College year

my college year has been

like wasted potential

i tried to talk to someone

they just step back

all they need is puff

i need to breath the air

must've been so cool

lying about me

to the evergreen group

who was shattered by me

you know i met with

so many people

they had their own thinking

i never had a nerve

to say about myself

cause i think i was different

got cussed by a teacher

nah left him i don't care

cause of him i broke the internet

with group and my friendship

once the thread is cutted

it can't be fixed again

like our friendship

all i ever did was try

my best to hide my queerness

but you all knew

then hated me for me that too

i was fine with it until

you said "you guys should die"

damn i was trying from past years

now scene 2

all changed into trauma

the friends who were friends with

were over now

guess me and my bestfriend would roam around

to collect the proof why he left her?

and why i got the name of the ditcher

but all did we found out is that

everyone liked my bestie

they hated me cause i was hanging with her

i should've undertsood that

it's the metality of boys

who think a friend could steal their wives

crushing bones and futhermore

he said to pavil

to stay away from me and my bestie

as we're both toxic

and we just walk on our own

scene 3

must feel free

but no

started to build myself

with taking HR as my subject

got to learn alot by it that

i loved mind reading

now i left making prophecy

i left all the assumption games

i left even my bestie

for good

got friendships and heaven was i in

then again back to hell

when i lost another friend

got into counselling

she said things so bad to me

and i did to her

my bestie left coming to college

i was finding a boyfriend

and didn't found one

cause of my insecurity