Chapter 41: Chalu’s Journey (17)

As the fight raged on, Roki's voice broke through the chaos, with a sharp clarity


"Aurathos the Second?" he asked, a hint of disbelief and concern evident in his tone.


The creature, now known as Athos, responded with a smirk, his words dripping with sinister amusement. "Well, it's quite a mouthful, isn't it? How about Athos for short?"



Gori, always watchful, couldn't shake the feeling of dread as he sized up their enemy. Athos wasn't just any opponent; there was something sinister about him, something different from anything they'd encountered. His presence radiated darkness, unlike anything Gori ever faced.



Gori whispered, "This guy might even be stronger than the person who defeated me easily when I was just a 14 years old."



Athos's chilling words struck fear into their hearts. "If I devour you all, maybe I'll learn something new!"



His threat loomed over them like a shadow, a grim reminder of the danger they were in.



Roki's command snapped them back to attention, his voice firm and urgent. "This isn't good. Everyone, get ready!"



Bax, fueled by anger and defiance, wasted no time in launching his attack. "Take this, you bastard!" he roared, conjuring a blaze of fire with a flick of his wrist.



But Athos merely shrugged off the assault, his smirk widening with disdain. "Are you done?" he mocked, his tone dripping with condescension.



Bax's confusion was palpable. "What... how did that not affect him?"



Athos's response was chilling in its simplicity. "Puny power," he sneered, before unleashing a dark spell that hurtled towards Bax like a sinister shadow.



Meanwhile, Roki's disbelief was evident as he grappled with the implications of Athos's abilities. "Impossible... Dark Magic? But I thought it disappeared during the Ancient Era..."



Rika's anger simmered beneath the surface as she vowed vengeance for their fallen comrade. "That monster has to pay for what he's done. He killed one of our own."



Gori, acknowledged the seriousness of their predicament. "Hmph, I understand. But that bastard's Energy, his power... it's overwhelming," he conceded, his tone laden with apprehension.



But Rika's resolve remained unshaken. "I don't care about his dark magic. All I care about is killing this motherfucker. He has to pay for what he's done."



With their options dwindling, Roki implored Bax to tap into his full potential. "You have no choice. Use your earth magic."



But Bax, stubborn and single-minded, refused to relent. "Fire is my specialty. It's all I need."



Roki's frustration boiled over as he tried to reason with his comrade. "You fool! Your heritage, your family... you're from the Wood lineage. Earth magic is in your blood."



But Bax, stubborn and determined, rushed back into the fray, his flames burning fiercely once again.



Bax paid no heed to Roki's warnings as he launched himself towards Athos, shouting, "Fire arrow!"



Athos merely glared coldly and retorted with a chilling "Dark Blast."



As Athos effortlessly countered Bax's assault with a twisted version of his own magic, Roki could only watch in disbelief. "He's copying Bax's fire blast... but he's turning it dark."



Desperation flickered in Bax's eyes as he hastily conjured a magic circle, weaving the intricate patterns of flame magic with practiced precision. Within moments, a shield of flames erupted around him, forming a barrier against the impending darkness.



Meanwhile, Gori, empowered by a the aura, swung his sword with tremendous force towards Athos. The creature staggered back in surprise, taken aback by the sudden surge of strength.



"What's that power?!" he exclaimed, his arrogance momentarily crumbling as uncertainty crept into his voice.



Gori's response was resolute. "It's a power that will kill you!"


But Bax, consumed by pride and stubbornness, lashed out at Gori. "I don't need your help!" he protested, his voice tinged with defiance.



Gori's patience wore thin as he delivered a swift punch to Bax's shoulder. "Shut the fuck up! Do you think I'm saving you? No, I just want to kill this bastard!"



Caught off guard by Gori's outburst, Bax could only sputter in disbelief.



Roki, intervened with a commanding shout. "Calm down, guys!" he urged, his voice cutting through the tension like a knife.



Locking eyes with each of his companions, he emphasized the urgency of their situation. "We will die if you two keep fighting. We need to work together!"



But before they could speak again, Athos smirked, reveling in their disarray. "Infighting already? Pathetic," he taunted, gathering another surge of dark energy in his hands.



Rika she said "He is mine!!" then she lunged forward her blade ready to plunged towards athos



While Roki saw Rika lunged forward he look at Bax and Gori he said "We need a plan. Bax, Gori, back me up!"



Bax, still smoldering with anger, nodded reluctantly. "Fine. But this bastard is mine."



Gori tightened his grip on his sword, aura crackling around him. "He is mine!!"



Athos raised his hands, dark magic swirling around him like a storm. "You bastard... Let's see if you can handle this. Dark Tempest!" he shouted, releasing a torrent of shadowy energy toward the group.



Roki quickly created a water barrier to protect Rika, who charged forward with intense anger.



"Don't rush, Rika! Rushing can lead to death!" Roki warned, his voice strained with urgency.



Rika glared at Roki, her eyes blazing with anger. "I don't care! He killed one of our fellow knights. To you mages, it might seem no big deal, but to us, it isn't!"



Roki's expression softened with sorrow as he held the barrier. Turning towards Athos, he declared with determination, "We will win, Rika!"



With a sudden burst of energy, Roki shouted, "Now, Bax, Gori!"



Bax, focusing his fire magic, cast a spell and chanted, "Fire Ember!" A surge of ember-like flames raced toward Athos.



But Athos only smirked, raising a hand. "Dark Barrier," he intoned, effortlessly deflecting the fire.



Seizing the moment, Gori lunged at Athos from behind, his aura sword gleaming. "Sword Cut!" he shout, slashing at Athos's back



Athos roared in pain and rage. "You pest!" He lunged with his claw, forcing Gori to dodge, but then delivered a swift kick to Gori's chest, sending him flying.



"Gori!" Rika screamed, watching in horror as Gori was thrown across the battlefield.



Athos, noticing Gori's struggle, sneered. "You! Your power is really a hindrance to me!" He lunged toward Gori, a dark aura enveloping his form as he moved with inhuman speed. His eyes gleamed with malice, fixed on Gori's vulnerable state.



Gori, struggling to rise, saw Athos barreling towards him. He tried to muster his strength, but the pain was overwhelming. As Athos closed the distance, he raised his clawed hand, dark energy crackling around it.



With a swift, brutal motion, Athos swung his claw at Gori. Gori barely managed to roll to the side, but not before the claw grazed his arm, leaving a deep, burning gash. He cried out in pain, "Aurg!!!"



Athos stood over him with a triumphant sneer. "You think a little cut can stop me? I can heal myself." As he spoke, the wounds on his back closed up, the flesh rejoining seamlessly. "Your efforts are pointless."



Gori, panting and clutching his injured arm, glared up at Athos. Despite the pain, there was a fire in his eyes. "I'll... never give up," he gritted out, determination lacing his words.



Athos chuckled darkly. "Oh, but you will. Soon, you'll realize the hopelessness of your struggle." He raised his claw for another strike, aiming to finish Gori off once and for all.



[Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield]



Everyone was stunned by Athos's power.



Roki, staring in disbelief, muttered, "Damn, he has regeneration abilities like the calamity Aurathos from the early era! Damn it!"



Bax, feeling helpless, cursed. "Shit! Is this what they felt when they fought Aurathos in the early era? I feel useless!"



Roki turned to Bax with frustration. "That's why you need to use your earth magic, you bastard!"



Bax's face hardened with defiance. "I told you, I won't use my earth affinity. Not in a million years."



Roki sighed deeply, his voice softening. "Is it because of your mother? Is that why you don't want to use it?"



Bax fell silent after hearing Roki's words, the weight of the unspoken memories hanging between them.



Before Roki could say anything else, Rika suddenly lunged forward towards Athos, her face a mask of fury and determination.



"Rika!" Roki shouted, his voice filled with desperation and fear.



Rika ignored him, her focus solely on Athos. She wielded her sword with both hands, aiming for Athos's heart. The loss of her comrade fueled her rage, pushing her forward with reckless abandon.




Meanwhile on Gori side


Gori's words cut through the tension like a knife. "Even if you killed me, there is someone stronger than me who uses this power too. If we compare each other, my aura power is nothing compared to his."



Athos's curiosity was piqued. "What do you mean?" he demanded.



Gori smirked, a glint of defiance in his eyes. "What I mean is, Chalu will kill you!" Despite his hate towards Chalu, Gori couldn't deny the truth: Chalu was undeniably stronger than him, serving as both a rival and a source of motivation for Gori to improve and surpass him.



Athos chuckled darkly. "Hmph, then goodbye," he replied coldly, preparing to strike.



But before he could make a move, Rika unleashed her fury, lunging forward with all her might.



"Bastard!" Rika cried out, her sword aimed at Athos's heart.



Athos reacted swiftly, delivering a powerful kick to Rika's chest, sending her flying backward.



"You!" Gori exclaimed, anguish evident in his voice as he watched Rika fall.



With a cold smirk, Athos taunted, "Bitch!"



Gori's eyes blazed with fury as he struggled to rise. "Rika!" he called out, his heart pounding with fear for his comrade.



Turning his gaze to Athos, Gori's anger boiled over. "Damn you!" he growled, his fists clenched in frustration.



Meanwhile, Roki, witnessing the chaos, knew he had to act fast. "Rika, no!" he shouted, his heart heavy with worry for his friend.



Channeling his magic, Roki summoned a complex magic circle, preparing to unleash a powerful spell. "Tsunami Wave!" he commanded, unleashing a massive wave of water towards Athos.



Athos, unfazed by the oncoming attack, smirked confidently. "Oho, bring it on!" he challenged, bracing himself for the onslaught.



As the massive wave came crashing towards him, Athos didn't even bat an eye. He quickly lifted his hands and conjured up a shield made of dark energy to block the oncoming tsunami.



The colossal wave crashed against Athos's barrier with tremendous force, sending water splashing in all directions. But Athos held firm, his barrier absorbing the impact effortlessly.



Roki gritted his teeth in frustration, realizing the enormity of the challenge they faced. "He's... he's too strong," he muttered, his voice tinged with desperation.



Bax knelt in disbelief, overwhelmed by Athos's incredible power. "Impossible! He blocked your magic?"



Roki refused to give up hope. "We can't surrender, Bax. It's time for you to embrace your earth affinity. That's who you are, Bax. You come from the Wood family. Please, Bax!"



But Bax remained adamant. "No, even if I use my earth affinity, we're still too weak."



Athos, observing their plight, simply smirked. "All of you should perish!" He unleashed his dark magic, conjuring a powerful wave of darkness.



"Dark Wave!" he roared, the wave resembling Roki's own tsunami but infused with darkness.



Roki couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Is that... my tsunami wave? No, it can't be!"



Rika's voice trembled with fear. "Are we going to die?"



Gori cursed under his breath. "Damn it all!"



Bax's voice wavered as he contemplated the impending doom. "So this is the end," he muttered in resignation.



But just as the dark wave bore down on them, a shield materialized, protecting them from the darkness. It was Lory and Lucy, the two magic students, who had conjured water barriers to hold back the power.



Roki, relieved to see them, called out their names. "Lory, Lucy!"



Acknowledging their presence, Lory, who was shielding the dark wave power , urged the others to contribute. "Hurry up, plebeians! Use your powers too!"



Roki, accustomed to Lory's straightforward manner, couldn't help but smile. "You never change," he remarked before adding his own water barrier to reinforce theirs.



Meanwhile, Lucy greeted them casually, her focus unwavering as she also contributed to the defense.



Even Gori and Rika, who were lay in the ground, spotted two male knights among the rescuers.



"Brando, Marlo!" Rika shouted in recognition, grateful for the reinforcements.



The fate of our heroes hangs in the balance as they confront the formidable Athos. With the arrival of reinforcements, including the magic students Lory and Lucy, as well as the knights Brando and Marlo, the odds seem slightly more favorable. However, Athos has already displayed immense power and resilience, making it clear that this battle will not be easily won.



As for Chalu and the others, their whereabouts still not here. Can they make it in time to aid their comrades in their struggle against Athos? Will Chalu and the others strength be enough to turn the tide of battle in their favor? See you in the next Chapter