Side Chapter – Missing Days


Colerio Sapher, at 42 years old, possessed an ageless charm, looking like he was in his early 30s. With his long black hair and handsome features, he was well-regarded not just for his appearance but for his unparalleled expertise in both magical theory and knightly combat training. Despite his nonchalant demeanor, which stemmed from a past he rarely spoke of, he cared deeply for his students.



As Colerio walked through the hallway, he noticed his mage students, Raro and Lyro, peering outside the classroom. Their suspicious behavior piqued his curiosity.



"What are you doing?" Colerio asked, his voice calm but carrying an undertone of authority.



Startled, Raro and Lyro turned to face him. Their expressions were a mix of shock and guilt.



"Um, we are just doing some experiment… right," Raro stammered.



"Yeah, yeah… it's called, um, Sound Reaction… yeah, right," Lyro added hastily, looking to Raro for confirmation.




Raro nodded vigorously. "Yep, Sound Reaction."



Colerio sighed inwardly. These two... he thought. I think they are up to some shenanigans again. I have to make them confess their crimes and then teach them not to do it again.



His nonchalant expression remained unchanged as he addressed them. "Tell me the truth, or else there will be consequences."



Despite his concern, his face did not reflect it, leading Lyro and Raro to believe he was angry.



"I'm sorry, Teacher! I'm the one doing the pranks. It's not Raro's fault; I just invited him into my shenanigans," Lyro confessed, his voice filled with remorse.



"Lyro, you…" Raro began, his voice choked with emotion. He looked at Lyro, moved by his friend's willingness to take the blame.


Colerio thought to himself, I should punish them for what they did for them to learn and grow as students especially Raro. However, despite his concern, the two students still misunderstood him.


"Minus points for both of you—10 points!" Colerio declared, his tone firm.


"But, sir, Raro didn't do anything," Lyro protested.



Colerio thought, No, I shouldn't favor my students, or else they will not know what comrades and team mean. That's why I have to punish both of them for the sake of bonds especially Raro.



They misunderstood again, thinking Colerio was glaring at them.



"No buts," Colerio said, his voice unwavering. "That's final."


"Remember," he added, his voice taking on a slightly softer tone, "mistakes are opportunities to learn. Make sure this is the last time I have to deduct points for such behavior.


"Yes, sir," they chorused, heads bowed in unison.



Colerio looked at Lyro and Raro, his expression still nonchalant. "Now you may dismiss," he said, his voice carrying a note of finality.



Both students nodded, relief washing over their faces. "Thank you, sir," they chorused respectfully before turning to leave.



As they walked away, Colerio watched them, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. Despite their mischief, he could see the potential in both of them—a potential he was determined to nurture.


Meanwhile, as Lyro and Raro made their way down the corridor, their conversation resumed in hushed tones.


Raro sighed. "Well, because of what we did, we got punished."



Lyro chuckled mischievously. "I knew, right? If only Teacher Colerio wasn't there, we could have used that fart item I created. Kejkeke."



Raro couldn't help but grin at the thought. "Yeah, but did you see Teacher Colerio's face? It looked like he was really angry at us."


Lyro nodded, his laughter fading. "I know, right? That aura of his—it was like he was going to eat us. So scary."


Raro gulped at the memory. "But it's so cool too. He's so awesome, the way he talks and moves like a veteran."


Lyro's eyes sparkled with admiration. "Well, he is one of the vassals, after all. And he also fought in the war. So, yeah, that's why he's so serious and dedicated."



Lyro glanced at Raro, a mischievous glint returning to his eyes. "Anyway I still have things to show you—one of my cool pranks."


Raro's face lit up with excitement. "Really? Show me!"


Lyro grinned widely. "Let's go. Kekeke."



The two hurried off, their earlier fear momentarily forgotten as the thrill of mischief took over.


The End of Chapter Missing days