Chapter 37: Chalu’s Journey (13)

Outside the Universe

As I watch the story unfold, I can't help but wonder if what's happening is mere coincidence or something more profound. The way the cast is forming friendships, like Chalu and Bale becoming friends, seems to suggest a deeper connection between them. Could this be a sign that the two factions will eventually unite?


Wait, what's going on? They meet again?. Is this really the sign? Is this truly fate? 


As they meet again, I'm left questioning whether this is truly fate at work. Are these encounters orchestrated by some higher power, guiding their paths towards a common destiny? Or are they simply random occurrences in the vast expanse of the universe?



Regardless of the answer, I'm intrigued by the unfolding events and eager to see how it all plays out. Whether it's coincidence or fate, one thing is certain: there's something captivating about the intertwining of these characters' lives.



Inside the World of Eldan


[3 has passed]


In Magux Academy, an unusual class was about to begin. Mage students and Knight students were assembled together under the guidance of the renowned and nonchalant teacher, Colerio Sapher. Known for his expertise in both magical theory and knightly combat training, Colerio had devised a special exercise to foster cooperation between the two groups.



The forest surrounding the academy would serve as their training ground today, a place where they could experience the dangers of combat against monsters, a crucial preparation for the looming threat of war against the beastfolk.



Colerio addressed the students in his characteristically calm voice. "Before we start, each of you will pick a number from this box. The numbers are random, but if you pick the same number as someone else, that person will be your teammate. Each group will consist of four people. Now, begin."



Excited murmurs filled the air as students from both disciplines approached the box, eager to see who fate would pair them with.


Chalu stood in line, feeling a mix of anticipation and curiosity. As a disguised beastfolk, he had a unique perspective on this exercise. His goal of uniting the beastfolk and Eldoans felt more tangible now, with every interaction and every new friendship.



As he waited, he heard a familiar voice calling out, "Chalu!!" Raro approached Chalu and Gori, followed by a group of Chalu's friends.



[Over the past few days, Raro had gotten to know Chalu's friends. At first, there was skepticism due to Raro being a mage, but Chalu had convinced his friends that Raro was different from the other mages.]



Chalu smiled warmly. "Raro, you're here."



Raro nodded and greeted everyone, "Hello everyone."



Rika, a 15-year-old girl with short red hair and a scar on her cheek; Brando, a boy with messy white hair who often seemed half-asleep; and Marlo, who had a lower tape fade hairstyle and a scar just below his eye, all responded with friendly greetings.



Gori, always blunt, said, "Sup shorty."



Rika smiled, "Hello Raro."



Brando gave a lazy wave, "Hi."



Marlo added, "Hello man."



Then Raro smiled back and asked, "Are you excited?"



Everyone nodded in unison.



Chalu said, "Yeah, we are."



Raro grinned, "That's great. Then I should go and pick mine now."



Chalu and the rest of the group nodded in agreement as Raro made his way to the box to draw his number.



Meanwhile, Bale stood in line, her mind drifting back to her recent encounters with Chalu. She could see him not too far away, surrounded by his friends, and felt a bit shy about approaching him. She had hoped to talk to him, but seeing him with others made her hesitate.



Lyro was also waiting in line, looking around with his usual energetic demeanor. He suddenly heard someone calling his name and turned to see Raro approaching.



"Raro! You're here! Hurry up and get over here," Lyro called out, waving him over enthusiastically.



Raro chuckled as he made his way through the crowd. "Thanks for holding my place in line, Lyro."



Lyro grinned widely. "Come on, what are friends for?"



Raro smiled, appreciating the gesture. "You're right, ehehehe," he said, settling in beside Lyro.



They both turned their attention back to the line, ready to draw their numbers for the team assignments. As they waited, Raro couldn't help but glance around, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness about who he might end up with. Lyro, ever the optimist, gave him a reassuring pat on the back.



"Don't worry, Raro. No matter what, we've got each other's backs," Lyro said confidently.



Raro nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "Yeah, thanks, Lyro."



A little further down the line, Bale continued to steal glances at Chalu. She wanted to muster up the courage to go talk to him, but each time she tried, her shyness got the better of her. She hoped that perhaps the random draw might place them in the same group, giving her a natural opportunity to spend time with him without the pressure of making the first move.



As the line moved forward, each student took turns reaching into the box to draw their number. The anticipation in the air was palpable, with students eagerly discussing potential groupings and the upcoming challenges.



Lyro and Raro, now friends, exchanged grins as they each reached into the box, pulling out their numbers.



Across the clearing, Chalu and his friends were doing the same. Rika, Brando, and Marlo had already drawn their numbers and were comparing them, laughing and teasing each other as they waited for the rest of the assignments to be made.



Chalu, noticing Raro and Lyro's excitement, waved to them. "Hey, good luck with your draw!"



Raro waved back, smiling. "Thanks, Chalu! You too!"



The atmosphere was charged with excitement and the promise of new friendships and alliances. As the last of the students drew their numbers, everyone began to gather into their newly assigned groups, eager to see what the day's adventures would bring.



As the students began revealing their numbers, groups started to form. Chalu glanced at his slip of paper: "Number 7." He looked around, spotting others holding the same number.



Raro held up his number proudly. "Number 7, anyone?" he called out.



"Same here!" Chalu responded, making his way over.



Lyro laughed as he approached with his own slip. "Looks like we're in the same group, Raro. I've got number 7 too!"



Excited to be with his friend Raro, Chalu happily chimed in, "I'm number 7!" He felt like he belonged as he joined the group, his voice filled with excitement.



Raro's eyebrows raised in genuine surprise. "Really? Chalu" he echoed, a hint of disbelief lacing his words.



Chalu nodded confidently. "Yep," he affirmed, his gaze shifting to Lyro, extending a hand in greeting. "Hello, I'm Chalu."




Lyro shook his hand, grinning. "I'm Lyro. Raro's told me about you."



Chalu glanced at Raro with a smile. "Really? Glad to hear that."



Raro cleared his throat, looking around. "Who's our last member?"



Chalu said, "Well, let's just wait and see."



The trio stood together, scanning the crowd for their final group member. To their surprise, it was Bale who walked up, holding her slip of paper with the same number.



"Looks like we're all together," Bale said with a smile, recognizing Raro from their previous meeting. In her mind, she thought, "Yes, we are in the same group! Thank you, Heavenly Father Joe!"



Chalu's face lit up with recognition. "You're Bale, right? From back then?"



Bale nodded, a smile playing on her lips. "Yes, I'm Bale. We meet again, Chalu."



Chalu's smile widened. "Yeah, it looks like we're fated to meet."



Lyro, curious, asked, "What's going on, Bale? You two know each other?"



Bale nodded, glancing at Chalu. "Yeah, we met a few days ago. I was delivering some documents for Teacher Colerio, and Chalu helped me find him."



Chalu added, "Yeah, it was quite an encounter. It's good to see you again, Bale."



Raro, sensing the camaraderie forming, smiled. "Well, it looks like we've got a great team here."



Bale, feeling more at ease with Chalu and the others, said, "I think we're going to do great together."



The group of four, now fully assembled, looked at each other with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. They had their differences, but this was a chance to bridge the gap between mages and knights, even if just within their small group.





Gori scanned his slip and found the number 12 written on it. Spotting Rika nearby, he noticed she was also holding up her number 12 slip with excitement.



"I didn't expect us to have the same number, Rika," Gori remarked.



Rika giggled in agreement. "Me neither, hehe."



"Now we just need to wait for our other two members," Gori said, scanning the crowd.



Suddenly, two figures approached them. One was a fiery and hot-headed boy with red hair, while the other was more practical-looking with blue hair and sunglasses.



The fiery boy, Bax Wood, wasted no time in addressing them. "Hey knights, are you two number 12 as well?"



Gori bristled at being called a knight. "I don't appreciate that nickname, you know."



Rika chimed in with agreement. "Yeah!"



Bax, not missing a beat, retorted, "A knight dared to fight me!"



Roki, the more level-headed of the two, intervened. "Stop it, Bax," he said, before turning to Gori and Rika with an apologetic expression. "Sorry about that. He's not usually like this."



With the four of them gathered, they prepared to face the challenges ahead, knowing that despite their differences, they needed to work together as a team.




Brando, with his messy white hair and perpetual drowsiness, and Marlo, sporting a lower tape fade hairstyle and a scar, both shared the same number.



Marlo, always curious, asked the question they were both thinking, "Who are our other two teammates?"



Brando, lounging casually with a perpetual drowsiness about him, responded with a simple shrug and a yawn, "I have no idea."




Their contemplation was interrupted by the arrival of two figures. One, with dark hair and an aura of superiority, carried herself with pride, while the other, with bright yellow hair and piercing blue eyes, exuded a contrasting warmth and sincerity.



The dark-haired girl wasted no time in displaying her disdain, her words dripping with condescension, "Are these maggots our companions?"



Quick to defend, the yellow-haired girl interjected, "Hey, that's not nice."



Unfazed, the dark-haired girl dismissed her companion's protest with a haughty wave, "Whatever."



Recognizing the need for diplomacy, the yellow-haired girl offered an apology, acknowledging her companion's tendency towards arrogance, "Sorry about Lory. She tends to speak with too much pride, but deep down, she's kind."



Marlo, displaying a level of understanding and maturity, nodded in acknowledgment, "I get it. She's just being bratty."



Taking the initiative to break the tension, the yellow-haired girl introduced herself with a warm smile, "I'm Lucy Greay," then gestured towards her companion, "And this is Lory Lawen."



Marlo reciprocated the introduction with a polite nod, "Nice to meet you both."



However, any hope for a smooth interaction was quickly dashed as Lory, living up to her reputation, rebuffed Marlo's greeting with disdain, "Don't talk to me, lowly knight."



Brando, typically unimpressed by such displays, yawned once more, his languid demeanor a stark contrast to the escalating tension, "Even if we are lowly maggots, at least we're not brat."



Lory, clearly agitated by the retort, snapped back with a warning, "Hey!! Watch your language."


Now that the group is together, their unique personalities and backgrounds are ready to take them on an exciting journey. They're connected by destiny and a common purpose, preparing to face challenges that will push them to their limits. Their adventure will test how strong they are, how brave they can be, and how well they can work together. They're about to begin a journey that will shape who they are and what they're capable of.



Join us in the next chapter as we follow the adventures of Chalu and his friends as they embark on their journey, destined for greatness.


To be continued