Chapter 42: Chalu’s Journey (18)


As Chalu and his friends wandered through the dense forest, they had no clue about the big fight happening somewhere else. All they cared about was winning the competition.


"Chalu, what do you like about women?" Bale inquired, her curiosity evident.


Chalu, who was clueless when it came to matters of the heart, pondered for a moment before responding with a smile. "I guess I like someone who's kind and wants to be friends with me. That's the type of person I'd like to have as a friend," he said simply.


Bale, intending to delve deeper into the topic, began to speak again, but upon seeing Chalu's innocent expression, she hesitated. "Never mind," she trailed off, choosing not to pursue the conversation further.


Meanwhile, Raro observed the interaction between Chalu and Bale with a knowing smile. He sensed that Bale harbored feelings for Chalu, even though Chalu remained completely oblivious to it all.


On the other hand, Lyro, lost in his own thoughts as usual, continued to walk ahead, contemplating what lay ahead on their journey.


Unbeknownst to them, their comrades were engaged in a life-or-death battle elsewhere.



[Meanwhile Outside the Universe]


As I thought about Athos and his place in the world, I couldn't help but wonder why he existed. Why does bad stuff happen, like him being around? Is it because fate wants a balance between good and bad? Or was it an anomaly, a chaotic force that defied the natural order?



Seeing Athos's destructive power made me question the broader meaning behind conflict and suffering. Why must we endure such trials? And what purpose did Athos serve in the grand scheme of things? Even though I'm a god, I didn't make him.



These thoughts weighed heavily on my mind, prompting me to delve deeper into the nature of fate and free will. Was everything predetermined, following a script written long ago? Or were there moments when individuals could forge their own destinies, defying the hand of fate?



These questions filled my thoughts, like puzzles waiting to be solved. But for now, they remain mysteries, floating in the vastness of the universe.



Inside The World OF Eldan


Inside the world of Eldan, the renowned and nonchalant teacher, Colerio Sapher, stood among his colleagues in the waiting area, awaiting the return of their students from their expedition. Colerio was known for his expertise in both magical theory and knightly skills, a rare combination that earned him respect among his peers.



Shen Mort, an alchemist teacher, broke the silence with a question directed at Colerio. "Should we go, Sir Colerio?"



Colerio nodded gravely, his expression betraying a sense of foreboding. "Yes, let's proceed. I have a bad feeling about this expedition."



Petra Haws, specializing in history magic, couldn't help but inquire further. "Really? What's troubling you, Colerio?"



Aro Lupe, their magic teacher known for his expertise in offensive and defensive combat magic, interjected with a hint of rivalry in his voice. "Ah, you and your guts again, Colerio? Always the cautious one."



Colerio merely shrugged off Aro's remark, paying little heed to the rivalry that simmered between them. Aro's antagonism towards Colerio was evident, but Colerio remained unfazed by it.



Meanwhile, Ms. Lerona Everdale, the knight teacher, voiced her own concerns. "I also have a bad feeling about this."



Dawk Coe, another teacher specializing in offensive and defensive combat magic, couldn't resist making a disrespectful comment towards Lerona, displaying his prejudice against knights. "Plebeians dare to talk," he sneered, his disdain evident in his tone.



Lerona, outraged by Dawk's remark, didn't hesitate to clap back. "What did you say, you fatass?"



Dawk's face flushed with anger as he retorted, "What did you say? Huh?"



Amidst the escalating tension, Ash Minse, the cheerful and friendly teacher specializing in Martial arts, intervened with a calming voice. "Guys, stop it. Let's just focus on ensuring the safety of our students, okay?"



His words served as a reminder to set aside personal conflicts and prioritize the well-being of their students above all else. With Ash's intervention, the tension among the teachers eased slightly as they refocused their attention on the impending return of their students.



[Meanwhile Gori side]


As Brando and Marlo rushed to aid their comrades, Gori and Rika struggled to their feet, their bodies aching from the relentless assault they had endured. With grim determination, they prepared to face Athos once more, knowing that their new allies might be their only hope of survival.



Athos, his sinister aura palpable, sneered at the group before him, his contempt evident in every word. "Just more foods to eat," he said harshly, his voice full of malice.



But Gori, his instincts sharp and his resolve unyielding, wasted no time in warning Brando and Marlo of the impending danger. "Run, you two!" he shouted, his voice tinged with urgency.



Brando, the chillax guy, raised an eyebrow at Gori's serious tone. "Didn't expect you to get so serious, Gori," he joked.



Gori's expression hardened as he glared at Athos, his eyes blazing with fury. "Shut up, Brando. You don't understand the danger we're facing. " he snapped, his voice low and intense. "This guy we're dealing with is a real monster."



Marlo, who usually keeps his emotions in check, briefly showed worry as he looked at Gori and Rika. "Are you guys alright?" he asked, genuinely concerned.



Before Gori could respond, Athos summoned another surge of dark energy, his intentions clear. With a sense of impending doom hanging over them, Gori urged Brando and Marlo to flee, knowing that they were outmatched against such a formidable foe.



Despite his sleepy demeanor, Brando remained steadfast in his resolve. "We're not leaving you behind, Gori," he declared with a yawn, his eyes struggling to stay open but still filled with determination.



Marlo, his grip tightening on his sword, nodded in agreement. "We stand together, no matter what," he affirmed, his voice steady and resolute.



As Athos unleashed his dark magic upon them, Gori braced himself for the inevitable impact. But to his surprise, a barrier of water materialized between them, shielding them from the brunt of the attack.



Just as Athos prepared to unleash his dark magic upon them, Lory and Lucy swiftly conjured a barrier of water, shielding them from the impending danger. Their faces were marked with determined expressions, showing that they were fully committed to protecting their comrades from Athos's relentless attack.



Lory, her eyes narrowed in concentration, shot a pointed look at Brando. "You owe me one, loser," she remarked.



Brando, his usual nonchalant demeanor faltering for a moment, nodded solemnly. "Okay, okay, Princess," he replied, a hint of sincerity in his voice.



Meanwhile, Marlo turned to Lucy with a grateful nod. "Thanks, Lucy," he said, his voice filled with appreciation.



With the immediate threat neutralized, Gori and Rika exchanged a glance, their determination renewed by the unexpected assistance of their comrades. Together, they prepared to face Athos once more, knowing that their bond and their combined strength might be their only hope of emerging victorious against such a formidable adversary.



Athos's voice boomed across the battlefield, filled with rage and malice as he fixed his gaze upon Gori and the others.



"I'm beyond infuriated now, you miserable pests!" he roared, his eyes ablaze with anger and contempt.



Meanwhile, in another part of the battlefield, Roki Bilzton, a boy with dark blue hair styled in layers and wearing sunglasses, stood with Bax Wood, his fiery red hair matching his temperament.


Roki turned to Bax with urgency, his tone pleading. "Bax, you have to tap into your earth affinity."


Bax's expression twisted with frustration. "I've told you before, I despise that power!"


Roki held his gaze firmly. "I understand, but we need every advantage we can get against that monster."


Bax shook his head vehemently. "Defeat him? That's impossible. My earth power won't even scratch him."


Roki's disappointment was palpable as he gazed into the distance. "I expected more from you. You talk big, but when it comes down to it, you're just a coward," he remarked with a tinge of sadness.



Bax's retort was quick and sharp. "What did you say you bastard!!!," he shot back, his voice tinged with resentment.


But Roki, focused on aiding his comrades, paid no heed to Bax's outburst as he dashed towards the group, his determination unwavering.


Alone with his thoughts, Bax felt his inner conflict grow stronger. "Am I really a coward?" he questioned, the weight of his indecision bearing down on him like a heavy burden.


Bax's inner conflict ran deep, rooted in the painful memories of his past. Raised in a household torn apart by the division between the Blaze and Wood families, he had felt the sting of rejection from both sides.



His mother, a member of the esteemed Blaze family renowned for their mastery of fire, had shielded him from the harsh judgment of the Wood clan, but her protection could only go so far. The disdainful glares and mocking taunts of his father's kin had left scars on Bax's heart, wounds that ran deep and festered with resentment.



The final blow came with the tragic loss of his mother, a casualty of his father's neglect and the toxic animosity that permeated their home. It was in her memory that Bax swore to defy the expectations of his heritage, to rise above the confines of his lineage and carve out a path of his own.



For Bax, the rejection of his earth affinity was not just a rebellion against tradition; it was a declaration of independence, a defiant assertion of his worth in the face of rejection and scorn. He would not be shackled by the expectations of the Wood family, nor would he succumb to the bitterness of his past.



As he grappled with his conflicting emotions, a sense of resolve stirred within Bax's heart. Despite the doubts that plagued him, he knew that he could not continue to deny his true potential. If he was to stand any chance against the darkness that loomed before them, he would need to confront his fears and embrace the power that lay dormant within him.


To be continued