[Missing Stories Beastfolk side]

[Before those things happened there is happening in another side]


Mandu, the smart elephant, and Lomi, the fast cheetah, were training a group of beastfolk in the technique called Aura. This knowledge was shared by their best friend, Chalu, who was on a journey to unite the Eldoans and Beastfolk.


Mandu and Lomi stayed behind to continue Chalu's mission, training their people not to kill, but to defend themselves. Chalu opposed King Regulus's idea of using Aura for war against the Eldoans. Therefore, Mandu always declined the king's requests and protested alongside his comrades.


As Mandu trained his comrades, someone approached.


A cheetah said, "Sir."


Mandu replied, "What is it, Rex?"


Rex sighed, "It seems they declined your request, sir. The king is really focused on killing the Eldoans and will use the Aura technique for that goal."


Mandu sighed and said, "I can't really change the decision of a king, huh."


Suddenly, a voice interrupted, "Well, maybe we can't change the decision of the king, but we can also persuade him until he agrees."


Mandu looked up, recognizing the voice. "Sir Lokan."


Lokan, a wise turtle and the teacher of Mandu and Chalu, was one of the core members of Chalu's organization.


Lokan glanced at Rex, indicating he wanted a private conversation with Mandu.


Rex bowed, "I shall excuse you two, sirs."


Mandu nodded in acknowledgment.


After Rex left, Mandu and Lokan were alone.


Lokan looked at Mandu's troubled expression and said, "What's with the long face?"


Mandu sighed, "Sensei, I don't know what to do."


"Why?" Lokan asked.


Mandu looked into Lokan's eyes and said, "I don't know if I'm fit for the task Chalu gave me. I'm pathetic, aren't I?"


Lokan replied, "Well, maybe you are... if you keep thinking that way."


Mandu looked confused.


Lokan smiled at Mandu's confusion. "You know, if you call yourself pathetic, then you become pathetic because you believe those words. Do you remember what Chalu said to you?"



Mandu thought about Chalu. His last words were to lead the members while he was away and that he believed in him.



Lokan saw Mandu deep in thought and asked, "Did Chalu say you are pathetic?"



"No," Mandu said. "In fact, he trusted me."



"Then you are not pathetic," Lokan said. "You see, Mandu, our thoughts have immense power. If you think of yourself as weak, you will act weak. But if you think of yourself as strong, you will find the strength within you. Chalu saw something in you. He saw your potential, His trust in you has no bounds. That's why He chose you for a reason."



Mandu felt a spark of determination reignite within him. "You're right, Sensei. Chalu believed in me, and I need to believe in myself too."



Lokan placed a reassuring hand on Mandu's shoulder. "That's the spirit. Now, let's focus on what we can do.



Mandu straightened up, feeling more confident. "Lets do this"




Lomi the Cheetah girl trained her comrades in the art of Aura manipulation.



"Remember, keep steady," Lomi instructed, her voice firm but encouraging.



"Okay, one more time," she called out.



"Yes, Ma'am!" everyone responded in unison.



Lomi nodded, pleased with their dedication. "Alright, back to the top."



As the group focused on their training, a voice interrupted, "Hey, Lomi."



Lomi turned to see Lee, the first Vassal of the king and a member of the tiger tribe. "Sir Lee?"



Lee approached with a nod. "How's the training going?"



"It's progressing well," Lomi replied.



"Good, good," Lee said, looking over the trainees with approval.



Lomi hesitated for a moment before speaking up, "Are you really going to send our beastfolk who learn Aura to the war?"



Lee sighed, his expression serious. "That's the king's order. We've lost many of our people, and we need those who can wield Aura to join the fight. It's to ensure fewer of our people die and to avenge our fallen comrades."



Lomi frowned, her thoughts troubled. "But Sir Chalu and others don't agree with it."



Lee's gaze hardened. "Lomi, remember, the Eldoans are the enemy. Don't forget what they did to your father."



Lomi felt a pang of pain as memories of her father, who was killed by the Eldoans, surfaced. She struggled to reconcile her loyalty to her leaders with the deep-seated desire for vengeance that Lee's words stirred.



"But Sir," Lomi said softly, "Chalu believes in a different path. He believes we can use Aura to protect, not to kill."



Lee's expression softened slightly. "I understand Chalu's ideals, Lomi, but sometimes ideals don't win wars. We need to be practical. We need to protect our people."


Lee placed a hand on her shoulder. "Your heart is just confused Lomi. But remember this, we do what we must to survive. Now Keep up the good work."


Lomi said, "Yes sir, I will do my best."


As Lee walked away, Lomi looked back at her trainees. Her thoughts were a tangled mess, torn between the pain of her past and the ideals of her leaders. Despite the confusion, she held onto her trust in Chalu's judgment, believing that his vision of using their power for protection, not destruction, was the right path.



Meanwhile, outside the universe...


I watched over Lomi, hoping she wouldn't waver from Chalu's ideals. Uniting the two factions was proving to be an immense challenge, especially with their deep-seated hatred spanning countless years.



I sighed, contemplating the future of the world of Eldan. "I hope everything will be fine," I murmured to myself. "It's really hard to unite the two factions after all these years of animosity. Their hatred cannot be changed easily."



As I observed the scene unfold, I couldn't help but feel a pang of worry. Lomi was strong and dedicated, but the pressure she faced was immense. I just hoped that the seeds of hope and unity Chalu had planted would be enough to guide her and the others through these dark times.


Meanwhile on the other side


Kenjo was still searching for Chalu's whereabouts. "Where are you, Chalu?" he murmured to himself, his frustration growing with each passing moment.


As he continued his search, he noticed some hair on the ground. Examining it closely, he muttered, "This is gorilla hair." Suddenly, he remembered Gori, a friend of Chalu. An idea sparked in his mind.


"With this, I can track where they've been," Kenjo said, feeling a glimmer of hope.



End of side chapter