The Devourer's Arrival

The darkness grew thicker, like palpable fog, and a chilling wind began to howl. Lin Yue and the elemental sects knew the Devourer had finally arrived.

A massive, shadowy form materialized, its presence warping the air and distorting the elements. The Devourer's eyes glowed like embers, burning with an insatiable hunger.

"You fools," it growled, its voice like thunder. "You think you can defeat me? I have consumed worlds beyond count!"

Lin Yue stood tall, the Amulet of the Elements glowing brightly around his neck. "We will not back down," he declared. "We will protect our world!"

The elemental sects unleashed their combined powers, unleashing a maelstrom of earth, water, fire, and wood against the Devourer. But the creature was relentless, absorbing their attacks and growing stronger with each blow.

As the battle raged on, Lin Yue realized that their strategy needed to change. He sought out the Oracle's guidance, hoping to find a weakness in the Devourer's armor...