. Knights, lacking the magical prowess of mages, were often at a disadvantage in confrontations with them but Mage are different when dealing beastfolk. Thus this reality fueled Chalu's determination to foster understanding and cooperation between Eldoans and beastfolk, hoping to dispel the animosity that had long existed between them.


As they walked, Bale hesitated before asking, "You don't hate me?"

"Why?" Chalu inquired.

"Well, Some knights despise mages, as they believe mages look down on them," Bale explained.



Chalu smiled widely at Bale's observation. "I've heard about it from my friends, but honestly, I'd love to meet Mages and make friends with them one day," he shared.


Witnessing Chalu's smile for the first time, Bale was captivated. She thought to herself, "What a beautiful smile. If only everyone were like him, perhaps things would be happier."



Bale couldn't help but compare Chalu's smile to Lyro's. Lyro's smile was mischievous, often full of pranks and playful antics. However, Chalu's smile was different; it was kind and beautiful. Despite only meeting him today, Bale had a feeling deep inside that they would meet again.



As Chalu escorted Bale to Teacher Colerio's office, Bale expressed her gratitude. "Thank you so much for guiding me here," she said sincerely.



Chalu beamed at her. "No problem, Bale," he replied warmly. It felt heartening to be appreciated, fueling his hope for the eventual unity between the Eldoans and the Beastfolk.



Before turning to leave, Chalu mentioned, "So, now that my service is over, I should go."



Bale hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "Wait," she said, stopping him in his tracks.



Chalu paused, turning back to her with a curious expression. "Hmm, what is it, Bale?" he inquired.



Bale directly said, "Can I still meet you?"



Then Bale chastised herself inwardly, thinking, "You stupid Bale, why did you say that to a boy you just met? You're so stupid, stupid, stupid. Now he might think I'm an easy girl or a weird girl."



Chalu's smile remained unchanged, interpreting Bale's request as a sign of her appreciation for his kindness.



In his mind, Chalu reflected, "I knew it. With kindness and good intentions, people will connect with each other. Yes, this is it, the start of the progress to unite my people and the Eldoans."



Clearing his throat, Chalu responded, "Yep, we can meet again. Just come to the knights' area where students from the knight train." His smile radiated warmth and friendliness as he spoke


And so, in the bustling corridors of Magux Academy, Bale and Chalu's story began with a chance encounter. It was a moment that held the promise of something more, a connection neither of them could have predicted. As they shared a smile and went their separate ways, Little did they know, fate had already started weaving their destinies together, setting the stage for a tale of friendship, Love , bravery, and the pursuit of unity in a divided world. With that, their first meeting came to an end, leaving behind a hint of the exciting journey ahead.

To be continued