Chapter 38: Chalu’s Journey (14)

As the groups finalized, Teacher Colerio's voice rang out, "Alright, students! Now that you're all in your groups, it's time to head into the forest. Remember, this exercise is about teamwork and coordination. Use your skills wisely and support each other. Let's begin!"


The students, now grouped and eager, began their journey into the forest. The air was filled with excitement and a bit of nervous anticipation as they prepared to face the unknown challenges ahead.


[Chalu side] 


As they ventured into the forest, Chalu couldn't shake the surprise of learning about Bale's lineage.


Chalu inquired, "So, you're from the Lomius family?"


"Yep," Bale confirmed, her tone casual yet hiding the weight of her heritage.



Chalu looked at Raro, When Bale mentioned her connection to the Lomius family, it was like a sudden shock to Chalu. It reminded him of the infamous history of the Lomius clan.



Raro's nod mirrored Chalu's own surprise. It was an unspoken acknowledgment of the unexpected twist in their encounter. His expression seemed to say, "I know, right? Shocking, isn't it?"



As Chalu processed the implications of Bale's ancestry, the weight of history bore down on him. The Lomius family wasn't just any lineage; they were a prominent Eldoan family, known throughout their history. Belz, their ancestor, was known as the Mother of Magic, but not in a good way. She caused a lot of trouble for their kind, leading to the deaths of many. Her actions left behind a dark stain on their past that was hard to ignore.



Chalu felt a whirlwind of emotions when he learned about Bale's connection to the Lomius family—surprise, worry, and maybe even a little fear. But despite this shocking revelation, he didn't waver in his commitment. Even though the Lomius name carried a heavy burden, Chalu was still dedicated to his dream of bringing Eldoans and beastfolk together. Instead of letting this revelation discourage him, it only made him more determined to work towards a future where their peoples could coexist peacefully.



Suddenly, Bale interrupted his thoughts with a curious question, "How about you, Chalu? Do you have a family name?"



Chalu laughed nervously, trying to maintain his cover. "Ah, no, no family name for me. Just Chalu."



Bale raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Just Chalu? That's... unusual, isn't it?"



Chalu shrugged, hoping to deflect any further questions. "Well, you know, not everyone has a family name. And Umm its complicated... I guess."



Sensing Chalu's discomfort, Raro swiftly intervened with a seamless redirection. "Well, let me share something with you all. You know that Chalu and I are childhood friends, right?"



Bale Lomius and Lyro Spera nodded in acknowledgment.




"So, Um we're orphans," Raro continued, his tone steady as he wove the tale. "We never adopted the last name of the head of the orphanage." Internally, Raro breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for his knowledge gleaned from books on Eldoan history. "Luckily, I've read up on Eldoan customs since i was child; otherwise, we be in trouble," he thought to himself.



Chalu breathed a silent sigh of relief at Raro's quick thinking, grateful for the diversion from Bale's probing question. He nodded in agreement with Raro's explanation, hoping it would suffice to satisfy Bale's curiosity.



Bale's empathetic gaze softened as she processed Raro's explanation. "I see. It must have been tough growing up without a family name."



Chalu even thought it's lie he still appreciated Bale's understanding and smiled gratefully at her. "Yeah, it had its challenges, but we managed to get by."



Lyro's infectious enthusiasm broke the momentary solemnity, injecting a sense of excitement into the group. "Adventure sounds like just the thing to lift our spirits! Let's go explore and see what surprises the forest holds for us!"



Raro grinned, relieved at the shift in atmosphere. "I'm in! Who knows what we might discover out there?"



With Lyro's carefree attitude leading the way, the group set off into the depths of the forest, their earlier conversation momentarily forgotten as they embraced the thrill of exploration and the promise of adventure.



As they continued their journey into the forest, Chalu couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Keeping their true identity hidden was becoming increasingly challenging, but he knew it was necessary to achieve his goal of unity between Eldoans and beastfolk. With each step, he resolved to stay vigilant and keep his secret safe, no matter the cost.



[Outside the universe]


Phew, relief washed over me. Raro's knowledge of Eldoan history saved Chalu from potential trouble. It was a close call, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for Raro's quick thinking. I knew that eventually, Chalu's true identity would be revealed, but I hoped it wouldn't happen just yet. It seemed crucial for them to build strong friendships with Bale and Lyro first. After all, the influence of the Lomius and Spera families could be pivotal in supporting Chalu's cause of uniting the beastfolk and there journey



Their potential support filled me with hope. If Chalu could befriend Bale and Lyro, they might become powerful allies in his mission. But, for now, I had to concentrate on their journey in Eldan, excited to see what adventures awaited them.



[Gori side]


Roki Bilzton, with his practical demeanor and trademark blue hair, observed the interaction between Rika, and Gori with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. "So, you're Rika, and he's Gori," he remarked, noting their identities.



Rika, a fiery redhead with a scar on her cheek, confirmed with a nod. "Yep!"



Bax Wood, known for his hot-headed nature and fiery red hair, couldn't resist taunting Gori, "Pfft, Gori, as expected of these weakling knights."



Gori, unimpressed by Bax's provocation, retorted angrily, "What the fuck did you say?!"



Bax, smirking confidently, challenged, "What, you wanna fight me?"



Rika, always ready for action, declared, "Me, I want to fight you magicians!"



Roki, sighing at the escalating tension, intervened, "Stop it, you guys." Privately, he thought to himself, "Dealing with these people is like raising a kid."



Gori, fueled by his anger, ignored Roki's plea and lunged towards Bax with his weapons drawn, ready for a fight.



Bax, equally eager for combat, responded with a challenge, "Bring it on!"



Just as the confrontation reached a boiling point, Roki's attention was diverted by the sight of strange creatures in the distance. "Stop it, guys! We have company!" he exclaimed, gesturing towards the approaching creatures, a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in the forest.



The sight of three ogres approaching sent a surge of adrenaline through the group. Bax, ever confident in his abilities, declared, "I'll handle this in one hit!" With a swift motion, he summoned a circle of fire and unleashed a powerful spell, shouting, "Fire blast!" However, to his frustration, the ogre remained standing, barely singed by the attack. "Shit, damn it!" Bax cursed, visibly disappointed by the outcome.



Without missing a beat, Gori stepped forward and sliced through the ogre with precision, finishing what Bax had started.



As Gori effortlessly dispatched the ogre with a swift and precise strike, Bax's jaw practically dropped in disbelief. He couldn't wrap his head around the sight before him. "How? How can a knight like you have this much power?" Bax's voice was filled with incredulity, his mind struggling to reconcile what he was witnessing. "Impossible! Knights should be weaker than us magicians!" The words spilled out, a testament to his utter shock and confusion.



Gori, unfazed by Bax's skepticism, simply stated, "Because I'm stronger than you. Simple as that!"



Bax, seething with frustration, clenched his fists. "You!"



Roki stepped in with a sigh as tensions rose. "Bax, Gori, that's enough," he said, trying to calm the situation. However, even he couldn't hide his surprise. Knights weren't typically known for their strength and abilities, especially compared to mages with their wide range of spells and enhancements.



"Interesting," Roki muttered to himself, intrigued by the unexpected display of strength from Gori.



Rika, eager for action, proposed taking on one of the remaining ogres alone. "Guys, there are two people left. Can I fight the other one?"



Roki, attempting to maintain control of the situation, responded firmly, "Tsk, fine. But remember, it's an ogre, not a walk in the park. We need to strategize."



Despite Roki's attempts to lay out a plan, Gori and Bax charged toward the remaining ogres without a second thought, completely disregarding Roki's instructions.



"Fuck you guys!" Roki exclaimed, exasperated. "I said listen to my plan first!"





As they walked through the forest, Lory suddenly faced a goblin. Its hideous look and the gore made her uncomfortable. "Ew, gross," she said, her nose scrunching up as she got rid of it. You could tell she really didn't like it, especially with the blood messing up her clothes.



Just as Lory was still recoiling from her disgust, another goblin crept out from the shadows, ready to attack. Acting quickly, Brando stepped in, using a kung fu move he'd picked up from Chalu. He swiftly dealt with the threat, rescuing Lory from potential harm.



Caught off guard by Brando's sudden intervention, Lory's initial shock quickly turned into nonchalance. "Hmmp," she huffed, trying to hide her flustered state.



Brando, accustomed to such reactions, sighed knowingly. "Women," he muttered under his breath, shaking his head in amusement.


After they defeated all six goblins, Lucy turned to Marlo, intrigued by their skills. "How did you learn those martial arts?"



Marlo, with a modest shrug, credited their skills to their mutual friend, Chalu. "Oh, those martial arts? We learned them from our friend Chalu." he explained, a note of pride evident in his voice.



Chalu?" Lucy echoed, her interest growing.


Marlo nodded emphatically. "Yes, Chalu. And no offense, but Chalu is stronger than you two."


"A knight stronger than a mage? Dream on," Lory retorted, her skepticism apparent.



Lucy quickly interjected, gently scolding Lory for her rudeness. "Stop it, Lory. Don't be rude," she said. Turning to Marlo, she asked, "Why is he stronger?"



Marlo's response was filled with admiration for his friend. "Because Chalu can do what a mage can't. He's stronger, faster, and his martial arts skills are incredible," he explained earnestly.



Intrigued by Marlo's testimony, Lucy nodded thoughtfully. "Interesting," she mused, contemplating the implications.



Lory, however, remained skeptical. "Seriously Lucy, Are you believing this?" she questioned, her tone laced with doubt


Lucy met Lory's gaze steadily, her expression unwavering. "What's the harm in believing them?" she replied, her tone reasonable. Turning back to Marlo, she expressed her anticipation. "Also, I can't wait to meet this Chalu guy you mentioned," she declared with a smile.



Marlo returned her smile with a grin of his own. "You will soon see him," he assured her, his confidence unwavering


Suddenly their conversation was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a group of goblins again. Without hesitation, the students sprang into action, their training and instincts kicking in.



Lory, despite her earlier disdain for combat, found herself wielding her magic with surprising precision. "Fireball!" she shouted, incinerating one of the goblins with a well-aimed spell.



Brando, utilizing the kung fu techniques he had learned from Chalu, deftly took down another goblin, his movements fluid and controlled. "Take that!" he muttered, satisfaction evident in his voice.



Marlo, not to be outdone, showcased his own combat prowess. "Sword Strike!" he yelled, slicing through a goblin with ease.



Lucy, her eyes bright with determination, supported her teammates with healing spells and defensive barriers. "Stay focused, everyone! We've got this!" she encouraged, her voice strong and steady.




Deep within the forest, a dark aura pulsed ominously from a hidden cave. The atmosphere was thick with malevolence, and an eerie silence enveloped the surroundings.



Inside the cave, a monstrous figure with Eldoan characteristics slowly stirred to life. Its eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and its movements were jerky, as if it were struggling to control its own limbs.



"I... must... fo...ll...o..w...," the creature groaned, its voice a guttural rasp that echoed through the cavern. 



It was clear that this monster had just been born, emerging from some dark, unknown source. Its form was still taking shape, shifting between looking like an Eldoan and a hideous, otherworldly beast. 



As the creature struggled to its feet, it stumbled towards the cave's entrance, drawn by an unseen force. The darkness within its eyes seemed to swirl with ancient power and a deep, malevolent purpose.



Then Questions hung heavy in the air: What was this monster? Who was it? And why did it speak of Aurathos, the legendary calamity monster from the Early Era?



Stay tuned for the next chapter to uncover the mysteries of this newly born monster and its connection to Aurathos, the calamity monster from the Early Era.


To be continued