A Clash of Priorities

Harry decided he would take Ron's advice. He wasn't the world's best tutor of transfiguration, but he wouldn't mind spending more time with Ginny. She had taken to sitting with Hermione in the stands during quidditch practice, and seemed to be slowly coming out of her shell when he was around.

The more time he spent around her, the more his resolve to ignore his feelings for Ginny faltered. He still felt awkward in her presence, and frequently didn't know what to say, but thinking of her helped calm his nerves.

I'm entitled to a little fun, aren't I? Harry thought, trying to overcome his reluctance.

For the last week he had contemplated whether to ask Ginny to accompany him during the approaching Hogsmeade weekend, but the decision was a complicated one.

Rita Skeeter's article two weeks earlier had done his reputation no favors among his classmates, and Ginny's own reputation would surely suffer if everyone saw them together in Hogsmeade. Plus it could make her a target for Malfoy's ire, and Harry didn't want any of his friends put in greater danger.

Then again, Harry thought, Ron seemed to approve of his spending time with Ginny, going so far as to find things for them to do together, and might she not be safer with him there to protect her? It was all so complicated.

He passed Parvati and Padma in the hallway as he exited Gryffindor Tower and nodded politely to them. They both nodded back, and Parvati giggled a little. Why do girls do that? Harry wondered.

At least the Patil twins don't hate me, he thought, continuing on in the direction of the library. Harry could now count Ginny, Luna, Neville, Lee Jordan, the Patils, Colin Creevey, and the Gryffindor chasers among those who bore him no ill will. Though several of these 'allies' left something to be desired in Harry's eyes.

Luna Lovegood was foremost among them. The girl was absolutely mystifying to him. Luna will probably be sitting with Ginny in the library, Harry thought. That should be interesting. Luna was just as quiet as Ginny, but she had a discomfiting gaze and seemed to have no tact whatsoever. Whatever popped into her head came out her mouth, and oftentimes it was to the bafflement of those who heard her. What the hell is a crumple-horned snorkack, anyway? Harry wondered.

As Harry approached the corridor that led to the library, he decided he might just find the courage to ask Luna what the things were supposed to look like.


Hogwarts, Fourth Floor Corridor

Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley walked somewhat aimlessly along the main corridor on the fourth floor. It was now thirty minutes until curfew, and until then their only real duty as prefects was to remind people that it was time to return their common rooms. Hermione had been waiting to yell at Ron ever since he sent Harry after Ginny in the library. Now she had her chance.

Hermione dragged an indignant Ron into an empty classroom near Ravenclaw Tower and slammed the door; she cast a silencing spell at the door so that noise would not be able to escape the room.

"Bloody hell, Hermione," said Ron, rubbing his arm where she had grabbed him. "What're you on about?"

Hermione took a moment to gather her thoughts before lashing out in a low, threatening voice.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley, what is the matter with you? You are setting up your sister for heartbreak."

Hermione's face was flushed and her hair was even more wild than usual, giving her an almost spectral appearance in the poor light of the room.

Ron just shrugged. "She'll get over it, Hermione. We're just giving her what she wants for a little while."

"That is heartless, Ron," Hermione snapped at him. "And what about Harry?! You should be spending time with him, not foisting him off on Ginny!"

"Well, he'll be enjoying himself too, won't he?" Ron retorted angrily. "And what do you care? It doesn't matter anymore, does it? You heard Dumbledore."

Hermione's eyes bulged a little at Ron's response.

"What does it…Ron, Harry is going to DIE soon! How can you be so…ugh! He's supposed to be your friend!"

Ron's face was growing red at her tone, and Hermione could tell he was almost at the end of his fuse.

"Not….my…fault….Hermione!" he growled at her. "I'd rather he didn't die, but I'm sick of everyone looking at me like I rape ickle firsties for fun. Things will be better for both of us when he's gone."

Hermione stared at him in horror, and could not withhold the tears.

"You BASTARD," she spat thickly at Ron. It was the first time that Ron had ever heard her swear, and he was stunned speechless for a moment.

"He saved Ginny's life, Ron! And he's about to save the whole bloody world! Again!"

Hermione's voice had risen to the point that she was practically shouting at the top of her lungs. She took a second to regain her composure.

"And don't think I don't know you're feeding him love potions," she said fiercely. "It's the only thing that explains it. How can you be such a selfish, loathsome..."

"How did you…" Ron interrupted her, but then stopped. "It's none of your bloody business, Hermione. And don't even think of telling him. Remember the oaths."

Hermione shook her head violently.

"You disgust me, Ronald Weasley. Harry's life has been miserable, and you should be ashamed that—,"

But Ron cut her off, practically shaking with rage at her accusations.

"His life?! His life?! What about my life? What about your life? This is how his life is supposed to be, but why do I have to give up mine? I'm fucking tired of babysitting him! I'm not allowed to do anything! I'm not allowed to have real friends! And I'm sick of it! You may like having books for friends, but I bloody well don't!"

Ron had slowly advanced on her as he ranted, and was now standing only inches away. He stopped and stared at her, as if daring her to contradict him.

"So I'm not really your friend, is that what you're saying, Ronald?"

Hermione was no longer crying, just glaring spitefully at the redhead in front of her.

When Ron didn't respond right away, Hermione just nodded.

"Right, then. As soon as this over, you will stay away from me. I will not answer your questions; I will not do your homework; I will not help your pathetic, lazy arse at all. Good day, Ronald."

Hermione released her silencing spell with a muttered "finite incantatem" and marched out the door, leaving a silent Ron in her wake.

Ron stared out the door she had just exited for a while, as if contemplating her words. Then he too left.

Unbeknownst to either of them, their conversation had been overheard.


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