Chapter 40: Chalu’s Journey (16)  

King Regulus said, "What's the news about the enemy, the Eldoans?"



Falo responded, "Your Majesty, according to my observations, the Eldoans have killed many of our Beastfolk, especially that bitch Rowena Lomius."



King Regulus's expression darkened. "The Lomius family and their formidable magic have always been a threat. Their ancestor, Belz Lomius, the so-called Mother of Magic, was our arch-enemy and killed many of our people in the early era."



Turning back to Falo, he said, "Continue your observations. Investigate their weaknesses so we can find an opportunity to strike."



Falo nodded. "As you wish, Your Majesty."



King Regulus shifted his focus to Lee. "Now, onto the next topic. Lee, what's the progress of our people? Have they mastered the aura techniques?"



Lee hesitated before replying, "Sir, Mandu, the elephant has been training our men. However, Mandu has a request."



King Regulus raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"



Lee continued, "Mandu wishes for our people not to use the aura techniques to kill the Eldoans. He says those techniques were never meant for killing, as per Chalu's teachings."



King Regulus's voice grew stern. "I don't care about Chalu's intentions. We need those techniques to win the war against the Eldoans. Tell Mandu that if he doesn't comply, he will be punished."



Lee bowed his head. "Yes, Your Majesty."



King Regulus softened slightly. "Good. After all, I don't want to punish Chalu's friend or our fellow Beastfolk."



King Regulus then turned his attention to Jom, his imposing figure towering over the other advisors. "Jom, what about the defense fortifications in the northern borders?"



Jom, with his calm demeanor, replied, "Your Majesty, the fortifications are nearly complete. However, the Eldoans have been seen gathering in significant numbers near our borders. We need to expedite our efforts and strengthen our defenses immediately."



King Regulus nodded, appreciating Jom's diligence. "Make sure our warriors are ready for any sudden attacks. I trust your judgment in fortifying our defenses."



Jom bowed respectfully, "It will be done, Your Majesty."



Grizz then said, "May I say something, Your Majesty?"



King Regulus nodded. "What is it?"



Grizz said, "I have now mastered the aura. I believe I can handle many Beastfolk on the front line. Can I wreak havoc now, Your Majesty?"



King Regulus smiled. "Hoh... Well, not now. We need to surprise the Eldoans. When the opportunity arises, that's when you'll target their people and wreak havoc."



Grizz bowed. "As you wish, Your Majesty."



King Regulus said, "Now, Kenjo, how's the investigation about Chalu's whereabouts?"



Kenjo replied, "Your Majesty, there is still no progress. We've searched all known locations and questioned numerous informants, but Chalu remains elusive."



King Regulus frowned deeply, frustration evident in his eyes. "Tsk, where the heck has Chalu gone..." He paused, his mind racing with possibilities. "Could he have gone to the Eldoan kingdom? No, that can't be. I shouldn't jump to conclusions without solid evidence."



He turned back to Kenjo, his gaze intense. "Kenjo, this matter is of utmost importance. Chalu's absence is troubling, and I fear the worst if he has indeed turned to the Eldoans. Continue your investigation with all the resources you need. I want updates regularly, and inform me the moment you discover any lead on his whereabouts."



Kenjo bowed respectfully. "As you wish, Your Majesty. I will try harder and search everywhere to find Chalu."



King Regulus nodded, a mixture of determination and concern etched on his face. "Good. We must remain vigilant. Chalu's knowledge and skills are too valuable to fall into enemy hands. Keep me informed, Kenjo."



Kenjo straightened, his resolve clear. "Yes your majesty, I will not rest until I find him, Your Majesty."



King Regulus nodded approvingly. "Good, good," he said. "I trust in your abilities, Kenjo. Now, let's move on to our next matter."



The king's approval and the determination of his vassals filled the room with a renewed sense of purpose.





[Lory and Lucy's side]


The group prepared for battle, each person knowing exactly what to do. Lory, who had been hesitant earlier, used her magic skillfully, casting fireballs that sent the goblins running. Brando, using his martial arts, moved quickly and efficiently, taking down goblins with precise hits.



Marlo, expertly wielding his sword, stood at the front, guarding Lucy as she cast her spells. Despite the goblins' large numbers, the group's combined skills easily overwhelmed them.



As the goblin lunged towards Brando, Lory reacted swiftly, conjuring a burst of magical energy that pushed the goblin back, preventing it from reaching Brando.



As the last goblin was defeated, Lory couldn't hide her satisfaction. She looked at Brando with a tsundery look. "Hmph! Don't get the wrong idea, it's not like I did it for you or anything... I just couldn't stand seeing you make a complete mess of things, you incompetent oaf."



Brando grinned, his usual drowsiness momentarily replaced with tease. "O-Okay, okay, Your Majesty"





As Chalu and his friends ventured further into the forest, the air got cooler. The trees above them grew thicker, making it darker with long shadows everywhere. Even though they had fought some battles earlier, they were still in high spirit



Chalu looked around at his companions with a determined gaze before posing a question that caught Bale and Lyro off guard. "Guys, what do you think about Beastfolk?"



Bale and Lyro exchanged puzzled glances at Chalu's unexpected question. However, Raro, being a Beastfolk himself, understood the underlying significance and spoke up, "Well, um, I think they're not that bad."



Bale chimed in, echoing a similar sentiment, "Yeah, I think Beastfolk are misunderstood."



Chalu raised an eyebrow at Bale's response, probing further, "Really? Why do you say that?"



Bale explained, "Because I believe both our kind and theirs are simply misunderstood."



Raro turned to Lyro, curious about his opinion. Lyro, just his usual self, shrugged nonchalantly, "Well, it doesn't matter to me whether they're good or bad. What matters is, can they handle being pranked?"



Raro chuckled, "It depends on the intention behind the prank. But that's just my take on it."



Lyro grinned mischievously, "Well then, if they can handle it, they're awesome."



Bale sighed, shaking her head at Lyro's antics, then turned to Chalu, questioning, "Why did you ask that?"



Chalu met Bale's gaze with sincerity, "Because I want unity between the Beastfolk and Eldoans. I don't want war anymore. I hope this conflict can come to an end."



Bale nodded. "Is that so? I share those sentiments. I too hope for a future where Beastfolk and Eldoans no longer wage war against each other."



As Chalu contemplated his desire for peace, he reaffirmed his purpose in his thoughts, "Also Ending this war and uniting our people is my purpose, that's why I'm here."





Gori, Roki, Bax, and Rika had just defeated all the kwelers, their breaths heavy from the exertion.


Bax triumphantly declared, "I win! Suckers!"


Gori retorted, "You only won because you attacked the injured ones I had already weakened with my sword!"



Bax defended himself, "Hey, they walked right into my flames. Not my fault you're not a mage!"



Their argument escalated until Roki intervened, "Stop it, you two!"



Before they could continue, Rika pointed out, "Guys, I think something's coming!"



Their attention turned to a rustling nearby. They quickly assumed defensive positions, scanning the underbrush.



A figure emerged, tall with shaggy hair, bearing the distinct features of a knight magux student. His eyes betrayed a sense of panic, as if he were being chased.



"Guys," he stuttered, "I'm Alaric, from the knight student. We need to talk."



Rika was surprised. "Alaric? What are you doing here?"



Alaric's gaze met Rika's, his voice trembling. "Rika, you're here... There's no time to fully explain—"



Before he could finish, Alaric gasped, feeling a sharp pain in his chest. His eyes widened in terror as he struggled to speak.



Rika exclaimed, "What's happening?"



Roki uttered, "Holy..."



Alaric dropped to the ground, blood spilling from his mouth, revealing a gaping hole in his chest where a hand with sharp claws had torn through.



With his final breath, Alaric warned, "Run!"



The shock of Alaric's sudden death hung heavy in the air as the group tried to process what had just occurred. Questions raced through their minds, each one struggling to comprehend the grim reality unfolding before them.



As they grappled with the shock of Alaric's sudden death, a new threat emerged from the shadows. The figure was unlike anything they had encountered before, a twisted hybrid resembling an eldoan with an octopus-like face and razor-sharp claws for hands.



The creature's ominous words sent a shiver down their spines. "Another group of students... Hmmm With your knowledge, I shall grow even stronger."



Roki's voice trembled with fear as he muttered, "This is bad. Really bad."



Gori, his muscles tense with apprehension, demanded, "Who are you, you... you monster?"



The Creature, its voice oozing with sinister amusement, responded, "Hmm Name.... Interesting..... Why don't you call me Aurathos the Second?"



Gori's breath caught in his throat. "Aurathos? wait... what....?"




The Creature, with a sinister smirk, replied, "Just like what I said, you may call me Aurathos the Second. I am the new calamity, destined to pursue the same power and uncover the secrets of this world, just like the first Aurathos."


[Outside the universe]


As I watch the story unfold, holy shit, a new Aurathos? This is madness.


I hope this monster isn't anything like the OG Aurathos. That motherf*cker is a menace.


What should I do now? Fight, guys? Sorry, I can't intervene. For the sake of the world, if I intervene, who knows what consequences it might bring. After all, if a god intervenes, it could shatter the delicate balance of the world. In the worst-case scenario just like Roe back then, many people could die if I intervene.


Anyway, I have to watch the story unfold. I hope Gori and the others will be safe facing this monster.



Will Gori and the others be safe against this second Aurathos? Will Chalu arrive in time to save them from danger? See you in the next chapter.

To be continue