Seeking Solace

September 30, 1995 – Hogwarts, Gryffindor Boy's Dorm

Two days later Harry Potter entered his dorm room in a state of pleasant fatigue. Quidditch practice earlier that afternoon had been glorious because of the crisp autumn weather, and he had followed it up with a long, hot shower and a huge meal at dinner. He had already finished most of his homework, and felt he deserved a night off from training and worrying. Lately he had found it increasingly difficult to remain focused on his goals. So tonight he would take a break.

Ron had challenged some third-year to a game of chess downstairs, and Harry had no idea what Seamus and Dean were doing. They seemed to be doing their best to stay out of his way this year. Only Neville was in the room, and he was occupied with a small wooden chest on his bed.

"What're you up to, Nev?" Harry asked, more amiably than usual.

Neville blushed slightly then moved to close the chest. Before he did Harry saw him drop several photographs onto what looked to be a collection of bubble gum wrappers. Drooble's Best. Harry didn't know what to make of the wrappers, but he assumed Neville had been looking at pictures of his parents. He often did the same thing when he was alone.

"Oh, um, nothing, Harry," Neville stammered. "Just looking through some things from home."

Harry nodded in understanding. "No worries, Neville, I won't pry. What are you doing tonight?"

"Oh. Well, I've got to finish my transfiguration essay. McGonagall gave me a D on the last one."

"Right," said Harry. "Well, I'll leave you to it. I'm just trying to find something to do."

"No problem, Harry. See you."

Harry exited his room and traipsed back downstairs, wondering what Hermione and Ginny were doing. The two girls had grown closer this year, as Hermione seemed to have taken Ginny under her wing.

When he reached the common room, he discovered Ron still playing chess. Parvati and Lavender were laughing in a corner over something, and Colin Creevey was taking apart his camera for reasons only he knew. It looked like there was no amusement to be had here tonight.

Harry had no sooner resigned himself to boredom when fate deigned to send some entertainment his way. A muffled explosion and a small scream from just outside the common room entrance caught his attention, and then the door suddenly burst open to admit Fred and George Weasley, followed by the acrid stench of dungbombs.

"Right, you lot didn't see us," Fred announced to the room, and they both took off up the stairs to the dorms.

Harry shook his head and followed, wondering who the twins had just victimized.

He opened the door to their room to find them sitting on separate beds and feigning study.

"I'm almost afraid to ask," smiled Harry, leaning against the door frame, "but was that perchance Draco Malfoy screaming in the hallway?"

"Lord Potter!" George cried. "You're looking less stroppy this fine evening. What hath brought you to the humble dwelling of your servants?"

"George," responded Fred for Harry, "I think his majesty is here seeking a report on our progress."

"Indeed, brother mine, I think you might be right."

Fred hopped off his bed and knelt in deference to Harry. "My Lord, it is my sad duty to report that we have not yet been able to capture the dread ferret Malfoy. His lovely platinum locks are protected at all times by great hulking ogres."

George echoed his twin, smirking: "The pillock seems to be right scared of walking around alone after you introduced him to your knee, Lord Potter."

Harry snickered in remembrance, and then was struck by a brilliant idea. He smiled at them. "I think I may have a solution to our dilemma, gentlemen."


Dobby popped into the twins' dorm room and looked around curiously.

"Harry Potter Sir is calling his Dobby?"

"Hi, Dobby. I'd like to introduce you to my loyal servants, and the two most dangerous wizards in Hogwarts, Fred and George Weasley."

Dobby bowed in the twins' direction.

"Dobby is happy to be meeting Harry Potter Sir's Wheezies."

Fred and George could not contain their mirth at this comment, and bowed in return to Dobby.

"Fred, George—this is Dobby, a good friend of mine who repeatedly saved my arse this summer. Dobby was the Malfoy family house elf until I freed him, and I think he just might be willing to, er, help us manage our mischief."

After Harry explained who their target was, Dobby was more than happy to aid them. He could pop in and out of any location in the castle, so dear Draco would no longer be safe even in his own dorm room.

After a brief discussion of potential pranks, Fred presented Dobby with a half-empty container of Zonko's Extra-Strength Itching Powder. As soon as Malfoy's dorm room was empty, Dobby was planning to sprinkle liberal amounts of the powder on the inside of Draco's garments. Life would soon become very unpleasant for Draco Malfoy.

Harry paused for a moment over the wisdom of provoking Malfoy, given that he had not yet attempted to retaliate for his beating. But this was an opportunity too good to pass up. What the hell, thought Harry. He'll blame me for this, but it will be worth it.

"Um, Harry old chap…" George interjected into Harry's thoughts.

"Master and benefactor…" added Fred.

"Do you suppose we could…"

"…borrow Dobby's services from time to time?"

Harry should have known that the twins would now want to use Dobby for all their pranks. He wasn't against it in principle, but he didn't want to risk Dobby's position at Hogwarts. To his surprise, Dumbledore had not protested too greatly about Dobby's surprise attack to regain Harry's key. But Dumbledore knew about Dobby's presence in the castle now, and there was no point in provoking the old man into some kind of action.

"Er, maybe," Harry hedged. "Only in special cases, and you have to let me know me why you want to use him. It's nothing personal, but I don't want the Headmaster or McGonagall punishing Dobby."

The twins reluctantly accepted this, but Harry could tell they would soon have a long list of potential pranks that required the use of house elves.

Harry decided to leave the twins to their scheming and return to the common room. It was still two hours until curfew, and he was at loose ends again.

He arrived there to discover Hermione examining Ron's homework while Ron absently tossed a fanged frisbee into the air.

"Anybody up for some exploding snap?" asked Harry, approaching them.

Hermione didn't break concentration, but shook her head absentmindedly. She could not carry on conversations while thinking hard.

"Sorry, mate," Ron responded for the both of them. "I've got to finish my essay for Snape, and then we're on prefect patrol. I'm sure you could get Colin to play," he grinned.

Colin Creevey was still sitting at one of the common room tables, playing with his camera.

Harry shuddered.

"Er, no, I think I'll pass on that," he said.

"I know," Ron said suddenly. "Ginny is in the library working on her transfiguration essay for McGonagall. It was giving her some trouble, and she probably wouldn't mind your help."

This did catch Hermione's attention, but she did nothing save narrow her eyes at Ron.