A Warning Issued

Harry took a step back and quick-drew his wand from its new holster. He stunned Goyle and then swiftly turned his wand on Crabbe, stunning the hulking boy before he could get even his wand out of his robes. His wonky magic made it difficult for him to use advanced spells, but he could still handle a couple of weak stunners with no difficulty.

Harry leaned over Malfoy's prone form and drew the boy's wand out of his robes. The blond ponce had not even reached for it, so focused he was on his pain. He was in the fetal position, clutching his balls with both hands and coughing violently, tears welling up in his eyes.

"What's the matter, Draco? Having visions of the Malfoy line suddenly coming to an end? I certainly am."

Harry now leaned over the agonized boy, so close that he only needed to whisper.

"I wasn't joking about the scar, Malfoy. I got that the first time I killed your daddy's Master. And if I have to, I'll kill him again. You stay out of my way, Draco, or you won't like the consequences. Do you hear me?"

Harry knew that this was his anger and adrenalin talking. He actually wasn't feeling all that great about his chances against Voldemort at the moment. But Draco didn't know about his problems with magic, and Harry really couldn't resist the opportunity to put a little "fear of Harry" into the arrogant shite.

Draco's only response was a groan and a sudden violent spasm that sent the remains of that night's welcoming feast hurtling across the corridor. Filch was going to discover a lovely start-of-term gift in the near future.

Harry couldn't resist a laugh at the boy's distress. "That's disgusting, Draco. Looks like you shouldn't have had the treacle tart."

"One last thing, ickle Draco—if you threaten my friends, if you attack my friends, if you even look at my friends funny, I will end the Malfoy line permanently. Things are going to change this year. Do you understand?"

Draco was now wincing at both his pain and the smell in the corridor, but he looked up at Harry defiantly.

"Fuck you, Potter," he gasped. "When my father finds out what—,"

But Harry's snort cut him off. "When your father finds out, because you went crying to him, Draco? You really are the most pathetic little turd in the whole castle, you know that? Tell your father the same thing I told you."

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have better company to keep and the smell is a bit rank around here."

Harry stepped over Draco's body, which was still in the fetal position, and strode back in the direction he came from. When he was a safe distance away he tossed Malfoy's wand to the ground. His adrenalin was still pumping, but he felt much better than he had before this little encounter. No need to visit the ol' "Come-and-Go" tonight, Harry smiled internally. Damn that felt good.

Harry's improved mood continued as he made his way toward Gryffindor Tower. He knew that what he had just done could get him in a lot of trouble, especially since he had threatened Malfoy's life, but he couldn't bring himself to care. Besides, now that he knew Dumbledore was his magical guardian, he wasn't as intimidated by the prospect of detention or even expulsion. He was more worried about his weakened magic and the prospect of a real magical fight. He was going to have to solve that problem, and in a hurry.

I can't wait to tell Ron about Malfoy, Harry thought gleefully as he stepped through the portrait hole and entered the Gryffindor Common Room. He looked around quickly, but didn't spot Hermione or any redheads. I wonder where everybody is, Harry thought. He made his way up the stairs to his dormitory and went inside. Neville was sitting on his bed reading, but Ron was nowhere in sight.

"Hey Nev, have you seen Ron?"

"Not since dinner, Harry. Sorry."

Harry nodded, opening his trunk to retrieve the Marauder's Map. He was in the mood to have a laugh at Malfoy's expense, and hoped his friends would be too. Stepping into the bathroom to activate the map, Harry quickly scanned the castle to locate his friends.

What he discovered caused him to frown in confusion.

Ron and Hermione were currently in the Headmaster's Office, along with Snape and Dumbledore. What the hell? Harry thought. He contemplated this for a few moments, but couldn't think of a good reason for them to be there. If it was a prefects' meeting, McGonagall would be present. Maybe Dumbledore's trying to convince them to talk to me about training with Snape. I'm sure I'll hear about it later, he thought.

Harry deactivated the map and returned to the dorm room, having decided that Neville would make a good audience for his tale instead.


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