Seeking Solitude

Hogwarts, Headmaster's Office

Ron and Hermione had just departed the Headmaster's office, leaving only Dumbledore and Snape standing behind the Headmaster's desk.

"Well, Severus?"

"The plan is almost ready, Headmaster. I've got a few details to work out, but we're going to use Avery and Nott for the polyjuice. I think I can arrange things so that the Manor is nearly deserted for the first Hogsmeade weekend."

"That will be acceptable, I think," nodded Dumbledore thoughtfully. "But what of Ollivander? Will he last that long?"

Snape frowned. "It is…doubtful. He is already in very bad shape. But the Dark Lord is commissioning a wand, so the old man needs to recover first. It's possible, but not likely."

Dumbledore shook his head sadly. "We shall have to risk it."

"And you are certain that Voldemort has no plans to take Harry before we act?" he added.

"As certain as I can be, Headmaster. He does not trust me fully."

Dumbledore nodded. "Very well. That gives us five weeks. I will be ready, and so will Kingsley and the others. This nightmare is almost over, my friend."

Dumbledore grasped Snape's shoulder in a somewhat paternal gesture. "You're doing a great thing for our world, Severus. I know how difficult your task is; never forget how grateful I am for your sacrifices."

Snape merely nodded. "I know, Headmaster. I can only hope that this works. If it doesn't…"

Neither man needed to finish that sentence aloud. If their plan to end this war once and for all failed, they would likely be dead before the end of October.


September 2nd, 1995 – Hogwarts, Third Floor Corridor

Removing his invisibility cloak, Harry Potter gave one final glance to the Marauder's Map and entered an empty classroom on the third floor. Finally he could have some time to himself. During his summer of isolation, Harry had desperately wanted the company of his friends. Now that the school year had restarted, he suddenly felt overwhelmed with people. It seemed to him that Ron and Hermione had spent the entire day glued to him, and he was now craving some solitude.

Today had been the first full day of classes, and, all things considered, it had gone really well. Professor Grubbly-Plank had filled in for the still-absent Hagrid, and Professor Trelawney had not predicted his immediate death. More importantly, it seemed that there would be no consequences resulting from his confrontation with Malfoy.

Harry was unsure what to make of this. Neither McGonagall nor Snape had mentioned anything to him, and he had only seen Malfoy at meals. Perhaps Malfoy had decided that the embarrassment of being so soundly beaten outweighed his desire to see Harry punished. But Harry remembered the lesson he had learned from Dudley earlier that summer. Dudley had waited and planned his revenge, and it was highly likely—no, absolutely certain—that Draco was doing the same. He would have to be very careful when walking the halls alone.

Tonight Harry wanted some time alone to solve a problem that was increasingly bothering him: his vault key. He still had most of Dumbledore's 100 galleon allowance, but he was contemplating the purchase of several "questionable" books that he had seen referenced in his reading. These purchases were potentially very expensive, and Harry wasn't sure how to get hold of them even if he could afford them.

But the fact was that he could afford them, if not for Dumbledore's possession of his vault key. The old man had not spoken with him today after last night's imbroglio with Snape, and Harry dearly wished that he could get out from underneath Dumbledore's thumb. Step one was securing his financial independence, but he was out of ideas. Time to go to the old stand by, Harry thought.


Dobby popped into the room, still wearing his tea towel but proudly displaying his present from Harry.

"What can Dobby be doing for Harry Potter Sir?"

"Hello, Dobby. I'm sorry for asking you to do something again, but I need to find a way to take back my vault key from the Headmaster. Do you happen to know where he keeps it?"

Dobby's ears drooped. "Dobby is wanting to help Harry Potter Sir, but he is not knowing where Harry Potter's key is."

Harry was disappointed, but he had not truly expected Dobby to be able to help him with this particular problem. "That's okay, Dobby. Just…well, keep an eye out for it if you're ever in the Headmaster's office, okay?"

Dobby nodded vigorously and popped away.

Harry sighed and looked out the window over the dark landscape. Tomorrow he planned to introduce Ron and Hermione to the wonders of the Come-and-Go Room. He needed them safe to retain his sanity. He would hopefully be able to resume his training tomorrow as well, but it looked increasingly like he would be training himself.

The odds of Dumbledore finding him a suitable tutor looked grim. Harry blamed Dumbledore for much of his current situation, and felt a sense of claustrophobia every time he thought of the old man. Something is not right here, Harry knew in his gut. The old bastard claims to care about me, but he's always working against me. He HAD to have known how I would react to Snape.

He had asked Ron about his and Hermione's meeting with Dumbledore, but Ron had just shrugged and said it was "prefect stuff." That didn't ring true to Harry, but he didn't want to start an argument. He wondered vaguely if Ron and Hermione were spying on him for the Headmaster, but he didn't think it was very likely. Hermione, at least, would never betray him like that, would she?

Harry felt a deep sense of foreboding that something bad was on the horizon, and he wasn't wrong.


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